View Full Version : Today's Trump Supporters

3rd January 2018, 09:54 PM

old steel
3rd January 2018, 09:56 PM


Oops my bad, photoshop.

But you get the point.



3rd January 2018, 09:59 PM


Obama never claimed to be a real American. Trump does. And his supporters insist he's "making America great again," despite her bow slipping beneath the waves.

old steel
3rd January 2018, 10:03 PM
Obama never claimed to be a real American. Trump does. And his supporters insist he's "making America great again," despite her bow slipping beneath the waves.

I like to believe that Trump, as an outsider, really didn't know how badly the USA had been taken over by the cabal.

The USA as a constitutional republic, died a long long time ago.

3rd January 2018, 10:36 PM
Obama never claimed to be a real American. Trump does. And his supporters insist he's "making America great again," despite her bow slipping beneath the waves.

Since around about 9/11 the U.S. as a state has been nothing but a Wall Street casino swamp, the swamp Wall Street is flooded currently.

That frothing that Greenspan talk about at the time will only now become evident in this current swell, to weeze da peeps.

old steel
3rd January 2018, 10:47 PM
"How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President."

"He had committed to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas when much of Congress was on vacation (Reference 3, 4, 5). When elected, Wilson passed the FED. Later, Wilson remorsefully replied (referring to the FED), "I have unwittingly ruined my country" (Reference 17, P. 31).

President Eisenhower warned us he had lost control of the beast and when they offed JFK POTUS in broad daylight they knew they could get away with anything.

They still do to this day.

President Trump?

The ball is in your court.

4th January 2018, 12:30 AM
Except, Old Steel, I disagree with you on one small, but VITAL, point: Trump is a con man.

Along with millions thursting for our beloved America back, I, along with them, fell for it. We were ripe for it, and he knows that business - taking people in.

I realized it on election night when he pardoned (in spirit, spoken aloud) the Hag. I suspect that a major portion of the increased republican vote came from folks like me that wanted to see the Hag, and her many hangers-on and guilty compatriots, GO TO JAIL, as he had said, out loud, on national TV, during the debates.

Hearing him pardon (in the casual sense) her right there as soon as he'd realized he'd won, was just too much to take - like having to pull out just before finishing. Who but a polished con man could pull off such a slick deal - I'll be glad when, and IF, he gets his.

Instead of "make america great again", it should be "make america a great fool again, such hopeful simpletons, we are".

4th January 2018, 07:43 AM
We may be screwed, but we were screwed long before Trump. I'm actually pleased with a few of the things he has accomplished in the almost first year - ending the Obamacare Mandate is a big one for me, getting that monkey off my back is a relief. Doubling the Standard Deduction also gives me some relief. These things may not be significant to you, but they are to me, and I look out for me and mine first. I assume you do the same?

Other things I'm pleased with is the constant media attacks against him, never seen anything like it my life. It has completely exposed them for what they are - liars and tools. Trump trolls them and they catch on fire and jump off the cliff. He also seems to be targeting pedos and human traffickers - the lowest of low, but somehow the very powerful. Lots of them are slithering away trying to get off the radar.

It is also very clear that a President has very little control over foreign affairs - all Presidents. They can either go along and look like they are in control, or be made to look weak.

All in all, I'm impressed by his ability to take hits all day every day. Not many people could withstand the constant attacks from all directions, including from CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA. The media is as powerful as any branch of government and they are 95% against him, using every trick in the book. But he fights back like a banshee and never seems to wither. I respect that.

4th January 2018, 07:49 AM
Obama never claimed to be a real American. Trump does. And his supporters insist he's "making America great again," despite her bow slipping beneath the waves.

You seem to be under the impression that there is a way to correct the sinking of a ship? There is no stopping this sinking.

old steel
4th January 2018, 09:24 AM
Except, Old Steel, I disagree with you on one small, but VITAL, point: Trump is a con man.

Along with millions thursting for our beloved America back, I, along with them, fell for it. We were ripe for it, and he knows that business - taking people in.

I realized it on election night when he pardoned (in spirit, spoken aloud) the Hag. I suspect that a major portion of the increased republican vote came from folks like me that wanted to see the Hag, and her many hangers-on and guilty compatriots, GO TO JAIL, as he had said, out loud, on national TV, during the debates.

Hearing him pardon (in the casual sense) her right there as soon as he'd realized he'd won, was just too much to take - like having to pull out just before finishing. Who but a polished con man could pull off such a slick deal - I'll be glad when, and IF, he gets his.

Instead of "make america great again", it should be "make america a great fool again, such hopeful simpletons, we are".

Oh i can see it, i just was and still am to some degree willing to hope against hope that somehow he would surprise all of us who are losing faith in his promises to take that big step (huge) and start arresting the traitors.

I still remember that day down in Montana when grandpa pulled that American silver dollar out of his pocket and handed it to me and told me, "here is to the good old USA, the greatest nation on the earth"

Still got the dollar but fond memories of what once was are hard to kill.

Dreams die hard around here.

4th January 2018, 10:16 AM
You seem to be under the impression that there is a way to correct the sinking of a ship? There is no stopping this sinking.

Uh, no.

Correctability of the sinking is the delusion of current Trump supporters. Hence, my OP.

4th January 2018, 10:29 AM
We may be screwed, but we were screwed long before Trump. I'm actually pleased with a few of the things he has accomplished in the almost first year - ending the Obamacare Mandate is a big one for me, getting that monkey off my back is a relief. Doubling the Standard Deduction also gives me some relief. These things may not be significant to you, but they are to me, and I look out for me and mine first. I assume you do the same?

Repeal of the Obamacare mandate, and ramping us up for war in the Middle East and East Asia? One small carrot, and a very large bomb.

Other things I'm pleased with is the constant media attacks against him, never seen anything like it my life. It has completely exposed them for what they are - liars and tools. Trump trolls them and they catch on fire and jump off the cliff. He also seems to be targeting pedos and human traffickers - the lowest of low, but somehow the very powerful. Lots of them are slithering away trying to get off the radar.


The same Masters that own the media own Trump. Did you not read 1984 in high school? Trump is the contrived "enemy," Emanuel Goldstein. The "media attacks" are the daily Two Minutes Hate.

Targeting pedos and human traffickers? WTF?! Is Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein, owner of Lolita Island, behind bars forever yet? NOPE. Has he shut down the nexus of international human trafficking, "Israel"? NOPE.

It is also very clear that a President has very little control over foreign affairs - all Presidents. They can either go along and look like they are in control, or be made to look weak.

So, are you admitting the President is merely a figurehead, and it does NOT matter who he (or she) is? The Masters simply decide, and hand "the President" the script? If this is so, why lionize Trump?

All in all, I'm impressed by his ability to take hits all day every day. Not many people could withstand the constant attacks from all directions, including from CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA. The media is as powerful as any branch of government and they are 95% against him, using every trick in the book. But he fights back like a banshee and never seems to wither. I respect that.

How long have you watched WWF/WWE? Trump never left the role he played there. It's VERY easy to "take hits all day" when you know they're part of the script.

4th January 2018, 11:16 AM
If he meant make America great again pre-1997 his only first response would be to remove the PPT.

Not a chance, i think he went into finally tune and sharpen it, PPT is tits up to a Trump.

4th January 2018, 12:30 PM
Hate hate hate...trump trump trump!

4th January 2018, 12:44 PM
Repeal of the Obamacare mandate, and ramping us up for war in the Middle East and East Asia? One small carrot, and a very large bomb.

Repealing the Mandate and doubling of the Standard Deduction is not a small carrot - for people who work for a living, it is a very big deal. Do you have to work or are well off enough not to be concerned? If it is not an issue for you, congratulations on your success. Have a little empathy for those not so fortunate as you seem to be. Everything isn't all or nothing for the working man.

I doubt there will be a war against NK or Iran - they are more than the US military can handle, since it is well understood that China will support NK if attacked. Iran is 80 million people and have allies. Iran is not the weak country the US attacked with their Iraq proxy in the 80's - even then, Iran was ramping up for a major defeat against Iraq when Iraq begged for peace knowing the tide had turned. The US only fights against countries that can't effectively fight back, just like Israel. Any attack on Iran will be the end of the US in the ME and the end of Israel and SA. All bluff and bluster against real fighters.

The same Masters that own the media own Trump. Did you not read 1984 in high school? Trump is the contrived "enemy," Emanuel Goldstein. The "media attacks" are the daily Two Minutes Hate.

I read it and it is 2018 and I do mostly what I want. The program has failed and the push back is real.Trump is not subject to the TWO Minutes of Hate - it is 24/7 and it has failed. I've never seen it used on a President at this level before - why is that?

Targeting pedos and human traffickers? WTF?! Is Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein, owner of Lolita Island, behind bars forever yet?

Show me the Flight Logs with Trump at Lolita Island or any proof he was ever there? Plenty of proof about Bill and Hillary from court docs. Trump banned Epstein from his properties long before he was President. My take on Trump is that he is a sexual prude.

Has he shut down the nexus of international human trafficking, "Israel"? NOPE. Time will tell.

So, are you admitting the President is merely a figurehead, and it does NOT matter who he (or she) is?

In foreign affairs, yes. Presidents are not all powerful, they have the ability to persuade, not dictate. He's pretty good at.

The Masters simply decide, and hand "the President" the script? If this is so, why lionize Trump?

I don't lionize, I give credit where credit is due. He's got guts and is a very strong person - more so than anyone I've seen in decades.

How long have you watched WWF/WWE? Trump never left the role he played there. It's VERY easy to "take hits all day" when you know they're part of the script.

Did the WWF/WWE just start with Trump? No other elected President has ever been subject to this level of treatment. When the heat got on Nixon, he resigned, even though his "crimes" seem petty today.

During the primaries, they put 17 major candidates against him including the Jeb the anointed one, Senators, Governors, everything they could throw at him. They mocked, ridiculed, lied, and played every hand in the book. He withstood - that wasn't WWF, that was a man handling his adversaries.

I know many modern men are put off by manly competitive men, that's just where we are socially. Trump won something like a dozen Country Club Championships in golf, which if you know anything about it, it is highly competitive venue with highly skilled golfers. I grew up playing competitive golf in Texas and to see somebody from NY City with his skills is pretty impressive. And that he can still play a good game at 70 is even more impressive. He is a rare type.

We are one year in (almost) and we will all see how things go.

4th January 2018, 02:24 PM
I am pleased, he can resign now and he did enough...



4th January 2018, 02:37 PM
I am pleased, he can resign now and he did enough...

I'm having a hard believing the pic of Hillary with a Cankle Monitor. She would never go public like that.

4th January 2018, 04:13 PM
I'm having a hard believing the pic of Hillary with a Cankle Monitor. She would never go public like that.

I agree, never!

4th January 2018, 06:58 PM
My take on Trump is that he is a sexual prude.


Yeah, he's a real celibate monk.

I know many modern men are put off by manly competitive men, that's just where we are socially. Trump won something like a dozen Country Club Championships in golf, which if you know anything about it, it is highly competitive venue with highly skilled golfers. I grew up playing competitive golf in Texas and to see somebody from NY City with his skills is pretty impressive. And that he can still play a good game at 70 is even more impressive. He is a rare type.



Thanks for the admission your stance on Trump is emotional, not rational.

"If you don't swallow Trump's cock, you must be a SJW faggot." :rolleyes:

4th January 2018, 07:45 PM
Jake Morphonios has a video about Trump and Steve Bannon that's pretty good. He points out that Trump used the nationalists in this country to get elected then he got rid of them and is going with the globalists. Jake doesn't come right out and say trumps a liar but Trumps a liar and Jake just avoids saying those words.

He also talks about the people who support Trump no matter what he does and they just keep making excuses for him and can't own up to the truth.

Trump said he was going to drain the swamp but he's surrounded himself with the hardcore swamp. This video is long but it's pretty truthful and entertaining. We've been screwed again by the Jews.


4th January 2018, 08:20 PM
Yeah, he's a real celibate monk.

He's a germaphobe - germaphobes are not sex freaks. Gloria Alred's daughter Bloom paid out $800,000 to women to makes claims against him during election - all bogus and criminal.

He is exactly right about star worshiping women - they throw themselves at big celebrities. They can grab them anywhere they want and do anything they want to them, and they'll come back for more and brag about it. They line up after concerts and rock stars take their pick. Same with pro athletes - Wilt Chamberlain said they were waiting for him after every game.

Thanks for the admission your stance on Trump is emotional, not rational.

"If you don't swallow Trump's cock, you must be a SJW faggot." :rolleyes:

Nothing emotional about it - sorry you got triggered.

4th January 2018, 08:52 PM
He's a germaphobe - germaphobes are not sex freaks. ...He is exactly right about star worshiping women - they throw themselves at big celebrities. They can grab them anywhere they want and do anything they want to them, and they'll come back for more and brag about it. They line up after concerts and rock stars take their pick. Same with pro athletes - Wilt Chamberlain said they were waiting for him after every game.

He clearly enjoys it. And you are in denial.

The vast majority of females who voted for Trump voted for him due to the image, the fantasy..."powerful man." I suspect a lot of closet fag "conservatives" did, as well. "Do it to me, Donald, do it to me!"

"I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it....I did try and fuck her. She was married....I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

-- Donald "the Wholesome One" Trump

Nothing emotional about it - sorry you got triggered.

Triggered? LOL

Do you like swallowing his schlong daily? After all, that's exactly what you do when you defend the indefensible. A man is able to admit the facts, something clearly you are unable or unwilling to do.

4th January 2018, 09:01 PM
He clearly enjoys it. And you are in denial.

The vast majority of females who voted for Trump voted for him due to the image, the fantasy..."powerful man." I suspect a lot of closet fag "conservatives" did, as well. "Do it to me, Donald, do it to me!"

"I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it....I did try and fuck her. She was married....I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

-- Donald "the Wholesome One" Trump

Triggered? LOL

Do you like swallowing his schlong daily? After all, that's exactly what you do when you defend the indefensible. A man is able to admit the facts, something clearly you are unable or unwilling to do.

Fuck you punk. You're vulgar, and as much as up bring sucking dicks, I'm sure you've done it plenty.

4th January 2018, 09:05 PM
Fuck you punk. You're vulgar, and as much as up bring sucking dicks, I'm sure you've done it plenty.

LOL...you asked if I was triggered. I don't get triggered...but obviously you do.

A man is able to admit the facts, something clearly you are unable or unwilling to do.

Trump fucks you daily, and you LIKE it.

4th January 2018, 09:09 PM
LOL...you asked if I was triggered. I don't get triggered...but clearly you do.

A man is able to admit the facts, something clearly you are unable or unwilling to do.

Trump fucks you daily, and you LIKE it.

You're just a bitter loser that can't handle the shit hand you've been dealt. Fuck you and fuck off - I'm done with you.

4th January 2018, 09:35 PM
You're just a bitter loser that can't handle the shit hand you've been dealt. Fuck you and fuck off - I'm done with you.

You're proof that Trump supporters are really closet leftist snowflakes. Why the anger?

I've given you the facts, and you can't handle them.

old steel
5th January 2018, 11:29 AM
It turns out that “Fire and Fury” contains evidence that Trump’s policy is not so much America First as it is Israel First. But the Russia-crazed mainstream US media has shown little interest in Israelgate. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/what-michael-wolffs-fire-and-fury-says-about-trumps-collusion-israel … (https://t.co/wHnUM7vU4R) via @AliAbunimah (https://twitter.com/AliAbunimah)



5th January 2018, 12:21 PM
You're wasting your time man!
You're just a bitter loser that can't handle the shit hand you've been dealt. Fuck you and fuck off - I'm done with you.

5th January 2018, 12:23 PM
Books don't contain evidence. Books contain paper and ink. The guy who wrote this book is a jew with a history of lying to get attention.
It turns out that “Fire and Fury” contains evidence that Trump’s policy is not so much America First as it is Israel First. But the Russia-crazed mainstream US media has shown little interest in Israelgate. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/what-michael-wolffs-fire-and-fury-says-about-trumps-collusion-israel … (https://t.co/wHnUM7vU4R) via @AliAbunimah (https://twitter.com/AliAbunimah)



6th January 2018, 10:34 AM
Is why foreign aid were a terrible solution to begin with.

Any U.S. president remaining true to his oath would eliminate foreign aid entirely.

Along with the PPT.

Yeah, everyone has those "its impossible and "3d chess" excuses

old steel
6th January 2018, 11:38 AM
It's the petro dollar that allows all the aid both home and abroad. 43 million still on food stamps.

Once it goes things will change, rapidly.

6th January 2018, 12:40 PM
T's morning tweet storm sings his own praises-- read from bottom up

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) 8h8 hours ago (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/949619270631256064)
....to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
73,164 replies 23,340 retweets 91,118 likes

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) 8h8 hours ago (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/949618475877765120)
....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
49,273 replies 26,097 retweets 90,177 likes

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) 8h8 hours ago (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/949616329463615489)
Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.....
27,114 replies 23,288 retweets 94,091 likes

6th January 2018, 12:49 PM
"Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart....I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star....."



He clearly counts being a "top T.V. star" as more respectable than his career in business.


6th January 2018, 03:54 PM
More people relate to 'celebrity status' than they do to 'businessman'.

It's just the way it is.....

6th January 2018, 04:57 PM
More people relate to 'celebrity status' than they do to 'businessman'.

It's just the way it is.....

That's pretty obvious.


6th January 2018, 05:26 PM
That's pretty obvious.

http://image.trentonian.com/storyimage/TT/20151119/NEWS/151119734/AR/0/AR-151119734.jpg&maxh=400&maxw=667 As much as I do disagree and do not like what you stand for. Mostly to the extream.!

But this post fits in so many ways.

I have been waiting for this, because this grin of a movie , does remind me of what what is going on now..

Trump fits along with the sell outs . Note" ever notice how political critters will go to extreams to remain in office? To the point of changing party's?

They are all sell outs , other than for themselves.

Because mostly that if out of office they will become nothing, they love the power, fuck the real world,

Not enough rope to deal with these types...

Max term limits , no one can hold an political office more than 8 years or so, longer than that the corruption WILL set in , and in some cases they enter office corrupted.

Said by an independent.

We need a 3 party system, the old plus the independent ones , tho that is not perfect. But for dam sure better than we have.

Life and people are messy, but god help me give me choices than all thinking the same, then we turn into human robots, if allowed to happen.

Look at the shit now, most repubs support the idiot , just to get their aggendas passed.

But the backlash will be huge, even my crystal ball can see that. Repubs = the very rich and big buzz, The dems now more for the people tho both are flawed at the core, the answer is in the middle that takes the good from both sides..

But I am just dreaming, next two elections cycles the republicans are going to have their old asses handed to them, fact!


6th January 2018, 10:12 PM
As much as I do disagree and do not like what you stand for. Mostly to the extream.!

But this post fits in so many ways.

I have been waiting for this, because this grin of a movie , does remind me of what what is going on now..

Trump fits along with the sell outs . Note" ever notice how political critters will go to extreams to remain in office? To the point of changing party's?

They are all sell outs , other than for themselves.

Because mostly that if out of office they will become nothing, they love the power, fuck the real world,

Not enough rope to deal with these types...

Max term limits , no one can hold an political office more than 8 years or so, longer than that the corruption WILL set in , and in some cases they enter office corrupted.

Said by an independent.

We need a 3 party system, the old plus the independent ones , tho that is not perfect. But for dam sure better than we have.

Life and people are messy, but god help me give me choices than all thinking the same, then we turn into human robots, if allowed to happen.

Look at the shit now, most repubs support the idiot , just to get their aggendas passed.

But the backlash will be huge, even my crystal ball can see that. Repubs = the very rich and big buzz, The dems now more for the people tho both are flawed at the core, the answer is in the middle that takes the good from both sides..

But I am just dreaming, next two elections cycles the republicans are going to have their old asses handed to them, fact!


You can see the insanity that the political system has brought but still you can’t think beyond mild political reform?

6th January 2018, 11:24 PM
the 2 party system is alive and well, they're completely partisan and communist, if you removed party completely from their politics they would not have any legs to stand with.

Trump is nothing but a sacrificial lamb to either party and tptb. Many persons think tptb don't know how to deliver them a lamb when tptb is heritage of goat herders.

7th January 2018, 02:18 AM
Max term limits , no one can hold an political office more than 8 years or so, longer than that the corruption WILL set in , and in some cases they enter office corrupted.

Said by an independent.

We need a 3 party system, the old plus the independent ones , tho that is not perfect. But for dam sure better than we have.

Legislation and rules cannot correct a corrupt population.

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

If the population were not as corrupt as its "leaders," the People would have neutralized the problem long ago. Alas.

"What I stand for" are the values that created and built America (and Western Civilization in general). And nothing less than a sweeping cleansing is going to correct the disease in this civilization. Unfortunately, many are unable or unwilling to accept what is necessary because it threatens them personally (personal interests before righteous interests).

7th January 2018, 09:33 AM
another proof the system is beyond repair... what has become of that lawsuit?

Judicial Watch Sues for Records about Obama White House Unmasking of Trump Associates
Lawsuit Seeks Records Sent to Obama WH Official Susan Rice about Russia Collusion, Surveillance, Hacking Investigation, Unmasking
MAY 25, 2017