View Full Version : radio station prank calls jewish parents, parents freak out

3rd January 2018, 05:15 AM
a peek behind the curtain

daughter and radio station act like daughter is going on a date with an italian guy. parents hit the roof


3rd January 2018, 05:45 AM
a peek behind the curtain

daughter and radio station act like daughter is going on a date with an italian guy. parents hit the roof


But the Jews tell us that race mixing is okay. Only for us Goyim though huh??

3rd January 2018, 08:10 AM
The most stunning thing about this, is that this blatant hypocrisy isn't recognized by more people. When pushed on the issue, well the jews have to protect their race and culture and have their own nation just for them because of the hall of costs and the nazis and the anti-semitism, oy vey! But for White Europeans, well it's a sin NOT to race mix and mongrelize your heritage, because if you resist and believe that your culture is worth preserving, that means you're a white supremacist racist which is pretty much the most horrible thing ever.*

*This is literally what most modern day American Zionist Christians believe.

3rd January 2018, 08:17 AM
I remember this from years ago, the father showed his thug nature pretty quick - I was hoping for a heart attack.