View Full Version : Mel Gibson & Neil Riordan, Ph.D. on Stem Cells

19th January 2018, 06:03 AM

20th January 2018, 02:56 AM
I hate to be contrary, but the "doctor" failed to introduce himself with his credintials, and, his "testimonials" sound too good to be true. I'm bettin' that it costs a fortune to get this "treatment" and they don't keep total records as to what happens IN ALL CASES. I realize there is a lot of suspicion as to the FDA and the Standard of Care, but, without regulation then we'd be subject to any number of "snake-oil-like" salesmen sounding like this guy did.

I don't believe him, and, having a celebrity come on with him is just another clue that this is a come-on, but for a huge price tag.

I'm also betting that the "doctor" is a jew.

Sorry, I have to speak my mind about this kind of thing. I have an autistic granddaughter and, for a little bit, I fell for his speel about helping autistic children - we want so much for a miracle when it is our loved ones, and providing phony (and expensive) "miracles" to those without hope is what jews SPECIALIZE in.

20th January 2018, 05:59 AM
Mel Gibson is controlled opposition.

20th January 2018, 06:03 AM
Dr. Tent talks about his stem cell treatment.