View Full Version : Nanci Pelosi Proud That Grandson Wishes He Wasn't White

9th February 2018, 02:49 PM
Now, if she had a black grandson who wished he had white skin and blue eyes, would she still think that's "so beautiful," and "a proud day?" WTF?!??


On Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) spoke for nearly eight hours in support of immediately passing a “clean” DACA bill with no Republican provisions for immigration reform. While many mainstream news outlets lauded Pelosi’s speech for setting a House record for the longest continuous speech given there since 1909, several failed to report on some bizarre comments that the top Democrat made while telling a story about her grandson’s sixth birthday party.

In her anecdote, Pelosi recounted how her grandson made a birthday wish to have “brown skin and brown eyes” like one of his friends, who was from Guatemala. Pelosi described this occurrence as “so beautiful” that it was “a proud day for me.”



9th February 2018, 03:51 PM

9th February 2018, 04:03 PM
Pathetic and sick!

9th February 2018, 08:08 PM
Not much disgusts me but this is on top. What a fucking shit eating POS.

9th February 2018, 10:30 PM
I couldn't even watch the video. The good thing is that I think the tide is turning against the Left.