View Full Version : "Missing" fbi texts

26th January 2018, 09:16 AM
Well well... the 5 months of missing texts were "found"! Heres my take. Just like the missing whitewater docs, and the missing hillary emails they are CONVENIENTLY "found" later. I think they "lose" them so they can scrub the bad ones, or in the case of the whitewater docs - completely re write them! Then the sanitized -nothing to see here- version is released to the public.
Who "found" them? Tribesman michael horowitz!
Panem et circenses

27th January 2018, 07:49 AM
Like I read somewhere the other day, all they had to do was ask the IG, he has everything. Poof.....there they are.

If if that didn’t work, ask the cell provider, they’ve got everything too.

If that doesn’t work, try that great big data center that they built out in Utah.......it holds EVERYTHING.

27th January 2018, 11:10 AM
Like I read somewhere the other day, all they had to do was ask the IG, he has everything. Poof.....there they are.

If if that didn’t work, ask the cell provider, they’ve got everything too.

If that doesn’t work, try that great big data center that they built out in Utah.......it holds EVERYTHING.

The one in Utah monitors the UK. The one in the UK monitors the USi.

27th January 2018, 06:30 PM
The one in Utah monitors the UK. The one in the UK monitors the USi.

“You scratch my back and I scratch yours” kind of deal, without having to breaking your own countries law, surveilling your own citizens?

A bit like when they buy each other’s bonds, so it doesn’t look like they are monetizing the debt...

27th January 2018, 06:53 PM
“You scratch my back and I scratch yours” kind of deal, without having to breaking your own countries law, surveilling your own citizens?

A bit like when they buy each other’s bonds, so it doesn’t look like they are monetizing the debt...

Surprised you missed this, it was like 10 years ago when the issue of surveillance became an issue. I think it was during RP's run, not positive tho.

28th January 2018, 02:16 AM
Surprised you missed this, it was like 10 years ago when the issue of surveillance became an issue. I think it was during RP's run, not positive tho.

I do remember reading about this huge data collection center, but I always thought the collections for the center in Utah was for domestic purposes, but it makes sense to do it like you said, after all it is much more honorable to spy on the citizens of an ally than to do illegal surveillance on your own, you break less laws. Then sharing data with your allies is natural. ;D

29th January 2018, 05:32 AM
The one in Utah monitors the UK. The one in the UK monitors the USi.

BS........here’s what they collect......straight from the horses mouth: What Data We CollectEvery day, people leave a digital trail of electronic breadcrumbs as they go about their daily routine. They go to work using electronic fare cards; drive through intersections with traffic cameras; walk down the street past security cameras; surf the internet; pay for purchases with credit/debit cards; text or call their friends; and on and on.
There is no way to predict in advance which crucial piece of data will be the key to revealing a potential plot. The standard operating procedure for the Domestic Surveillance Directorate is to "collect all available information from all available sources all the time, every time, always".
In the spirit of openness and transparency, here is a partial list of current and planned future data collection targets:

internet searches (ie; here's a collection of searches by Federal Government workers (http://whitehouse.gov1.info/tunnel/secret.html))
websites visited
emails sent and received
social media activity (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
blogging activity including posts read, written, and commented on - View our patent (https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=www.google.com/patents/US7805291.pdf)
videos watched and/or uploaded online
photos viewed and/or uploaded online
mobile phone GPS-location data
mobile phone apps downloaded
phone call records - View our patent (http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=8,442,825.PN.&OS=PN/8,442,825&RS=PN/8,442,825)
text messages sent and received
Skype video calls
online purchases and auction transactions
credit card/ debit card transactions
financial information
legal documents
travel documents
health records
cable television shows watched and recorded
commuter toll records
electronic bus and subway passes / Smartpasses
facial recognition data from surveillance cameras
educational records
arrest records
driver license information
