View Full Version : Mohammed Is Most Popular Name For Newborn Boys In Holland For 2nd Year Straight

Twisted Titan
15th January 2018, 01:58 AM
Mohammed Is Most Popular Name For Newborn Boys In Holland For 2nd Year Straight

Dutch mainstream media reported (https://nos.nl/artikel/2211526-bijbelse-namen-in-trek-noah-en-emma-vorig-jaar-op-1.html) that Noah was the most popular baby name for boys in the Netherlands, but a little digging turned out a different finding.

https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/20180114_ducth.png (https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/20180114_ducth.png)

The name Noah was putatively considered the most popular boy’s name for 2017, having been given to 635 new-born boys in the Netherlands. But as VoE reports (https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/01/mohammed-most-popular-name-for-newborn-boys-in-the-netherlands-for-second-year-in-a-row/#.WloeEysz-Vk.twitter), a journalist (https://www.powned.tv/artikel/meest-populaire-jongensnaam-in-2017-noah-of-m) from broadcaster Powned did some research into the database, however, and noticed that another name, a non-traditional Dutch name, was slightly more prevalent.

This journalist checked for Mohammed and its alternative spellings.

He thus counted:

Mohammed 221, Mohamed 211, Muhammed 110, Mohammad 51, Muhammad 43 and reached a total of 636. Other forms like Mohamad, Muhamed, Muhammet, Mouhamed, Muhamad and Mahamuud could not be checked for “privacy reasons”.

Of course, other forms of Noah like Noa and Noach should be checked as well for the sake of fairness: both, however, were not listed according to the Dutch journalist.

The author says (https://www.powned.tv/artikel/meest-populaire-jongensnaam-in-2017-noah-of-m), it is the second year in a row that Mohammed is the most popular name for baby boys: In 2016 there were 724 baby’s named Mohammed (or one of it’s Arabic alternatives) in the Netherlands.

He also mentions that the same tendency was seen in England in 2016: It is not Oliver, but Mohammed (https://qz.com/1082778/popular-baby-names-muhammad-is-actually-the-most-boys-name-in-england-and-wales-not-oliver/) (with all its permutations), that is the most popular name for baby boys.

15th January 2018, 02:05 PM
And to think these names all have one thing in common...............HAM.......................

15th January 2018, 03:00 PM
It's heartbreaking really, that most of European Christendom is so cucked that they're volunteering away their own history, culture and society to the moslems. What the eff is wrong with White Europe that they're so eager to give up all that makes them who they are?

Uncle Salty
15th January 2018, 05:34 PM
What the eff is wrong with White Europe that they're so eager to give up all that makes them who they are?

They've been brainwashed by their media overlords...

15th January 2018, 06:49 PM
White women engage in the single most deadly act since World War II that has led to this irreversible scenario:


But no, I don't blame only White women for it...the White "men" have become such scumbags that many White women are afraid to have children with such human garbage. And ultimately, White "men" abandoned their leadership role.

15th January 2018, 06:52 PM
It's heartbreaking really, that most of European Christendom is so cucked that they're volunteering away their own history, culture and society to the moslems. What the eff is wrong with White Europe that they're so eager to give up all that makes them who they are?

Technology leads to slothfulness and slothfulness leads to immorality. Unfortunately, our forebears were right when they said idle hands are the Devil's workshop. And certain technologies have captured the minds and hearts of the masses, assuring reversal of the rot is next to impossible.

Twisted Titan
15th January 2018, 10:54 PM
It's heartbreaking really, that most of European Christendom is so cucked that they're volunteering away their own history, culture and society to the moslems. What the eff is wrong with White Europe that they're so eager to give up all that makes them who they are?

we have all seen the process of gold and silver being refined in the furnace

There is part when the silver or gold is molten red it makes this stuff call "dross" cake up at the very top and at has to be scrapped off.

That refining process happens several times before you come to perfect purity.

People that are so flawed as to be dismissive of their own destruction will be burned away like that dross.

What you will have is a people that will have a love a pride that is unique to their tribe and customs.

Its coming sooner rather than later.