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View Full Version : Bitcoin isn't the bubble — the global financial system is

9th January 2018, 02:01 PM
this author is too suffering from the "mania butterfly", if the whole value system is a gigantic bubble, how can we recognize when something or anything is valuable? when everything is so much overvalued, cryptos are too, there is no way to define any value

Bitcoin isn't the bubble — the global financial system is
© Getty Images

Pretty much every article you read about bitcoin in the mainstream press ends up in the same place. You may not hear it until the seventh or eighth paragraph, but eventually you’ll be told that the whole thing is nothing more than a modern day "tulip bubble." The more creative types will also throw around the South Sea or Mississippi Bubble. You get the point. The consensus among the very smart experts is unanimous: bitcoin is clearly and indisputably a gigantic bubble that’s set to burst. I’ve been hearing this since the early days of getting involved in the space back in 2012. But I’m not convinced.

For one thing, bubbles don’t do what bitcoin has done since its inception in 2009. During my 10-year tenure on Wall Street, I saw several bubbles grow and then burst, and one thing you learn is that an actual bubble rises like crazy and then totally pops. It doesn’t come right back a couple of years later and soar again to a new price 10 times greater than the previous bubble's high, which is what bitcoin has done after each one of its three or four previous “bubbles” burst.

That’s not a bubble, but something else entirely......................

Therein lies the crux of the issue. Bitcoin and the crypto asset ecosystem it spawned seem to be a logical reaction to our zombified financial system, which itself is built upon the shaky foundations of a gigantic debt bubble. The rise of bitcoin foreshadows the emergence of something potent and new in the realm of money and finance, which also happens to be something the world desperately needs.


9th January 2018, 05:05 PM
This is why the physical metals group is a great investment, Gold, Silver, Brass, Blue Steel, and lead. As Ponce says " If you don't hold it, you don't own it"

9th January 2018, 08:12 PM
"Investments" are, more often than not, a get rich quick scheme for gain without work.

The Wall Street Casino, like all gambling, depends on ever more suckers looking to "make it big." It appears we're nearing the top of that, and the high-stakes players will be showing their hands soon...watch very closely. When the music stops, the vast majority will be left standing without a seat of security, holding empty promises in hand. The same tribe that runs the Wall Street Casino runs the (((mass media))), so don't rely on the latter, for they'll address the disaster only after their tribesman have fled to safety.

Those who hold physical metals, much more often than not, seek security to protect the value of what they've earned, not a get rich quick scheme. Conversely, those who play with with FAKE "metal" in the Wall Street Casino are in it for easy gain, and, are a cause of sorrows for those who hold physical metals.

10th January 2018, 12:45 AM
I really wouldnt mind PMs backed currencies in a zero sum game economy... but look at the PMs today, manipulation and fiat bubbles keep their prices depressed. But lets not beat around the bush, this has happened this way because of the speculation mantra itself. If people didnt speculate, ((they)) wouldnt be able to depress metal prices

When buying into materialism, it becomes our trap. Thats the ((dark)) magic of money.