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View Full Version : 'Shady Bosses' Stealing $15 Billion in Wages from Low-Income Workers

21st February 2018, 01:57 AM
the site below is very leftist, but the article explains why minimum wages are not working and more poverty consolidating social ghetto-like stratification and creating even more racism

the only valid response should be to dismantle corporations, but since most people can't even think in those terms, they blame each other groups. Indeed going after those that feed us, seems way too risky. Thats the black magic of money, we end up supporting crimes against humanity which leads to hopelessness, because we care too much about our own survival... darwin for humans is not working...
'With American workers already struggling against stagnant wages, declining union strength, and vicious attacks by the Trump administration, a new investigation by Politico published Sunday found that low-wage employees in the United States are also contending with wage theft on a massive scale—a crisis that many states lack the resources or political will to address.

According to Politico's Marianne Levine, who examined state minimum wage enforcement protocols over a period of nine months, "workers are so lightly protected that six states have no investigators to handle minimum-wage violations, while 26 additional states have fewer than 10 investigators."

"Given the widespread nature of wage theft and the dearth of resources to combat it, most cases go unreported," Levine adds. "Thus, an estimated $15 billion in desperately needed income for workers with lowest wages goes instead into the pockets of shady bosses."

Levine acknowledges that some workers ultimately have success challenging the criminal behavior of their employers in court. But even these workers are frequently denied the wages they earned.

After surveying 15 states, Levine found that "41 percent of the wages that employers are ordered to pay back to their workers aren't recovered."

In an interview with Politico, Michael Hollander, staff attorney at Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, argued that the violations uncovered by Levine's investigation come as no surprise to labor advocates or low-wage workers themselves.

"Wage theft is the rule, not the exception, for low-wage workers," Hollander said.

Given that many low-wage American workers can barely afford rent, any amount of money taken from a worker's paycheck can have devastating consequences.'

Read more: 'Shady Bosses' Stealing $15 Billion in Wages from Low-Income Workers: Report

21st February 2018, 06:07 AM
Thanks for posting excellent article. I guess I have always been a SJW, social justice warrior of the traditional Catholic kind.

Power brokers on the Left and the Right are crooked money grubbing slavers.

I particularly hate that "free market" nonsense from the Libertarians and many Right wing politicians. That is dishonest and corrupt philosophy.

Ideas of smaller federal government and having as many things done by lowest level of government possible is what Catholic social teaching calls "doctrine of subsidiarity." Sounds good in theory but

man's nature tends toward deceitfulness and wickedness.
We have all been deliberately placed in to animal-like survival of the fittest mode.

There really is no such thing that we call "racism" among the rich and powerful. They just look as each human being as a pawn and a commodity and a monetary asset to be used for their personal gain. Evolution is true and humans do not have souls and there is no heaven or hell or afterlife.

Those at the top have given their souls to greed and acquisition above all. Called one of the 7 deadly sins - avarice.

Follow the One Who is Truth, and He will direct thy paths.

I read the Politico basic source article, not the Common Dreams article about that.

Here is the comment I meant to post on either Common Dreams or Politico but don't like their options of platforms I have to use to submit comments.

"Excellent article.

Enforcement of laws, done in a comprehensive, fair and unbiased and strong way is what is needed. State and federal elected politicians and government employees do not care about justice for all. Laws are made for privileged individuals with deep pockets for lobbyists, and then those bad laws are selectively enforced to benefit the promoter and backer of the bad laws and to selectively ignore enforcement when money to line the pockets of a few individuals is all that matters.

Employers who will not make sure they are hiring only documented workers and / or U.S. citizens, and this probably represents a very large proportion o the stolen wages. There is no enforcement of these identification and documentation laws either (Real I D laws).

The greed is present in corporate / business owners of any political stripe.

The United States of America is more and more operating like the nation of Mexico where there is no middle class and the people at the top are stealing with impunity and the people at the bottom are forced to operate in a growing underground economy and outlaw ways.

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
Mathew 5:6 "


Problems not confined to, or solved only by eliminating, corporations. The whole idea of the "corporate veil" and what is a "legal person" under corporate law is not right law in my opinion.

I wish I could suggest possible solutions for the short term and the long term, but all of the solutions I think of seem to either support underground economy or depend on honest fair employers and workers.

The unjust state and federal laws and their corrupt selective enforcement is just too far everywhere now.


POLITICO Investigation
Behind the minimum wage fight, a sweeping failure to enforce the law

Raising hourly pay is a rallying cry for 2018, but states often fail to get workers the money that’s owed them.


02/18/2018 06:51 AM EST

Updated 02/18/2018 10:40 AM EST

21st February 2018, 01:38 PM
Thanks for your comment Dachise... I personally dont care what creed one is from, but the ability to spot and define pathological behaviors. If one does not trample others, one is going to be trampled and left behind.

Darwinism has been embraced as a god and people have become complacent or just think that crimes are inherent to life. Just like watching a lion catching a prey... when humans do this, that is acceptable. Life is a roman circus where one can see others being eaten alive... and it is fun ???

People see the problem with power but most still need their own "power game at work or among friends", such as bragging about their materialistic success

I particularly hate that "free market" nonsense from the Libertarians and many Right wing politicians. That is dishonest and corrupt philosophy.

Ideas of smaller federal government and having as many things done by lowest level of government possible is what Catholic social teaching calls "doctrine of subsidiarity." Sounds good in theory but

man's nature tends toward deceitfulness and wickedness.

21st February 2018, 02:45 PM
Sholom Rubashkin

Twisted Titan
22nd February 2018, 04:02 AM
All power structures that have a massive impact on society coalles into some sort of hierarchy design.

And those at the top in due time have a proclivity to engage in skullduggery to maintain their position at the apex.

This article is a long winded approach to state what i just did in two sentences.

22nd February 2018, 06:24 AM
There are two sides to this coin. There are more shady employees out there than shady bosses. If you don't like how an employer is treating you, then hit the highway. If you are an employer and you don't like how the employee is treating you, then send 'em packing. The world is tough. If you are in a position where someone is mistreating you, then move on.

22nd February 2018, 06:55 AM
I would say if you intend to do an honest good job at your job, the Lord will help you keep your job and get along with others and stay out of trouble.

Do not get overly ambitious and try to just do your job very well.

There is a militancy among minorities at work. It manifests in ugly ways. Some of them will even go to elaborate means to set you up, entrap you and get you in trouble.

If you are honest, know that you have treated everyone, including customers and clients, and coworkers in a honest quality helpful way, your conscience is clear and the Lord will help you.

Do not get in with the petty rackets your "friends" and coworkers set up and operate. Have no part of it. If you are married and have family responsibilities at home, having that and knowing they are dependent on you for their support will keep you on the right path and not go to parties and out drinking at clubs at night with coworkers.

Keep your stress level low by, as much as possible applying yourself to doing your job and learning everything about it. Pray and praise the lord in your thoughts and that will push out angry thoughts which lead to depression and burn out.

There is, even at the lowest level of jobs in a business or agency, a bribery - extorition - blackmail game going on. I have the dirt on you, you have the dirt on me.

Let it be impossible for anyone to have dirt on you because you keep your commission clean and above board.

Acknowledge Him in all thy ways, and He will direct thy paths.