View Full Version : We All Have Morgellons From Chemtrails?

24th January 2018, 01:31 AM
IF true... indeed how to recognize shit hole countries now?
ALSO: https://chemtrailsplanet.net/2015/11/20/morgellons/

Here is a video by a Naturopathic doctor who has studied Morgellons, chemtrails, and samples from the general public. We all have Morgellons disease which is really just a bioweapon to kill and also enslave mankind. I have done the rinse with red grape juice and the Morgellons that is in my mouth came pouring out. I have no other physical outward symptoms of Morgellons. I have tested blood, urine, and saliva samples under a cheap microscope which shows very strange things. I have purchased a more advance microscope and will continue to study this. I have taken a black light to the walls in my home and these neon fibers of different colors are all over the walls. We are under biological attack from chemtrails, packaged food, and our water supply. I believe these things have also wired us internally, they send and receive signals. This is how targeted individuals are attacked. Here is part 2 to this video..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKKeeiB2HJ0


The Power Of The Heart Over The Head is what is needed to fix the world... and ((they)) know this, that is why materialism has been used to fragment society to no end. That is why so many regard socialism as the solution, but the devil lies in the details: it cannot be enforced. Freedom must stand by itself, it is an axiom... all man made laws are bunk

24th January 2018, 06:39 AM
I respect Carnicom. I don't know how extensive actual Morgellons is, but it is beyond debate that Chemtrails (Climatic Geoengineering) are having major health effects on normal human beings., as well as most living things in the Biosphere.

I do wonder if certain "human beings" are immune to the biological and chemical weapons they are spraying. "Human beings" who are actually human devils.

24th January 2018, 06:46 AM
Oklahoma State University continues its research on Morgellons, dispelling the lie that it is merely "delusional parasitosis."



24th January 2018, 02:35 PM
I have not seen one chemtrail in 8 years since arriving in CR.

I'm recently consider drinking distilled water and battery acid to remove any of their remainders.

24th January 2018, 03:32 PM
I have not seen one chemtrail in 8 years since arriving in CR.

I'm recently consider drinking distilled water and battery acid to remove any of their remainders.
You can joke about distilled water but try it for a day and see if you notice anything, I did and it was very positive.

24th January 2018, 04:44 PM
You can joke about distilled water but try it for a day and see if you notice anything, I did and it was very positive.

The old lady Alemano illegal pharmacist at the corner deals me FREE grocery bags full of distilled water in small medicinal single oz serving breakable sanitary glass vials.

You think, I'm joking :)


Not, have sauna photos to survey.

24th January 2018, 04:57 PM
Morgellons (/mɔː(ɹ)ˈdʒɛlənz/) is the informal name of a self-diagnosed skin condition in which individuals have sores that they believe contain some kind of fibers.[1] Morgellons is poorly understood but the general medical consensus is that it is a form of delusional parasitosis; the sores are the result of compulsive scratching, and the fibers, when analysed, turn out to originate from textiles....
Doc: What's the problem.
Patient: I have delusional parasitosis
Doc: Ya gotta visit the psych ward for that cure

Wait until you hear of the remedy for delusional fracture or delusional obesity. Especially bad is a case of delusional physician. Ya gotta write the AMA for a cure.

24th January 2018, 05:38 PM
i have not seen one chemtrail in 8 years since arriving in cr.

I'm recently consider drinking distilled water and battery acid to remove any of their remainders.


24th January 2018, 10:07 PM
You can joke about distilled water but try it for a day and see if you notice anything, I did and it was very positive.

I did and I noticed something:


25th January 2018, 01:59 AM
can you cite a few details about it, any reason why we should try? I am considering peroxyded water, which has huge healing properties, I am reading

You can joke about distilled water but try it for a day and see if you notice anything, I did and it was very positive.