View Full Version : Blonde German woman transforms herself into a “negress”

23rd January 2018, 01:40 PM
She is making trannies look sane.

Here’s how she ended up. A monstrosity.

The pics are gross.

23rd January 2018, 04:49 PM
The reactions of the Niggers and Niggerlovers to this should be a hoot.

23rd January 2018, 04:57 PM
Cultural Marxism once it takes hold in a society is like cancer. It will completely kill the host...

23rd January 2018, 06:49 PM
Did she do it so men will leave her alone? She should know black men don't want black women anymore, they want white pussy.
If that was her goal, she's exceeded it. No one will touch it now.

PS: anyone notice half the commercials on TV now, all show a black and white together, or a white couple with a black kid.
If someone was dropped here from outer space and they turned on the TV, they'd think everyone is mixed, or married interracial.

23rd January 2018, 08:05 PM
PS: anyone notice half the commercials on TV now, all show a black and white together, or a white couple with a black kid.

Gee, what did I miss by not watching Talmudvision...

(but, yes, I've seen the commercials, on YouTube...Nigger male, White woman has been the norm in (((advertising))) for a long time, and now the mixed Niglet comes, too).

24th January 2018, 12:40 AM
all extremes are manipulative... this is a payback for hundreds of years of institutionalized exploitative interventionism/xenophobia... using GUILT as a boomerang... conclusion: REMAIN centered at all time even amid the twilight zone...

more realistically, as long as she is an isolated case, no need to worry, some will do anything for fame and $$$.... she has definitely lost her marbles though, indeed she makes big money out of it.

time for a GOOD laugh ???



25th January 2019, 03:49 PM
She is planning to have black babies now.

A white German couple who identify as black sparked outrage with comments made during a TV interview about their, as yet unconceived, child’s appearance.

30 year old Martina Big, a former glamour model, has radically altered her appearance with tanning injections to become a black woman, and claims she now “100 per cent identifies” as one.

She said that she and her white husband are expecting to have a black or ‘milk chocolate’ baby.

midnight rambler
25th January 2019, 04:02 PM
She is planning to have black babies now.


Can't just change those genes, you'll never be a real nigger no matter how much nigger culture you embrace.

25th January 2019, 04:50 PM
Can't just change those genes, you'll never be a real nigger no matter how much nigger culture you embrace.

I'm not so sure about that.

26th January 2019, 01:45 AM
She probably bought a nigger embryo, or got inseminated with nigger sperm...