View Full Version : Crypto-Bloodbath | Venezualan Cryptocurrency backed by Oil

18th January 2018, 02:01 AM
any decision always depends on the Mind, is thus subjected to be let go at ANY time... blockchain will never be able to circumvent the immutable Principle Of Mentalism. but wall street wants us to believe we can.


In an effort to counter the US scheme and curb high inflation, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced creation of a cryptocurrency on December 3 - called the petro.

Venezuela is launching a cryptocurrency backed by oil, gas, gold and diamonds
Published 6:51 PM ET Sun, 3 Dec 2017


18th January 2018, 01:40 PM
its interesting to see crypto folks thinking out loud about what may have happened... blockchain isnt "emotion proof" , the Mind is always in command.... ((their)) weapon is of course FEAR.


Bitcoin Fall Extends to 25% as Fears of Crypto Crackdown ...

Report: China shutting down cryptocurrency exchanges

20th January 2018, 02:18 AM
So crytocurrencies have perfectly demonstrated how volatile they can be, like the Dow, they seem to be back up. Mike Adams, others and myself are proven right.

Fear/coercion can destroy any structure. Thoughts have a "magical/metaphysical property" , they can create and undo in the blink of an eye. Therefore must we be very careful before projecting any of our thoughts. The most lasting and positive effects are obtained when thoughts respect Creation and refute any form of coercion: voluntaryism binds all Natural Laws for a greater good.

the major cause of enslavement is speculation itself, which allows ((them)) to thwart or control any market... and speculation is a fear driven motion. I think I nailed it completely now. The deception is absolutely bottomlesssssssssssss. The world is not going anywhere until we begin to see through the smokescreen that is materialism.

US Government Shutdown in 12 Hours, Meanwhile Stocks All Time High


Despite 11th-hour meetings between President Donald Trump and leaders of both parties in Congress, efforts to avert a government shutdown have failed. A sticking point was the status of over 700,000 illegal immigrants.

corbett report: The Bitcoin Psyop



20th January 2018, 01:43 PM
corbett is a must listen... sell your bitcoins NOW and donate some of the profits to a real charity in your own town. I could see a full crypto-bloodbath occurring this year yet, and next time it will be far greater than 25% down.

22nd January 2018, 02:51 AM
F%#k oil.

22nd January 2018, 03:38 PM
corbett explains:
Bitcoin is in a bubble.
Bitcoin is not blockchain.

yet many keep linking the two

Max Igan - Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self


23rd January 2018, 01:06 AM
funny, Josh acknowledges BITcoin manipulation just as for gold and silver, yet he predicts BITcoin $100K... dont invest in crypto if you know nothing about, says Josh... while lukes acknowledges the "get rich quick scheme" euphoria (which causes the bubble)....

Josh says that "corbett' bitcoin psyop" is very informative though, what is hard to deny, but still sells the mania arguing that the banking system is going down... nope it is not, ((They)) are prepared for it since they are at least 2 generations ahead and that ((they)) want to abolish cash anyway.

bottom line: one does not fight the banks with "the get rich quick scheme mentality/greed", that is where sharks lurk and wait. The dark magic of money. It is people's own greed that imprisons them
'Cryptocurrency BANS are inevitable' Macron and Merkel to trigger global bitcoin crackdown

In this video, Luke Rudkowski talks with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about the recent price drop of Bitcoin as well as government regulators attempting to stamp out Bitcoin throughout the world.


27th January 2018, 11:33 PM
RED ALERT: People Are Mortgaging Their Houses to Buy Bitcoin | Fortune

a bubble is defined by bullishness and irrational recklessness, the psychology of a bubble is what it is... no if but when

The next phase will be caused by people trying to cash in, sell, at some point they will sell at a lower price and this will be the beginning of the end...

BitConnect collapse reveals that cryptocurrency sites can really only succeed as long as they receive good press to build “confidence”

Why Bitcoin Will Crash HARD


Bitcoin is the Biggest Ponzi Scheme In History
didnt listen to this one yet


Everybody buying BITCOIN now is the "greater fool" (mike adams explains the bitcoin manipulation)


31st January 2018, 01:09 PM
an australian business man claimed to be the ghost of satoshi nakamoto, it gets better every day because there are others making the same claim :)

the ending is a good twist, well sorta

Bitcoins Mysterious Origins Revealed (2017)


Uncle Salty
31st January 2018, 04:41 PM
People are retards.

Money need not be backed by anything.

It just needs to be fully convertible into an asset that can protect against inflation and serve as a store of value.

That is Freegold and it is coming.

31st January 2018, 07:15 PM
Great vid there by Corbett on da bitchain.

Must share.

What makes one mans tools more valuable than anothers?

Availabilty and functionality.

Blockchains all have same functionality and widely available at fingertips.

If u need a wrench i can either throw one at you or you can get a chisel from somebody else.

2nd February 2018, 11:14 AM

5th March 2018, 10:46 AM
Igan in peru right now, getting more insight from the spirit of the jungle :)

Social Crediting, Cryptocurrencies and the Smart Grid


6th March 2018, 11:58 AM
Igan in peru right now, getting more insight from the spirit of the jungle :)

Excellent video and summary,

The jungle spirit is most powerful at shaking that control from you and transferring power to someone else.

So much so that many jungle goers completely ignore anyone or anything that's only digital.

Even eachother in conversation :)

22nd March 2018, 02:25 AM
hey you guys should search bitcoin loophole a bit... the latest scam

never trust a mind manipulated by money


2nd April 2018, 01:40 AM
something to chew on... the more speculation the more downsides, one way or another Nature will want to go back to her zero-sum game... back to equilibrium. the top elites are merely using God's laws enhancing peace and voluntaryism against us... and of course satanic darwinism (behind the drafts of man's driven laws) led us there. Man was given the dominion over nature to precisely be able to escape darwinism and destroyed by it.

Each Bitcoin Requires 80,000 Times More Electricity Than A Credit Card Transaction (march 2018)



2nd April 2018, 08:17 AM
Reminds me of Corporate law in costa rica,

The state thinks it can generate an anonymous/limited liability entity (corporation) then also somehow note and attach a numbered citizen to be directly liable for it.

Though any foreigner (who is not numbered) is also free to create that anon. corporate entity.

Anything is possible with law in a captured market.