View Full Version : gun ban bill has been released

2nd March 2018, 03:02 PM
From Jim Stone: (

Most likely if the CIA was up to something, the report on this page screwed them.

The gun ban bill has been released. It is HERE. (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5087/text)
My comment: If Trump approves this, he'll be a half term president. There is no conceivable way this bill was not drafted before the latest hoax, it is far too complete and detailed. It simply could not have been done so quickly, this was prepared well ahead of the latest fakery.

This morning at 10:27 AM CST I encountered two obvious foreign intelligence agents disguised as Islamic Immams who were entering Leon City Centro. I immediately called them out as being CIA and shouted it extremely loudly and clearly, enough to reverberate over traffic between the buildings. I am now positioned where I can keep an eye on a large part of the city's central park.

CIA A-HOLES: You have been called out. You can't fake being Immams no matter how much your life depends on it (at least not with more than drunks and queers) because the real deal has a spiritual radiance you can't pull from the bottom of your CIA shit house. You are BUSTED and had damn well avoid doing anything horrible to these totally innocent people.

They made many errors in their fake Immam outfits, they only wanted to be obviously "Islamic" for whatever purposes, and obviously wanted to get noticed by EVERYONE. I am not going to give them feedback which will help them in their fraud, I will say only this: You cannot put a shithouse spirit in a fine white robe with a gigantic beard and fool everyone with it!!!!

Additionally, there are no Muslims in Mexico, except for the embassies in Mexico city. Muslims do not exist here, you can't accidentally get two bright white Immams walking around ANYWHERE.

I am going to watch over Centro for the entire day, you just set the agenda, and had best slither back to your hole. If you think you can "take me out" so I can't talk about whatever you do, consider you have tried several times already AND FAILED.

I am getting a map of where these two perverts were and will post it shortly, along with more details.
To any CIA stooges who are shaking their heads saying "I never heard of this op," I have only this to say: Enjoy your ignorance, compartmentalized clearances are GREAT!!!

I cannot continue this because I need the support of my real computer. Now that I have posted this much, they probably will not block it. Stand by for updates.

My normal computer is blocked from posting, and is instead getting an enormous file rammed onto it. Please stand by.


I can post again but the computer is doing very weird things with the bandwidth, it is constantly receiving data it should not be receiving. It definitely appears to be time to flip this cellular sim down a sewer, and time to switch flash drives.

Feb 28 2018

Dick's sporting goods stopped selling AR's over the Florida B.S.
Check Mate Rifle (http://www.checkmateriflecompany.com/) will be happy to pick up the slack!!!

2nd March 2018, 03:03 PM
From Jim Stone: (

Alt media alternatives. This is actually a good list. (http://12160.info/forum/topics/alternative-media-platforms-for-2018)

Four huge red flags on Florida
Usually I don't post other people's stuff, but this is excellent, so up it goes. FromPowderedwigsociety: (https://powderedwigsociety.com/parkland-red-flags/)
"Laura Ingraham revealed two more huge red flags that have popped up in the past 24 hours regarding the Parkland, Florida school massacre and I have another two of my own to add.

Red Flag #1. Bodycams. As we suspected and reported in prior articles, the deputies who did not enter the building while Nikolas Cruz was slaughtering high school kids did not enter on orders from above.

This is exactly what we believed would be revealed, as there is simply no way all four deputies on site at the time of the shooting were all cowards.

We don't know who gave that order, just that the order came from higher, which means it should have been Sheriff Israel. If there was someone else who gave that order, then Israel should be fired, as he should have been in command of the operation. Actually, he should have been at the school, leading the operation, which brings up another question - where was Sheriff Israel during the attack?

Here is the big red flag - the deputies who were at the school while the massacre was underway have reported that they were ordered to not enter the building without bodycams, and they didn't have bodycams.

WHAT!? Whoever gave that order, and again, it had to be Israel, so obviously had to know that they had no bodycams. It appears someone from higher up didn't want them to find and kill the murderer. Why not?

By the way, I am not holding these deputies blameless. All four should have ignored that order and gone into the building anyway. Why didn't they? They thought their jobs were more important than 17 dead teenagers? I don't believe that!

Red Flag #2. Radio communications. It is also being reported that there was no radio communication during the attack. Radio communication was dead. That would be highly unusual. Police departments have the very best radio communication equipment available.

If there was no radio communications during the attack, how did the deputies receive orders to not enter the building without bodycams? Cell phone? Carrier pigeon? Again, where was Sheriff Israel during this time, hiding under his desk?

By the way, Scott Israel and the Broward Sheriff's Department also botched the response to the 2017 Ft. Lauderdale Airport massacre that left five dead. Their excuse? Radio communication went dead.

Red Flag #3. Deputy Petersen's movement. It has been reported that Deputy Scot Peterson, the School Resource Officer, was inside the school dealing with a female student when the firing started. He then ran outside. Why? Why didn't he run toward the firing and neutralize the killer? Is he truly a coward? He denies that.

Red Flag #4. Cruz capture. Cruz was reportedly captured off campus walking down the street. He was unarmed. Where is the murder weapon? Didn't police set up an immediate perimeter to keep the killer from escaping the crime scene? How did Cruz leave the school without being seen?

The involvement of the Broward Sheriff's Office in this tragic episode is beginning to stink to high Heaven. Every question that is answered raises two more.

Update: There is another red flag developing. The greatest beneficiary of this tragedy has been the Democrat Party, which was on the verge of bankruptcy in January with a reported $6 million of debt and not nearly enough in income to cover it. They are now said to be in the black again due to the Parkland school massacre cash bonanza and an expertly-manipulated gun control campaign. I know. It is a sick thought, but Democrats are sick people and that is just the way they roll.

My comment: Perfect.

Spectacular BUNK on "Cuban sonic attacks"
Remember a year or so ago there were accusations that the Cuban government had sonically attacked U.S. government workers in Cuba? Get a load of this!!!

A team of what are probably Millenials has concluded that the attacks were not attacks at all, and that instead they were ultrasonic evesdropping devices that were improperly spaced from each other, and the collision of their waveforms caused them to become audible, and THAT caused the problems.

Ok, so let me shred this.
You mean to tell me that two devices, with phase collision problems, magically produced a frequency that caused "unprecedented brain damage??!!??" HA HA HA, yeah, right. That's like saying a tree full of tweeting birds produced a sonic front that killed all the butterflies because it magically produced a combined net frequency that shut their nerves down. How stupid do they think we are? Well, The Daily Beast (https://www.thedailybeast.com/did-these-computer-scientists-solve-the-cuban-sonic-attack) obviously thinks people are brainlessly gullible, after all, there was that "shooting" in Florida, don't ya know!!!

Shooting happening at Central Michigan University, NOW.
My prediction with this: Like the teacher freak who "did the shooting yesterday," this will be quietly used to form policy, and not be big news.
15 minutes ago as of this posting. Fox is reporting it. HOP ON THIS FOLKS, IF THIS ENDS UP BEING BIG WE NEED ALL THE VIDEOS TO PROVE THE FAKERY.

There is no question the deep state is doing this.

UPDATE: Outrageously professional posts are already hitting social media, which proves they had the trolls pre-staged for this, to crush true discussion and make damn sure their gun agenda gets pushed forward. Here is an example of a professional post:

"I am definitely not recommending that we take MSM's word for it and leave it at that. I'm just saying that perhaps it might be best to hold off on the false flag assumptions until all the evidence can be collected and analyzed, which will take a while. In my mind, immediately jumping the gun on a shooting being a false flag focuses attention away from the victims. Assuming that people are actually dying, it's a tragedy, regardless of whether or not it's a false flag."

My response: Your outrageous professional post only proves you were pre staged here. If a real investigation of this ever happens, you'll be in jail.

The key line that proves this is a professional post: "immediately jumping the gun on a shooting being a false flag focuses attention away from the victims." My god, if I was walking through the boiler room where that troll posted that and I saw it, he'd instantly get a chair to the head.

RUMOR, probably true: The live stream had students saying the shooter was a Trump supporter who proudly wore his MAGA hat around campus!!!
That proves this is fake, and the shooting is staged. If the students believe there was a shooting, it can only mean the CIA or FBI sent this bastard into the school under cover, to establish an image, and then destroy that image. He's black, and running around with a MAGA hat, and then shoots up his college. YEAH RIGHT. Who the hell are the script writers for this sh*t???

Very interesting, when Trump, in relation to the Florida shooting, said domestic violence would be a factor in banning people from owning guns. As it turns out, with this story line, the shooting happened in a dorm, and was preceeded by a domestic fight. That absolutely blows a camels ass, NOT BUYING IT.

Washington Times reported that Seth Rich delivered DNC e-mails to Wikileaks
My comment: Yada yada, we all knew, and the Washington Times is making a desperate stab at legitimacy after getting it's butt handed to it in a bucket by alt media. They can still absolutely stick it. For what it's worth, (if you want to read year and a half old garbage handed to you "Roswell style",) SEE THIS. (https://www.washingtontimes.com//news/2018/mar/1/more-cover-up-questions/)

3rd March 2018, 10:35 AM
Buzz coming from the AJ&Co Trumpaholic fake alt-media that Trump is working a game on the gun grabbers... see below plus I saw an AJ/Pieznek interview from yesterday where Pieznek delivered the same message:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rjmozTz_hlw/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDZirkUhQc2PEhFJavj9NKr-m7HxA 6:28
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjmozTz_hlw) Just Trump Trollin' Gun Control LOL! #Qanon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjmozTz_hlw)9K views1 day ago