View Full Version : German State TV Encourages White Families to Convert to Islam

16th January 2018, 07:43 AM
If you thought the Islamification of Germany (and all of Europe) was just a passive reluctance to resist Islam as they grow, this tells a different story. Here we have on the official German state TV a broadcast showing White families how to convert their families to Islam.


I don't know how to embed twitter videos, so you have to click the link.

16th January 2018, 07:52 AM
Too bad we took the wrong side in WWII! Patton knew and they killed him to keep him quiet! No one is going to save the Germans now because America and the Russian communists killed off all the brave Germans like the ones below who would counter this shit and only left the snowflakes and girly men of today in their place.


16th January 2018, 07:56 AM
White muslims.

What could go wrong?

16th January 2018, 08:22 AM
If you thought the Islamification of Germany (and all of Europe) was just a passive reluctance to resist Islam as they grow, this tells a different story. Here we have on the official German state TV a broadcast showing White families how to convert their families to Islam.


I don't know how to embed twitter videos, so you have to click the link.

It might be a good idea for folks to watch that video before twitter bans it. Scary stuff, indeed, and it's happening right now. What we are witnessing is the complete destruction of European culture. I've read that if things keep going at this rate, France will be an Islamic nation, under Islamic law, by 2028.

After watching this video, I think Germany will be first, and a lot sooner than that.

16th January 2018, 09:30 AM
It might be a good idea for folks to watch that video before twitter bans it. Scary stuff, indeed, and it's happening right now. What we are witnessing is the complete destruction of European culture. I've read that if things keep going at this rate, France will be an Islamic nation, under Islamic law, by 2028.

After watching this video, I think Germany will be first, and a lot sooner than that.

The video is on jewtube, but is in german, no english subtitles



16th January 2018, 09:41 AM
I've read that if things keep going at this rate, France will be an Islamic nation, under Islamic law, by 2028.And whatever fragment of ethnically White French are left will shrug and say, "well, we can't be mean to moslems, so I guess they can rule us now."

old steel
16th January 2018, 10:23 AM
Evil bitches at twitter already disabled it.

Fuckers! Like we can't figure out the agenda.

White race is being destroyed and replaced.



16th January 2018, 02:35 PM
??? war has never... ever... never profited the masses... so one must be "mind controlled" to enroll in any army... I have always found war absurd when I was young, knowledge confirmed my intuition. Any leader speaking of war should be impeached

Too bad we took the wrong side in WWII! Patton knew and they killed him to keep him quiet! No one is going to save the Germans now because America and the Russian communists killed off all the brave Germans like the ones below who would counter this shit and only left the snowflakes and girly men of today in their place.


16th January 2018, 03:21 PM
And whatever fragment of ethnically White French are left will shrug and say, "well, we can't be mean to moslems, so I guess they can rule us now."

I don't think so, I think there will be a lot of violent fighting going on in Europe over the next several years. Awhile back, someone here posted an article describing how Islam takes over a country, based upon the percentage of the population. Every time, once Islam reaches enough of a percentage in the population, extremest groups get a stronghold, and it's a total disaster. Likely, France, and Germany, will end up looking like how Syria is now. I bet it ends up being WW 3. The line in the sand being Poland and Hungary forming a resistance.

16th January 2018, 07:25 PM
3 years, western Europe will fall to Islam.

You've got Merkel importing millions into Germany. All the njord countries have fallen already, from Holland, to Sweden all the way to Finland. Rape central. The Brits were tough with Churchill, now they are a bunch of pussies. France is France and is what's to be expected, no backbone at all. Italy, I'm not sure what to think there. They seem to just jump on the back of who ever is winning, in this case Islam.

All these cultures are falling, hard. Yet, nobody gives a shit.

16th January 2018, 07:35 PM
None of you Dicks on this forum even give a shit, right? What's going on in Europe?

Nobody has any thoughts on this? You bastards are a bunch of cowards. You live safe, in the USA, and you get to gripe on an internet forum. Well, fuck all, enjoy the comforts you have.

midnight rambler
16th January 2018, 07:40 PM
None of you Dicks on this forum even give a shit, right? What's going on in Europe?

Nobody has any thoughts on this? You bastards are a bunch of cowards. You live safe, in the USA, and you get to gripe on an internet forum. Well, fuck all, enjoy the comforts you have.

I'm standing where I live. I've never been to Europe, it's not my AO. I talk up the problem with people I know as much as I dare, given the climate. I'm ready to engage at a moment's notice, ready to show that I can give as well as get. What are you doing about the situation Pete??

ETA: the situation in the states as not as *safe* as many think.

16th January 2018, 07:47 PM
Germany is in dire need of another Hitler to lead the German people out of this and exterminate the Muslims.

16th January 2018, 07:52 PM
Germany is in dire need of another Hitler to lead the German people out of this and exterminate the Muslims.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/dfe2f890456d0bd98445e081adc09aed0ba7e94436e1d4ab69 b99ecae4c43f4f.png

We should be doing this first in the USA.

16th January 2018, 08:02 PM
What are you doing about the situation Pete??

ETA: the situation in the states as not as *safe* as many think.

I'm not doing anything about the situation...nothing I can do, but sit on the sidelines and watch. Any suggestions on what we can do? It's tough to watch the world change, but realize there's nothing you can do to stop it.

edit: maybe what I am doing is sharing my thoughts on this forum.

16th January 2018, 08:08 PM
I'm not doing anything about the situation...nothing I can do, but sit on the sidelines and watch. Any suggestions on what we can do? It's tough to watch the world change, but realize there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I have many EU friends that bitch about the political climate but none will comment about any immigration issue. These people are very out said folks but will not even mention a bit of it even when confronted on the issue.

16th January 2018, 08:13 PM
Germany is in dire need of another Hitler to lead the German people out of this and exterminate the Muslims.

Germany needs a leader who will protect Germany. Hitler invaded other countries, killed other cultures...he's basically the modern day equivalent of Islam.

Countries TODAY, need to protect their cultures, not destroy others or allow themselves to be destroyed. Closed borders, imo, are the solution.

midnight rambler
16th January 2018, 09:02 PM
Pete, you are SO wrong. You’ve been completely sucked in by the Chosenites’ propaganda.


17th January 2018, 01:24 AM
Germany needs a leader who will protect Germany. Hitler invaded other countries, killed other cultures...he's basically the modern day equivalent of Islam.

Countries TODAY, need to protect their cultures, not destroy others or allow themselves to be destroyed. Closed borders, imo, are the solution.

The Treaty of Versailles has been described as a gang rape of Germany that led to WWII and I agree. If you care to read about that rape the information at the link I'll post is pretty good.


17th January 2018, 06:45 AM
Pete, you are SO wrong. You’ve been completely sucked in by the Chosenites’ propaganda.


Here's the 245 page pdf https://www.docdroid.net/hSHD9I3/the-bad-war-the-truth-never-taught-about-world-war-ii.pdf

17th January 2018, 08:42 AM
Germany needs a leader

The WHOLE world will be CRYING for a "leader" soon enough and TPTB will give them one.
The Bible calls him the MAN OF SIN, the SON OF PERDITION and the BEAST (he is NEVER called THE anti-Christ) even though he represents the epitome of the Anti-Christ Spirit!