View Full Version : VIdeo exposing the pre-meditated murder of Levoy Finnicum.

25th January 2018, 08:23 PM

If you got 50 minutes and want to see a convincing case against the lawmen who conspired, pre-meditated, and then MURDERED Levoy Finnicum, followed by the flimsiest case of a multiple-perjurious COVERUP, take a look.

26th January 2018, 12:42 AM
I can't watch that. I already believe the good man was executed by thugs.

I can't watch that any more than I can watch footage from Dresden or the Holodomor. It induces rage.

26th January 2018, 03:15 AM
Here are a couple of links to sites the guy that did the investigation in the video above used to post his research on in the past. I don't know if he has another site other than these two. He did a lot of really good work going through different scenarios exposing the lies and photo shopping the government did to cover up Lavoys murder.

His name is Peter Offermann



26th January 2018, 07:00 AM
Here are a couple of links to sites the guy that did the investigation in the video above used to post his research on in the past. I don't know if he has another site other than these two. He did a lot of really good work going through different scenarios exposing the lies and photo shopping the government did to cover up Lavoys murder.

His name is Peter Offermann



I was mistaken about who did the video posted above and I believe that it was done by Casey Runyan. Peter Offerman did an analysis and comments on the links I posted. There is a comment by Bill Goode about the videos and an analysis by Peter Offerman of the murder of Lavoy at this link on the mental militia.


26th January 2018, 11:09 AM
I can't watch that. I already believe the good man was executed by thugs.

I can't watch that any more than I can watch footage from Dresden or the Holodomor. It induces rage.
Not to derail this great thread but THESE are REAL holocausts... dresden... holodomor.... WHY ??

26th January 2018, 11:35 AM
Not to derail this great thread but THESE are REAL holocausts... dresden... holodomor.... WHY ??

Go to this link JD and you will find the answer to your question.


26th January 2018, 12:08 PM
Posted on Jeanette Finicum's Facebook

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/27021537_568907540111313_181588052932680896_o.jpg? oh=ac45c8c8afac61e042e3b00ee149d90e&oe=5B23A9FD

26th January 2018, 12:22 PM
On the second anniversary of LaVoy's murder his widow files a wrongful death suit in Oregon


Wrongful Death Civil Suit Filed on the The Second Anniversary of Lavoy Finicum’s Murder in Oregon

Posted on January 26, 2018 (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/2018/01/wrongful-death-civil-suit-filed-on-the-the-second-anniversary-of-lavoy-finicums-murder-in-oregon/) by Doug Knowles (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/author/doug-knowles/)

https://i2.wp.com/itmattershowyoustand.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/12640288_1015587675164686_7835690564185938162_o.jp g?resize=720%2C352&ssl=1
Today, Attorney Morgan Philpot, representing Jeanette Finicum, widow of Lavoy Finicum Shot and Killed at blind curve roadblock by Oregon State Police and FBI agents on January 26th, 2016, filed the attached Civil Demand for a Jury Trial in Oregon Federal District Court.

Lavoy was driving his truck with passengers Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, Victoria Sharp and Ryan Payne, to a meeting with Sherrif Glenn Palmer in John Day. The murder and arrests marked the beginning of the end to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Harney County Oregon.

Lavoy along with Ammon Bundy and other supporters had taken a hard stand by occupying the Refuge after Steve and Dwight Hammond was sent back to a Federal Prison to fulfill the mandatory sentence of 5 years that had been shortened by the Federal Judge in the first trial that they were convicted for backfires that they had set to protect their property adjacent to BLM land, that got out of control. He had ruled that the mandatory 5 years was excessive for the charges that they were convicted. The U.S. Prosecutor’s office appealed and won causing them to serve the remaining sentence. Where they are still in federal prison today.

Lavoy spoke openly and publicly about the issues and grievances of Ranchers in the West had with the Federal Government over Public Lands and the various agency adversely effecting the range Ranchers and their livelihoods that were and continue to be Forced out of Business.

Posted in Ammon Bundy (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/ammon-bundy/), Court (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/court/), FBI (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/fbi/), Jeanette Finicum (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/jeanette-finicum/), Jeff Sessions (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/jeff-sessions/), Land (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/land/), Maulher (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/maulher/), News (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/news/), Ryan Bundy (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/ryan-bundy/), Ryan Payne (https://itmattershowyoustand.com/category/ryan-payne/).
Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.

26th January 2018, 01:17 PM
May she win !

He was executed.

26th January 2018, 03:38 PM
Video officially announcing Jeanette Finicum’s wrongful death lawsuit ~ LaVoy Finicum



28th January 2018, 01:05 PM
Tribute to LaVoy Finicum ~ A Message From LaVoy Finicum - the Tree of LibertyRTR TRUTH MEDIA™ Tom Lacovara Stewart (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC1pBNTQynfTomkUIg5HXjMg) 50 views



28th January 2018, 04:13 PM
^ That was a nice tribute to Lavoy and I enjoyed his story of the revolutionary soldiers that he spoke of in this video. It reminded me of another story of a patriot that gave his life fighting for freedom.

Phillip Marlowe tells the story of Thomas "Stonewall Jackson" and a civil war battle he was involved in. This is a quote from the story....

"In a truly horrible turn of events, Jackson was wounded by his own men that evening while out reconnoitering enemy positions. When he died a few weeks later from pneumonia brought on by fever, his famous last words to those gathered around him were

“let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.”


Lavoy crossed over the river to the other side standing up and fighting for freedom and he joins many others who have done the same and have gone home. I hope they are all resting together under the trees.

Mary Fahl is a Celtic singer that does a beautiful Irish ballad about the journey home. It seems to me to be a fitting song for Lavoy and others who have stood and fought for freedom so I'll post the words and music below.

They say there's a place , where dreams have all gone
They never said where, but I think I know
Its miles through the night just over the dawn
On the road that will take me home
I know in my bones, I've been here before
The ground feels the same, tho the land's been torn
I've a long way to go, the stars tell me so
On this road that will take me home.
Love waits for me round the bend
Leads me endlessly on
Surely sorrows shall find their end
And all our troubles will be gone
And I know what I've lost, and all that I won
When the road finally takes me home

And when I pass by , don't lead me astray
Don't try and stop me , don't stand in my way
I'm bound for the hills where cool waters flow
On this road that will take me home
Love waits for me round the bend
Leads me endlessly on
Surely sorrows shall find their end
And all our troubles will be gone
And we'll know what we've lost and all that we've won
When the road finally takes me home.
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home


28th January 2018, 08:30 PM
The beauty of the nordic woman is worth fighting for, and dying for;
For without such a face to gaze upon, what else is there?

29th January 2018, 12:48 AM
The beauty of the nordic woman is worth fighting for, and dying for;
For without such a face to gaze upon, what else is there?
It has always been about the women. They have turned away from their men though and now we face extinction through this genocide.

29th January 2018, 05:05 AM
It has always been about the women. They have turned away from their men though and now we face extinction through this genocide.

Some have have turned against there own kind but not all have yet because of the brain washing of the filthy jews that desire is to destroy all of the white race.

7th February 2018, 06:20 PM
The FBI looks terrible in killing of rancher LaVoy Finicum

FBI Looks Terrible in Killing of Rancher LaVoy Finicum (http://www.independentsentinel.com/fbi-looks-terrible-killing-rancher-lavoy-finicum/)

S.Noble (http://www.independentsentinel.com/author/freebird/)February 4, 2018
https://i0.wp.com/static.addtoany.com/buttons/share_save_120_16.png?zoom=2&ssl=1 (https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independentsentinel.com %2Ffbi-looks-terrible-killing-rancher-lavoy-finicum%2F&title=FBI%20Looks%20Terrible%20in%20Killing%20of%2 0Rancher%20LaVoy%20Finicum)


The FBI looks terrible (http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2018/02/fbi_told_oregon_state_police_n.html#incart_river_h ome) in the death of Robert LaVoy Finicum who was shot and killed by police during a refuge occupation in Oregon in 2016. Several issues of concern have surfaced: the FBI agent lied about shooting Mr. Finicum and firing at the truck, the FBI asked the State police to not wear their body cameras that day, and the FBI requested State police not record the interviews of the agents.

Witness testimony, audio, and video evidence plus bullet trajectory analysis all confirmed that FBI agent W. Joseph Astarita lied about firing two shots at the truck driven by LaVoy Finicum after he drove into a snowbank. One shot pierced the roof of the truck hitting passenger Ryan Bundy and terrorizing the other passengers.

Mr. Finicum left the van – with his hands up – to draw the gunfire away from the van. Within seconds, the police say Mr. Finicum reached inside his jacket for a gun and was killed.

The government revealed the Oregon State Police SWAT troopers at the scene are ordinarily required to wear body cameras. They didn’t that day at the request of the FBI. The FBI did obtain video from FBI surveillance planes flying above the scene.

State police detectives normally record interviews of officers but didn’t that night when interviewing the FBI team. That was again at the FBI’s request. The FBI also asked them to interview the team as a group and not individually.

A follow-up interview with the hostage team members also came with unusual conditions, prosecutors note.

The shooting came as the FBI and state police moved to arrest the leaders of the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as they drove to a meeting outside the refuge on Jan. 26, 2016.

The leaders had left the refuge before without incident and didn’t expect January 26th would be any different.

The cowboy occupiers thought it was simply a demonstration of civil disobedience. At the same time, Occupy Wall Street and other groups were in the news for taking over parks and buildings, damaging property, without incident.

By the time State police interviewed agents, they knew two shots were unaccounted for. The agents set conditions for the interview: They could only be interviewed as a group, the interview couldn’t be recorded and their lawyer could be present on a speakerphone.

The state police detectives found those conditions “particularly an unrecorded group interview – odd and problematic, but reluctantly agreed to them, believing that the alternative would be no interview at all,” prosecutors wrote.


READ THE DETAILS AT OREGON LIVE (http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2018/02/fbi_told_oregon_state_police_n.html#incart_river_h ome)
https://i0.wp.com/static.addtoany.com/buttons/share_save_120_16.png?zoom=2&ssl=1 (https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independentsentinel.com %2Ffbi-looks-terrible-killing-rancher-lavoy-finicum%2F&title=FBI%20Looks%20Terrible%20in%20Killing%20of%2 0Rancher%20LaVoy%20Finicum)

9th February 2018, 02:11 PM
Jeanette Finicum "Why we will fight this wrongful death case with EVERYTHING we have."



7th April 2018, 08:14 AM
The bisexual communist dyke governor of Oregon who is responsible for the murder of LaVoy Finicum refuses to send National Guard to border. The folks in Oregon must be real proud of this piece of work they call Governor.


Governor Responsible For Death of Lavoy Finicum Refuses To Send Nat’l Guard To Border #Trump #Oregon #border

April 6, 2018 11:49 am
CLICK TO PURCHASE YOURS NOW! (https://store.keepandbear.com/collections/apparel/products/your-approval-not-required?aff=21)

The governor of Oregon says she’ll resist any attempt by Donald Trump to deploy her state’s National Guard detachment to protect America’s southern border, and California’s governor appears poised to follow suit.

The same governor that is defying the President is also directly responsible for the death of rancher Lavoy Finicum.


Trending: Washed Up, Has-Been, Former Clinton Sec of State Albright Babbles Inanely About Trump #Clinton #Trump (https://o4anews.com/washed-former-clinton-sec-state-albright-babbles-inanely-trump/)

The president signed a proclamation (https://o4anews.com/trump-clarifies-national-guard-to-be-mobilized-for-border-defense/) on Wednesday that orders Defense Secretary James Mattis to ‘request use of National Guard personnel to assist’ with the Homeland Security Department’s existing border patrol operations.

‘If @realDonaldTrump asks me to deploy Oregon Guard troops to the Mexico border, I’ll say no,’ Oregon Gov. Kate Brown tweeted Wednesday. ‘As Commander of Oregon’s Guard, I’m deeply troubled by Trump’s plan to militarize our border.’
So what you're saying is you're a traitor and should be tried, convicted, and had the harshest sentence according to law carried out upon yourself.
Thank you for clarifying your treasonous intent.

REMEMBER LAVOY! pic.twitter.com/v9RyrIMatz (https://t.co/v9RyrIMatz)

— overpasses4America (@o4america) April 6, 2018 (https://twitter.com/o4america/status/982282930482438145?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Oregon is about 1,000 miles from where the U.S. ends and Mexico begins.

The Washington Times reports (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/apr/4/kate-brown-defy-trump-if-oregon-national-guard-ord/)that Brown acknowledged in a second posting that ‘[t]here’s been no outreach by the President or federal officials,’ but insisted that she has ‘no intention of allowing Oregon’s guard troops to be used to distract from his troubles in Washington.’

Presidents can call up National Guard units using two different legal authorities, both enacted by Congress in 1956.

One, known as Title 10, would allow Trump to ‘federalize’ the Guard, ordering it to assemble for ‘active duty.’ That is typically reserved for wartime deployment or an officially declared ‘state of emergency. It also would apply if there were an open rebellion against the government.

But Trump invoked the weaker Title 32 law, which puts the burden on governors to order the Guard to duty ‘for operational Homeland Defense activities,’ according to a the National Guard Association of the U.S.

That means Oregon’s governor and others can ignore the president’s order entirely – or refuse it publicly.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said Wednesday that he welcomes the National Guard order from Washington, and noted that ‘Texas has maintained a continuous presence of National Guard members along the border’ since he took office.

Oregon is nowhere near Mexico. But like Texas, California is – and Golden State governor Jerry Brown is the only Democrat serving as chief executive of a state that shares America’s southern border.

https://o4anews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/free-trump-hats-300x235.jpg (http://coalitionfortrumpsuperstore.com/hidden-jewels/?afmc=overpasses)

In Obama’s border deployment, Guard troops were limited to advisory and observer roles, serving as extra eyes and ears for U.S. Border Patrol units and often limited to using binoculars in guard towers.

Under rules of engagement issued by Obama’s Pentagon, they were forbidden to pursue, confront or detain suspects, including illegal immigrants.

They also couldn’t make arrests, stop or search vehicles, or seize drugs.

Trump’s Defense Department hasn’t said what Guard troops will be told this time around, but the president’s proclamation specifies that their mission would be ‘to stop the flow of deadly drugs and other contraband, gang members and other criminals, and illegal aliens into this country.’

CLICK HERE FOR RELATED OR SIMILAR CONTENT. (https://o4anews.com/?s=lavoy)Tell us what you think in comments below!


Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk
April 6th, 2018

7th April 2018, 03:12 PM
Showing intent to shoot invaders is probably a much stronger demotivator to prospective invaders than a wall anyway. Probably not too many needs to be shot anyway before the message is understood by most...

Let Mexico pay for the funerals!

old steel
7th April 2018, 04:18 PM
Where is the trial for those evil FBI thugs that killed an American patriot?

Motherfuckers need to pay for the innocent blood they spilled.

I wish i could have been in the trees with my scoped .300wm

RIP Lavoy Finnicum, a true patriot!

https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. oku5maq6VoOB0DG9GcAGewHaHa%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

old steel
7th April 2018, 06:30 PM
Spineless cowards shot him in the back, 3 times!

This is right from the horses mouth, interview with his wife right now on 'American Standoff'

She saw the entry and exit wounds when examining her dead husbands body.

He never had a gun in his hand.

Trigger happy feds just like Ruby Ridge!


Lying bastards trying to say he didn't comply like the rest in the truck, deep black LIES!!!

His arms were raised and still they shot him!

They shot the tuck full of holes, it's amazing to me no one else was killed.

30th April 2018, 12:14 PM
Opinion of Dr. Angus McIntosh

https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c8.0.50.50/p50x50/10559885_831333520210693_359556112458352895_n.jpg? _nc_cat=0&oh=ee71d2a7f00132299c1b65e13e0f9597&oe=5B99565D
Fact: plastic-foam bullets cannot disable a vehicle, nor break vehicle windows for the purpose of introducing CS or tear-gas.

Fact: the FBI and OSP kill-team fired dozens of plastic-foam bullets at Lavoy’s truck. In V.S.’s live radio interview she said it sounded like at least a hundred rounds hit the truck.

Question: Why would experienced officers who knew those plastic-foam bullets could not disable the truck, break out windows, nor leave bullet-hole evidence, fire over 30 rounds at the truck and continue to fire even after the driver had exited, and been shot in the back thee times with his hands in the air?

Answer: Ambush intended to provoke a gun battle resulting in 4 murders and a “justified” shooting argument.

​https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/ym/r/IKrON1RLHfZ.pngAbout Angus McIntosh (https://www.facebook.com/angusmcintosh2/about)


https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c32.0.40.40/p40x40/13886297_628508640640251_2300935765249179214_n.png ?_nc_cat=0&oh=70f7bd1a59d81ca3181b119d14a46984&oe=5B54C491 (https://www.facebook.com/Range-Allotment-Owners-628508377306944/)
Executive, Range Allotment Owners 2016 to present, Craig, Colorado
Association of Western Allotment Owners

https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c12.0.40.40/p40x40/399548_10149999285987789_1102888142_n.png?_nc_cat= 0&oh=aa218a0138600bc18942eff22522e48d&oe=5B5030F0 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/LAW-USA/255689717952847) LAW USA

Director Natural Resources Law & Policy Research · 2013 to present · LaSalle, Colorado

Direct research and educational activities to accomplish the goals and purposes of the Land And Water USA Foundation

Edit: V.S. referred to above is the teenage girl Victoria Sharp who was a passenger in LaVoy’s truck when he was murdered.

30th April 2018, 03:15 PM
LaVoy’s daughter’s response to Angus McIntosh


https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/30713590_10156691913678287_6676276131894657024_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=c4f5caf0e05dda180824efd7c0ee26b3&oe=5B5FA064

Thara Tenney

Thanks Angus McIntosh (https://www.facebook.com/angusmcintosh2?fref=mentions) for your expressed input in regard to the murder of my father. We believe strongly truth will come out in the litigation process of our wrongful death case! #Justice4LaVoy (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/justice4lavoy?source=feed_text)

5th May 2018, 06:55 PM
Red Pill EXPO has been chosen to exclusivly present the World Premier of “Lavoy: Dead Man Talking” on June 21

This is a special message from Patrick Wood, Editor of Technocracy.News and founder of Coherent Publishing, LLC



Dear Friend,
Red Pill EXPO has been chosen to exclusively present the world premier of the new documentary LAVOY: Dead Man Talking! This is the tragic story of Arizona rancher and patriotic American LaVoy Finicum, who was shot down by FBI and Oregon State troopers on January 26, 2016 for refusing to cave in to government overreach.This is an amazing documentary that should be seen by EVERY American. The movie will be presented on Thursday evening, June 21 at the 'opening ceremonies' of Red Pill EXPO, and ALL ticket holders will be entitled to attend. Yes, we will also be LIVE STREAMING so any Livestream ticket holder will see the movie as well. The entire EXPO runs from June 21 -23. This is Thursday evening, all-day Friday and all-day Saturday and packs in messages from 24 nationally-known experts. Red Pill EXPO is simply an event that you don't want to miss! Get your tickets today and meet us there!
https://gallery.mailchimp.com/618b293006fe51df78c0a451d/images/a1034236-97e9-4a72-aee7-aa2e57b9770c.jpg (https://redpillexpo.org/ref/1)

Click the banner above to order your tickets, but use the Discount Code "wood" in the shopping cart and you will receive an instant 15% discount on all tickets purchased.

With this special 15% discount, prices will never be lower for you to personally attend Red Pill EXPO. But, if you just cannot make it, the discount works on the Live Stream video ticket as well!Red Pill EXPO is going to be the most hard-hitting conference of the decade, and we are doing everything in our power to tell ALL of America to get on board. Please join us in Spokane, Washington for this exclusive event.
Yours for Liberty,

Patrick Wood
Editor and Author

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