View Full Version : City of London's Ownership of American Colonies

19th February 2018, 04:03 AM
ownership is an oxymoron... when we leave this life we do not take anything with us, but man-made laws allow us to pass onto our descendants this illusion. Earth and ultimately the Universe own each of us, but the elites make sure we'll fight for it - to death -- and they of course know that fighting a perception is self-defeating. They twist the Truth while usurping the Creator's omnipotence. Sure evil believes it is God.

The founders didnt do any mistake, they knew that what they seemed to be up against wouldnt go away. The laws of commerce and ownership are very ancient and go back to antiquity.

'The misplaced reverence to the ill formulated U.S Constitution and hidden subjugation back to the City of London is one aspect of history that is not taught in government schools or discussed in institutes of higher education. This subject is probably new to most observers of the legacy from the Founding Father’s biggest mistake. Regular readers of BREAKING ALL THE RULES are familiar with the arguments made in the essays, In the beginning: Let there be the Articles of Confederation and Articles of Confederation was Preferable. Now the case for the betrayal of the purpose of the American Revolution needs to be explored.

Cited on the US Constitution Gave Legal Ownership and Control of the United States to London site is an assessment by Michael Edward.

"Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who have worn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and, contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but 'legal,' Orders, Rules and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts Our so-called 'judiciary' in America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America."

An examination of The Templars of the Crown provides elaboration on this appraisal. For an even more in-depth analysis, review the material that probes AMERICAN LAND OWNERSHIP, A TRUE OXYMORON, which deals with the work of James Montgomery.

“Many of you are aware that the laws of this nation and it's states, were made to be in compliance and submission to the laws of England, only modified by state and federal law. You will see in this last Chapter state statutes from just a few of the original colonies, that this is the case. Are these what are called ancient statutes? Yes. However, since the king's Corporation is alive and well as are his heirs, so is his Trust and the law used to create and govern it. The law that governs his Trust can only be amended, no law could be enacted contrary to the king's will and cestui que trust, the main corporate sole where office is always found, the Crown. The king's practice of granting lands in this country to those loyal to him continues, along with their land grants being protected by state ancient statutes which are still on the books. We are governed by the king's nobles just as in times of old England, self proclaimed nobles, and corporate trusts. They rule this country and the world. The huge corporations have been granted power and liberty not known by the common man. The nobles, real and the created, occupy their possessions as fiduciaries and trustees of the king's grants; only if they remain loyal to the system, their privilege and life style are their reward.”

Invest the time in discovering all the historic accounts, legal rulings and linkages that go back to the Crown, AKA, the City of London.'


19th February 2018, 05:25 AM
A deficiency of status results in a seating plan that places one below the salt. Preferable to go hungry than to accept lesser status.

19th February 2018, 05:57 PM
when we leave this life we do not take anything with us

BullShit! I have a way.