View Full Version : In First, Judge Blocks Kansas Law Aimed at Boycotts of Israel

31st January 2018, 05:19 AM

TOPEKA, Kan. — The American Civil Liberties Union won an early victory today in its federal lawsuit arguing that a Kansas law requiring a public school educator to certify that she won’t boycott Israel violates her First Amendment rights.

A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the law while the case filed in October proceeds. It is the first ruling addressing a recent wave of laws nationwide aiming to punish people who boycott Israel.

The law, which took effect on July 1, requires that any person or company that contracts with the state submit a written certification that they are “not currently engaged in a boycott of Israel.” The ACLU is also currently fighting a case filed in December against a similar law in Arizona.

“The court has rightly recognized the serious First Amendment harms being inflicted by this misguided law, which imposes an unconstitutional ideological litmus test,” said ACLU attorney Brian Hauss, who argued the issue in court. “This ruling should serve as a warning to government officials around the country that the First Amendment prohibits the government from suppressing participation in political boycotts.”

In his opinion, U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree wrote, “[T]he Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment protects the right to participate in a boycott like the one punished by the Kansas law.”

Other Supreme Court decisions have established that the government may not require individuals to sign a certification regarding their political expression in order to obtain employment, contracts, or other benefits.

The ACLU represents Esther Koontz, who belongs to the Mennonite Church USA. In accordance with calls for boycott made by members of her congregation and her church, Koontz decided not to buy consumer products made by Israeli companies and international companies operating in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Koontz participates in this boycott in order to protest the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians and to pressure the country to change its policies.

Having served as a public school math teacher for nine years, Koontz now develops her school’s math curriculum and trains teachers on how to implement it. She is also qualified to train teachers statewide as a contractor with the Kansas Department of Education’s Math and Science Partnerships program. When Koontz was asked to certify that she does not participate in a boycott of Israel, she said that she could not sign the form in good conscience. As a result, the state refuses to contract with her, and she is unable to participate as a trainer in the state’s program.

Judge Crabtree wrote in his opinion, “She and others participating in this boycott of Israel seek to amplify their voices to influence change.”

The lawsuit argues that the Kansas law violates the First Amendment for several reasons: it compels speech regarding protected political beliefs, associations, and expression; restricts the political expression and association of government contractors; and discriminates against protected expression based on its content and viewpoint. The lawsuit asks the court to strike down the law and bar the Kansas Department of Education from requiring contractors to certify that they are not participating in boycotts of Israel.

The Kansas law is similar to legislation that has been passed in other states. The ACLU does not take a position on boycotts of foreign countries, but the organization has long supported the right to participate in political boycotts and has voiced opposition to bills that infringe on this important First Amendment right. In the lawsuit challenging the Arizona law, the ACLU represents an attorney and his one-person law office, which contracts with the government to provide legal services to incarcerated individuals.

In July, the ACLU sent a letter to members of Congress opposing a bill that would make it a felony to support certain boycotts of companies doing business in Israel and its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. As a result, Senate sponsors of the bill are considering changes.

Today’s ruling is here:


Also documents filed in the case are here:


31st January 2018, 03:27 PM
I may not be able to stop scumbag politicians from stealing my tax dollar to give to Israel, but I damn sure can boycott the place...:cool: Lorde agrees with me...(CNN) Grammy-award winning artist Lorde has canceled a scheduled concert in Tel Aviv following activists' calls for her to join the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel. ... Lorde is expected to clarify her decision on Twitter, he said.Dec 27, 2017

1st February 2018, 07:30 AM
Ester koontz.... irish?? Lol

1st February 2018, 09:46 PM
Ester koontz.... irish?? Lol

Growing up one of my friends uncles were Irish immigrants, Koontz

2nd February 2018, 06:58 AM
I may not be able to stop scumbag politicians from stealing my tax dollar

Sure you can. I suspect you just choose not to.

2nd February 2018, 08:20 AM
Sure you can. I suspect you just choose not to.Truth, I don't like the idea of prison, so I do pay taxes, and if you pay taxes...you support Israel.

2nd February 2018, 08:31 AM
Truth, I don't like the idea of prison, so I do pay taxes, and if you pay taxes...you support Israel.

Just an opinion but maybe a quick study of the trivium would help. Taxes are attached to commercial activity. Commercial activity is attached to money. Money is attached to banks. Banks are ... .well, you know where this is going.

Try to imagine yourself not requiring commerce, money or banks. I don't doubt this is a hard concept to grasp because of programming. Certainly something to overcome.

Fear of prison is irrational when your entire world has invisible bonds.

2nd February 2018, 08:33 AM
All hail the ACLU, they needed some support going forward from here...:rolleyes:

may Israel forgive them for their sins and continue to trample on their own people's liberties freely.

3rd February 2018, 05:40 PM
Ester koontz.... irish?? Lol

Most Mennonites are of German descent. A lot of Jews have co-opted German surnames for themselves. A Jewish Koontz and a Mennonite Koontz probably have nothing in common but the name.

1st April 2018, 05:48 PM
I push the Boycott Israel on other forums and I swear those guys have a response team just for Gentiles who rebel. I get attacked so darn quick.