23rd January 2018, 05:23 AM
The decision comes after serial killer Levi Bellfield, who murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, was reportedly awarded nearly £6,000 in compensation for receiving a swollen lip in a prison fight.
: ‘The widespread bruising to your head, black eyes, bloody nose, bloodshot left eye, swelling over your cheek, tenderness around your jaw and bruising and cuts to your neck are not listed in Annex E. [We are] therefore unable to make an award for these injuries as they are not qualifying injuries.’
The decision comes after serial killer Levi Bellfield, who murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, was reportedly awarded nearly £6,000 in compensation for receiving a swollen lip in a prison fight.
: ‘The widespread bruising to your head, black eyes, bloody nose, bloodshot left eye, swelling over your cheek, tenderness around your jaw and bruising and cuts to your neck are not listed in Annex E. [We are] therefore unable to make an award for these injuries as they are not qualifying injuries.’