View Full Version : Jeff Sessions Says Opioid Addiction Starts With Marijuana

13th February 2018, 05:40 PM
Jeff Sessions Says Opioid Addiction Starts With Marijuana. Here Are 6 Studies That Say Otherwise (https://reason.com/blog/2018/02/07/jeff-sessions-says-opioid-addiction-star)

Sessions: "We think a lot of this is starting with marijuana and other drugs, too."

.J. Ciaramella (https://reason.com/people/cj-ciaramella/all)
Feb. 7, 2018 2:00 pm


General Jeff Sessions thinks marijuana may be a gateway to prescription opioid and heroin addiction. In fact, a number of academic studies show lower rates of opioid abuse and overdoses in states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event last night in honor of the late Ronald Reagan's birthday, Sessions lamented the "permissive rhetoric" and media coverage surrounding marijuana and other drugs.

"We don't think illegal drug use is 'recreation.' Lax enforcement, permissive rhetoric and the media have undermined the essential need to say no to drug use. Don't start," Sessions said (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/sessions-blames-media-drug-issues-says-marijuana-isnt-good/). "That's what President Trump said to us the other day in a meeting. What did Nancy Reagan say? Just say no. Don't start this stuff."

Sessions was also asked during a Q&A section about the opioid crisis. "My goal for 2018 is to see a further decline," he replied "We had a 7 percent decline last year in actual prescriptions of opioids. We think doctors are just prescribing too many....These pills become so addictive, and the DEA said a huge percentage of the heroin addiction starts with prescriptions. That may be an exaggerated number—they had it as high as 80 percent—but we think a lot of this is starting with marijuana and other drugs, too. We'll see what the facts show, but we need to reduce the prescription abuse and hopefully reduce the addiction that's out there."

WATCH: Attorney General Jeff Sessions says his goal for 2018 is to see a further decline in prescriptions of opioids, and says, "we think a lot of this is starting with marijuana and other drugs." pic.twitter.com/paWSsEuNrl (https://t.co/paWSsEuNrl)
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 7, 2018 (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/961057126864048128?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

If marijuana use leads to opioid abuse, you might expect states where pot can be obtained legally to have a bigger opioid problem. Yet numerous studies have found the opposite:

A 2017 study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-addiction-medical-marijuana/would-legalizing-medical-marijuana-help-curb-the-opioid-epidemic-idUSKBN16Y2HV) that states that legalized medical marijuana reported on average 23 percent fewer hospitalizations for opioid addiction and 13 percent fewer hospitalizations for opioid overdoses.
A 2017 study found (http://reason.com/blog/2017/11/28/new-mexico-study-suggests-medical-cannab) that New Mexico patients with chronic pain who enrolled in the state's medical marijuana program were likely to reduce their opioid dosage or even cease opioid use altogether.
A 2017 study (http://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.2017.304059) in Colorado found that marijuana legalization "was associated with short-term reductions in opioid-related deaths."
A 2016 study published by the American Journal of Public Health reported (http://reason.com/archives/2016/09/26/medical-marijuana-replaces-more-dangerou) that fatally injured drivers in car crashes were less likely to test positive for opioids in states with legal medical marijuana.
A 2016 study looking at prescriptions covered by Medicare found (http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/35/7/1230.abstract) that "the use of prescription drugs for which marijuana could serve as a clinical alternative fell significantly once a medical marijuana law was implemented."
A 2014 JAMA study found (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1898878) that states with legalized medical marijuana had on average a nearly 25 percent lower mortality rate for opioids.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment or additional information.

13th February 2018, 05:41 PM
Bullshit article promoting "medical Marijuana legality" vs whatever they want to point out.

old steel
13th February 2018, 06:01 PM
Quite the uninformed comment from the little AG man.

I'd be here for weeks listing all the people i know who use marijuana and only marijuana, don't drink, don't smoke tobacco and don't do any opioid drugs.

Humans are born with THC receptors in their bodies. What does that infer?

13th February 2018, 07:00 PM
Quite the uninformed comment from the little AG man.

I'd be here for weeks listing all the people i know who use marijuana and only marijuana, don't drink, don't smoke tobacco and don't do any opioid drugs.

Humans are born with THC receptors in their bodies. What does that infer?

Retarded, humans also have cocaine receptors (no clue what the scientific name is). Means humans can cure or fix themselves by what they use vs petrochemical medications.

14th February 2018, 02:57 AM
I know several serious pot heads, yes addiction to pot does exist, but that does not mean that smoking will lead to other forms of addiction

the slightest addiction, alcohool included, is way too often the result of the incapacity to make sense of a materialistic society that has taken over the sacredness of life. People would rather numb their minds instead of questioning the system and what to do about it.

the real cause is the "system rewarding money creation" no matter how we look at the picture, with the same usual suspects or not. Materialism = The Illusion of Everything, Nothing Is What You Think, and the PTBs master this illusion

Big Pharma spent $10million promoting opioid drug use to patients

14th February 2018, 03:45 AM
The mad keebler elf can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, I really can't believe no one has fired the goofy bastard yet. All addictions start with mothers milk...

14th February 2018, 04:03 AM
The mad keebler elf can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, I really can't believe no one has fired the goofy bastard yet. All addictions start with mothers milk...

Not necessarily the milk but rather the nipples.

14th February 2018, 06:34 AM
Same can be said to those who are in power. A little bit of control turns men into power obsessed control freaks who want to dictate what one can and cannot do with their own body.

14th February 2018, 06:43 AM
addiction (n.)

c. 1600, "tendency, inclination, penchant" (a less severe sense now obsolete); 1640s as "state of being (self)-addicted" to a habit, pursuit, etc., from Latin addictionem (nominative addictio) "an awarding, a delivering up," noun of action from past participle stem of addicere "to deliver, award; devote, consecrate, sacrifice" (see addict (v.)). In the sense "compulsion and need to take a drug as a result of prior use of it" from 1906, in reference to opium (there is an isolated instance from 1779 with reference to tobacco).

The concept of addiction began 112 years ago although apparently tobacco was considered addictive 239 years ago. Alcohol is not now nor has ever been part of the addiction universe.

14th February 2018, 07:14 AM
Sessions is an owner in the private for profit prison scheme.

I think he's worried about the never ending supply of docile compliant (read Profitable) pothead prisoners that populate his slave labor systems.

14th February 2018, 12:20 PM
Sessions is an owner in the private for profit prison scheme.

I think he's worried about the never ending supply of docile compliant (read Profitable) pothead prisoners that populate his slave labor systems.

Definitely a conflict of interest, wonder how long before he gets tossed?

old steel
14th February 2018, 03:01 PM
You could become addicted to pink lemonade juice if you allow your body to overrule your mind.

Addictions are for weak minded individuals.