View Full Version : A re-run of the 2008-9 financial crisis in making?

15th February 2018, 10:14 AM
They stopped giving niggers mortgages because they [drumroll] niggered out on them, surprise! Let’s try it again. Maybe the outcome will be different this time. ;D

From a RT article which refuses to have a proper link copied!
Banks unfairly deny mortgages to African-Americans and Latinos - report

African-Americans and Latinos are being disproportionately denied mortgage loans from eight major banks in comparison with white Americans. The disparity points to a major racial bias in bank mortgage lending across the US.

Black mortgage applicants were rejected by lenders at significantly higher rates than white Americans in 48 cities, Latinos in 25, Asians in nine and Native Americans in three.

The racial disparity came to light in Home Mortgage Disclosure Act records analysed by the Center for Investigative Reporting.

In Philadelphia, whites received 10 times as many conventional mortgage loans than African-Americans or Hispanics across 2015 and 2016.

Read more
© Corbis / Getty ImagesBlack Americans still 30% worse off than whites – equality report
“I had a fair amount of savings and still had so much trouble just left and right,” Rachelle Faroul told Reveal for the Center for Investigative Reporting. The 33-year-old African-American woman was refused a mortgage twice by lenders when she tried to buy a house in Philadelphia.

One of the worst offending banks was TD Bank, which turned down 54 percent of black homebuyers and 45 percent of Latino homebuyers, more than three times the industry averages, according to the data. TD released a statement, saying it “makes credit decisions based on each customer’s credit profile, not on factors such as race or ethnicity.”

Likewise, Ruoff Home Mortgage also displayed what appears to be strong bias in lending in favour of white Americans. The bank made 92 percent of its home loans to whites in 2015 and 2016. This was despite the bank’s large market being Indianapolis, which has a large African-American population.

The records cover major cities, including Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and San Antonio.

Read more
© Stephen LamAfrican-Americans more likely to be wrongfully convicted than whites, study finds
In Washington DC, all four racial groups were significantly more likely to be denied a home loan than whites.

In Southern cities, African-Americans fared worst of all in their efforts to secure a home loan. Mobile, Alabama; Greenville, North Carolina; and Gainesville, Florida all rejected black mortgage applicants at far higher rates than whites.

In North Carolina, minorities had an overall denial rate of 11.5 percent, whereas whites had a 6.3 percent denial rate.

The year-long analysis covers home purchase lending in 2015 and 2016 and was independently reviewed by The Associated Press. The analysis controlled for factors including the size of the loan applicants wanted, income, and neighborhood.

The Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in mortgage lending on the basis of race or ethnicity, was passed 50 years ago.

Recent figures from the US Census Bureau reveal the median net worth for a white family is $132,000 but only $9,000 for African American families. Latino families are not much better off, with a median net worth of $12,000.

15th February 2018, 10:23 AM
this is horseshit, many are on government annuities that are worth several hundreds of thousands:

Recent figures from the US Census Bureau reveal the median net worth for a white family is $132,000 but only $9,000 for African American families. Latino families are not much better off, with a median net worth of $12,000.

15th February 2018, 10:32 AM
this is horseshit, many are on government annuities that are worth several hundreds of thousands:

For sure, strange though there is no market, for trading these annuities. For sure one might have difficulty estimating the life expectancy of a nigger who suddenly gets a few hundred thousands for selling his for life annuity to the highest bidder, but there should be financial instruments that cover that risk too.

Jews where art thou?

15th February 2018, 10:47 AM
For sure, strange though there is no market, for trading these annuities. For sure one might have difficulty estimating the life expectancy of a nigger who suddenly gets a few hundred thousands for selling his for life annuity to the highest bidder, but there should be financial instruments that cover that risk too.

Jews where art thou?

I just realized another problematic issue, to continue to receive these continued payouts, the nigger has to come to his scheduled meetings with the governments money men, and how to get a nigger to do that after he was payed upfront will be impossible, even if he/she isn’t dead yet...

15th February 2018, 11:00 AM
Are you suggesting that slower overall loan creation is leading to a rerun of 2008-9?

2008-9 appears to me only a minor setback until printing press could catchup and spooge out more worldwide digits.

Then Juan 3rd world could secure a dollar loan to remodel his fence, get into a new Kia.

15th February 2018, 11:02 AM
For sure, strange though there is no market, for trading these annuities. For sure one might have difficulty estimating the life expectancy of a nigger who suddenly gets a few hundred thousands for selling his for life annuity to the highest bidder, but there should be financial instruments that cover that risk too.

Jews where art thou?

a nice pair trade would be to take out life insurance on your nigger too

15th February 2018, 11:20 AM
this company is in the market. they limit their risk by keeping each contract short -- only fronting the niggers $5,000 at a time


15th February 2018, 01:20 PM
a nice pair trade would be to take out life insurance on your nigger too

He will be worth 10 million $ after receiving $300k cash in hand upfront for his annuities. In most cases he would be dead within a couple of months. And refusing him life insurance based upon him being nigger, should be far more rayciss, than refusing him a mortgage. It is probably even rayciss to quote him a higher premium because of being a nigger.

I think we found ourselves an exploitable market flaw here...

15th February 2018, 01:32 PM
One could even front him the money ourselves, just make him promise to go back to social services every month, so that the checks keep coming to us, surely he would never set his foot into his social secretaries office again, and with the cash he gets himself killed by his brothers, or he buys enough drugs to overdose, or the money is finished within 2 months and he decides to go robbing the liquor stores and pawn shops until he gets killed. Kaching!


16th February 2018, 11:55 AM
The only rational lesson you can derive from the article is that White people generally pay back their loans, while blacks and hispanics generally don't. Free market institutions are in business to make money, and the only reason they'd turn down an opportunity to make money is if the risk is too big.

16th February 2018, 12:05 PM
The only rational lesson you can derive from the article is that White people generally pay back their loans, while blacks and hispanics generally don't. Free market institutions are in business to make money, and the only reason they'd turn down an opportunity to make money is if the risk is too big.

Yep, pretty much. Even government stats show the same thing with regard to welfare usage.

16th February 2018, 02:46 PM
Yep, pretty much. Even government stats show the same thing with regard to welfare usage.

But since the modern day religion/dogma is that all races are all the same and any favorable position one race enjoys over another is only due to hatred for the color of their skin, well, it's gotta be racism then, because it can't be actual distinctions between races.

16th February 2018, 02:52 PM
dont know, glass empty/full theory here... but isnt the housing market pure-casino-speculation-bubble in the first place? so it does mean that the whites are the first victims

several years ago, I posted a video explaining how races are used to pump up real estate prices and also devalue entire areas. So when one sees an only white/black/latino area, it is not really voluntary but obtained by manipulation$.

16th February 2018, 02:58 PM
dont know, glass empty/full theory here... but isnt the housing market pure-casino-speculation-bubble in the first place? so it does mean that the whites are the first victims

U.S. is probably the only place on the planet thay you can still walk away virtually unscathed or still looking ok when income to credit ratio is ok after walkin from a loan.

That'll probably change real soon, and the market crash to reflect the slowdown for reclaims.

16th February 2018, 03:33 PM
sure but i think this time that 3D home printing is going to take down the market, they are just waiting to make it look "spontaneous"

U.S. is probably the only place on the planet thay you can still walk away virtually unscathed or still looking ok when income to credit ratio is ok after walkin from a loan.

That'll probably change real soon, and the market crash to reflect the slowdown for reclaims.

17th February 2018, 01:42 AM
sure but i think this time that 3D home printing is going to take down the market, they are just waiting to make it look "spontaneous"

LOL 3D home printing.... Generally the greatest expenses in building a new house, is zoning/construction permit fees, madfranks, Horn, foundation, connecting to the water and electric grid, plumbers, electricians, windows, doors, kitchen/bathroom cupboard and appliances, flooring (Woodman), roofing, heating systems. The walls only represent a very marginal cost of a newly constructed house, which is the only thing that 3D printing would address. Maybe a 3D printed house could be built at a 10% discount. It’s not going to take down the market at all.

Horn or madfranks could even affirm what I wrote is correct, since they are in the construction business as engineer or architect...

17th February 2018, 03:51 AM

sure some of them may cost up to 100K or more but they are all in... the problem is labor, much of the labor can be eliminated... get the picture?

then you have dome home that can be built for less than 10K, with people losing purchasing power daily, that will be soon an option for MANY...



much of what we know to today will soon be challenged in many areas... more technology means lower costs of production

LOL 3D home printing.... Generally the greatest expenses in building a new house, is zoning/construction permit fees, madfranks, Horn, foundation, connecting to the water and electric grid, plumbers, electricians, windows, doors, kitchen/bathroom cupboard and appliances, flooring (Woodman), roofing, heating systems. The walls only represent a very marginal cost of a newly constructed house, which is the only thing that 3D printing would address. Maybe a 3D printed house could be built at a 10% discount. It’s not going to take down the market at all.

Horn or madfranks could even affirm what I wrote is correct, since they are in the construction business as engineer or architect...

old steel
17th February 2018, 10:41 AM

sure some of them may cost up to 100K or more but they are all in... the problem is labor, much of the labor can be eliminated... get the picture?

then you have dome home that can be built for less than 10K, with people losing purchasing power daily, that will be soon an option for MANY...



much of what we know to today will soon challenged in many areas... more technology means lower costs of production

Where do i put my gun safes?

17th February 2018, 11:52 AM
Where do i put my gun safes?

Someone must've done a survey somewhere that ends in 1 in every 55 people enjoy living in a dome home.

As for 3d printed homes, keep dreamin, call you in 100 years.

Even if available then should be priced 10X dollar amount by then.

17th February 2018, 02:12 PM
Why at my house of course!
Where do i put my gun safes?

17th February 2018, 03:05 PM

few headlines
A San Francisco startup 3D printed a whole house in 24 hours
3D printer builds houses in China - video | Technology
A Chinese company has successfully 3D printed a five-storey apartment building and a 1,100 square metre villa from a special print material.

good joke about the dome home, I will get one soon, I hope, check out workshops on YT to do it yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuMAXoqMsj8

once 30% of the labor is no longer needed, then housing market will crash the economy. Builders will find it too tempting

what is he future of speculation when knowledge makes everything ever cheaper

Someone must've done a survey somewhere that ends in 1 in every 55 people enjoy living in a dome home.

As for 3d printed homes, keep dreamin, call you in 100 years.

Even if available then should be priced 10X dollar amount by then.

17th February 2018, 10:38 PM
Sure, the Parts that the printer "printed" (or shot controlled goo at) took it 24hours.

the rest probably took twice as long as any other building and cost 5 times as much due to it being a printed goo home.

18th February 2018, 01:32 AM
looks like passivdom is extremely successful though, and demand will drive prices down (the usual fraudulent supply vs demand theory because more knowledge cheapens the costs of living)

this 3D technology is going to improve, and fast... trust me and at some point it will become a threat to the conventional housing industry. With the middle class disappearing, cheaper housing will become a priority.

Sure, the Parts that the printer "printed" (or shot controlled goo at) took it 24hours.

the rest probably took twice as long as any other building and cost 5 times as much due to it being a printed goo home.

18th February 2018, 02:13 AM
^cheaper housing


18th February 2018, 02:47 AM
yes... but whites who are better creditors will take the major hit, thats the sad paradox

it can only change when/if more people realize the illusion and stand up against it

^cheaper housing


18th February 2018, 09:13 AM
Dave at X22 report in his audio for 2-18-18

on this audio track from beginning to about 20:12


Warning, Huge Amount Of Chatter, Something Possible, Imminent:Q – Episode 1501
On: February 18, 2018

gives good interpretation of economy

a repeat of 2008 is rather old news if you follow X22 report.

Dave says economic crash will happen.

Question is
will it be handled to as " a TRANSITION" to a new better kind of world and national economy where central bankers are out of the power structure. Thinks cryto / blockchain could be used as a good way to accomplish this TRANSITION.

Says World Deep State Cabal and banksters see the situation is out of control and THEY are desperate to have the crash happen the way they want it to.

Dave also has the theory that all sides want to be able to point the finger of blame at the other -- makes a big deal about "blame" idea.

Dollar is going down down down.

As far as what we little people can do to prepare and survive, not much good info beyond store up food and water.

18th February 2018, 05:36 PM
the most important chart for 401k/stock market people. note that frbny CAUSED every crash over last 40-something years -- raising rates until they got what they wanted. they've begun the next crash...could be now, could be two years...but it's on

for the novices -- the line that rises before every crash + recession is the fed's discount rate (set by fiat, in secret)


18th February 2018, 06:12 PM
looks like passivdom is extremely successful though, and demand will drive prices down (the usual fraudulent supply vs demand theory because more knowledge cheapens the costs of living)

this 3D technology is going to improve, and fast... trust me and at some point it will become a threat to the conventional housing industry. With the middle class disappearing, cheaper housing will become a priority.
You really can’t accept that a house is more than walls in your narrow mindedness can you?

19th February 2018, 01:50 PM
the most important chart for 401k/stock market people. note that frbny CAUSED every crash over last 40-something years -- raising rates until they got what they wanted. they've begun the next crash...could be now, could be two years...but it's on

for the novices -- the line that rises before every crash + recession is the fed's discount rate (set by fiat, in secret)


401k are right up there with land for sale in Louisianna swamps as all time scams.

Probably larger.

I remember applying to it for something like 10 years and only walking away with what were put in.

19th February 2018, 03:40 PM
401k are right up there with land for sale in Louisianna swamps as all time scams.

Probably larger.

I remember applying to it for something like 10 years and only walking away with what were put in.

i agree. the only thing that makes me recommend going into it is to get the employer match

19th February 2018, 04:54 PM
i agree. the only thing that makes me recommend going into it is to get the employer match

A possibility of breaking even with inflation. Kinda like over paying fed tax to get some back but longer term savings plan.

20th February 2018, 07:06 AM
A possibility of breaking even with inflation. Kinda like over paying fed tax to get some back but longer term savings plan.

So much so one can almost draw parallels to any stock market rise and inflation.

20th February 2018, 08:06 AM
401k typically have a money market fund -- stocks are a choice. only a fool wouldn't put in a dollar if the company matched that with another dollar. last year i put in 7k, employer put in 7k....and only the employer portion is taxable when i break it out of the 401k jail in a few years

20th February 2018, 09:16 AM
401k typically have a money market fund -- stocks are a choice. only a fool wouldn't put in a dollar if the company matched that with another dollar. last year i put in 7k, employer put in 7k....and only the employer portion is taxable when i break it out of the 401k jail in a few years

Good luck with your 401K.

Good luck with any IRA too.

I guess I have never had enough income to speculate in the stock market, but from everything I have read about 491Ks and IRAs, it is the guys who manage and run those programs who get their cut off the top and the account holders take one huge heck of a penalty when they try to cash out.

What concerns me is that, regardless of whether the central bankers or some "white hats", there is a new money system coming in to the USA and no plan appears to revolve around the individual haveing a medium of exchange in their hands and that such medium have a somewhat stable value. The dollar used to be that medium of exchange but I think when the crash happens and the new system, whatever it is, comes in, people will be imprisoned to "banks" and digital computerized "money."

21st February 2018, 03:00 AM
Good luck with your 401K.

Good luck with any IRA too.

I guess I have never had enough income to speculate in the stock market, but from everything I have read about 491Ks and IRAs, it is the guys who manage and run those programs who get their cut off the top and the account holders take one huge heck of a penalty when they try to cash out.

What concerns me is that, regardless of whether the central bankers or some "white hats", there is a new money system coming in to the USA and no plan appears to revolve around the individual haveing a medium of exchange in their hands and that such medium have a somewhat stable value. The dollar used to be that medium of exchange but I think when the crash happens and the new system, whatever it is, comes in, people will be imprisoned to "banks" and digital computerized "money."

I think it is entirely possible that a supra-government version of bitcoin gets implemented, a centralized block chain technology can keep track on every single transaction in the economy, very easy also to tax according to your wallet holding, and transaction tax. The Phoenix rising from the ashes of fiat currencies in 2018, according to the Rothschild rag the economist 30 years ago.

21st February 2018, 07:29 AM
You really can’t accept that a house is more than walls in your narrow mindedness can you?

Ha ha, thanks. The hype over "3D printed homes" is ridiculous. It is at best a 3D printed shell of a house. You can't print your water supply connection, you can't print your sewer connection, you can't print your electrical connection and electricity source, you can't print your furnace or air conditioner, you can't print your fuel gas source and/or connection, you can't print your plumbing fixtures or appliances, etc., etc., etc. I could go on, but unless you're happy to live in an empty cave/shell of a home, it's not a 3D printed home.

21st February 2018, 04:08 PM
Ha ha, thanks. The hype over "3D printed homes" is ridiculous. It is at best a 3D printed shell of a house. You can't print your water supply connection, you can't print your sewer connection, you can't print your electrical connection and electricity source, you can't print your furnace or air conditioner, you can't print your fuel gas source and/or connection, you can't print your plumbing fixtures or appliances, etc., etc., etc. I could go on, but unless you're happy to live in an empty cave/shell of a home, it's not a 3D printed home.
Hahaha. Exactly! And building the walls are not even particularly expensive. They do it in Africa for next to nothing. In Sweden you can buy an 8 inch thick timber frame a 1000 sq feet size house at about $30-40k. I’ll pay about $25k for my new 1000 sq feet house 18 inch stone walls in Turkey, and I will get a 500 sq feet basement with that. Which will stand for several hundreds of years.

A 3D printed house walls would most likely cost more and would most likely not have the durability of a timber framed house (which typically stands for 2-300 years), and definitely not of a stone house.

21st February 2018, 08:22 PM
401k typically have a money market fund -- stocks are a choice. only a fool wouldn't put in a dollar if the company matched that with another dollar. last year i put in 7k, employer put in 7k....and only the employer portion is taxable when i break it out of the 401k jail in a few years

I agree with you. I would max out that match by the company. The last few years, I've been thinking more and more about how the heck I am going to retire. By NOT taking advantage of some of these programs, 401K match, etc. I don't know how people on this forum plan on retiring. You can't put everything into Gold and Silver. Maybe income generating rental properties may be the way to go...but, now there's a huge, just massive, real estate bubble happening currently, that I personally think will pop before a stock market crash.

I would really like to hear some retirement strategies from folks on this forum. Most seem against 401K's or IRA's, if you are, what plan do you have?

21st February 2018, 10:56 PM
Retail Business with cheap cycled thru labor, what else is there?

22nd February 2018, 01:16 AM
madfranks and neuro have a problem to understand that more knowledge will have to slash the costs of labor at some point. It is going to affect all industries. What is dooming populaces in general is the incapacity to think far ahead because they want to hold onto their possessions (and politicians know how to manipulate that), meanwhile the NWO is already 2 or 3 generations ahead, if not more.

If robots can already perform surgeries today, what else will they be able to do in a decade from now?

ultimately, this is a also a problem about grasping the nature of reality.

22nd February 2018, 01:46 AM
madfranks and neuro have a problem to understand that more knowledge will have to slash the costs of labor at some point. It is going to affect all industries. What is dooming populaces in general is the incapacity to think far ahead because they want to hold onto their possessions (and politicians know how to manipulate that), meanwhile the NWO is already 2 or 3 generations ahead, if not more.

If robots can already perform surgeries today, what else will they be able to do in a decade from now?

ultimately, this is a also a problem about grasping the nature of reality.
The reality of your nature is that you can never admit when you are wrong. You change the subject instead, in this case away from 3D printing of houses which you claimed was going to crash the economy.

You really are a genuinely dishonest and false person Goldie.

22nd February 2018, 08:21 AM
I agree with you. I would max out that match by the company. The last few years, I've been thinking more and more about how the heck I am going to retire. By NOT taking advantage of some of these programs, 401K match, etc. I don't know how people on this forum plan on retiring. You can't put everything into Gold and Silver. Maybe income generating rental properties may be the way to go...but, now there's a huge, just massive, real estate bubble happening currently, that I personally think will pop before a stock market crash.

I would really like to hear some retirement strategies from folks on this forum. Most seem against 401K's or IRA's, if you are, what plan do you have?

i reco 4 legs -- pm, real estate, paper crap (cash/stock), social security

maybe add a fifth if an expert on certain collectibles -- things like like rolex watches, collectible guns, motorcycles, etc. anything that will keep up with inflation

the time to pick up real estate was 7-9 years ago. it will probably come around again in the next few years

have to caution about housing real estate - areas that are losing population are losers. but great places to retire to -- housing is DIRT cheap no matter what. i've been poking around erie, pa real estate -- the prices are insane cheap. i bet the same is true in many of the rust belt areas

22nd February 2018, 07:35 PM
i reco 4 legs -- pm, real estate, paper crap (cash/stock), social security

maybe add a fifth if an expert on certain collectibles -- things like like rolex watches, collectible guns, motorcycles, etc. anything that will keep up with inflation

the time to pick up real estate was 7-9 years ago. it will probably come around again in the next few years

have to caution about housing real estate - areas that are losing population are losers. but great places to retire to -- housing is DIRT cheap no matter what. i've been poking around erie, pa real estate -- the prices are insane cheap. i bet the same is true in many of the rust belt areas

This is probably one of the best retirement plans I've heard. I do most of this, except for real estate. Yet, here in CA, it's ridiculous and it's going to crash. If I had cash 7 or 8 years ago, I could have done well. The next time it crashes, I'll try and scoop up some RE at the bottom.

I don't get a 401k through work, but I get a pension. Which is basically an IRA that the company puts 6k a year into. I don't put anything into that, it's just part of the union contract. Between that building up, a roth IRA, who knows what it will look like in 20 years when I plan on retiring. My roth IRA is me simply placing a side bet, that the system will all still be in place by then. 10 years, heck 20 years, can go by quick, and if that side bet pays off, or not, it is what it is.

22nd February 2018, 08:50 PM
This is probably one of the best retirement plans I've heard. I do most of this, except for real estate. Yet, here in CA, it's ridiculous and it's going to crash. If I had cash 7 or 8 years ago, I could have done well. The next time it crashes, I'll try and scoop up some RE at the bottom.

I don't get a 401k through work, but I get a pension. Which is basically an IRA that the company puts 6k a year into. I don't put anything into that, it's just part of the union contract. Between that building up, a roth IRA, who knows what it will look like in 20 years when I plan on retiring. My roth IRA is me simply placing a side bet, that the system will all still be in place by then. 10 years, heck 20 years, can go by quick, and if that side bet pays off, or not, it is what it is.

good move, the roth ira. it's the best deal going. my employer has a roth 401k that i direct my contributions to. the company match though is pretax...so have to pay irs on that when i suck it out

i fade all of the collapse, gloom/doom hype. it looks to me, that the way out of all of the scary numbers is inflation. that's why i mock and deride any fool that pushes the deflation narrative. inflation is nyc.dc's ticket out of collapse. and why would they want a collapse? with collapse comes regime changes.....and things are working beautifully for them with the steady inflation agenda