View Full Version : Is white genocide real?

midnight rambler
5th March 2018, 06:30 PM

5th March 2018, 06:46 PM
Good old fashioned Loxism.

https://s16-us2.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F90gJxkO.jp g&sp=a0977ec2941d20c5d08a0b64106be314

5th March 2018, 07:16 PM
We are so screwed. They are winning. The globalist left are taking our country apart piece by piece.
We may as well accept the inevitable, the white race is doomed.
Every white American should be up in arms over the control these globalist elite leftist Jews have over us.
They control the entire internet that the whole world is totally dependent on.
How do you fight that?

I've just about given up any hope there will be justice served. Look what is going on with the corruption in government. They are all dirty, every one of the most powerful agencies, CIA, NSA, DOJ, FBI, ATF, DOD, IRS and the courts. They even have dirty generals working for them.
No one is going to jail. If people would stop for a minute and think what these people have done committing crimes of high treason, crimes that are punishable with life in prison, or even execution. Ask yourself what would they do to keep from going down for these crimes? The answer is anything! They have the power and resources to take out an entire city, or two, to take the heat off themselves. I believe they would do it too. If we ever do get close to taking down this criminal syndicate, expect anything could happen.

We and our country is so screwed. Trump is only one man and he's being overwhelmed by their power. They are destroying anyone that is close to him. I don't know how he can even hire any talented people to work with anymore. None can withstand the brutal scrutiny they will face.
Jeff Sessions is Trumps biggest mistake. I believe he's dirty too. Maybe he was the insurance policy the left took out on Trump, in case he won.
What better way to slip one of their own inside the Trump administration, right from the start.

5th March 2018, 09:45 PM
EE, I swore off this forum recently, this place, never to log in again. Because of the drama between members here.

I logged in now, just to thank you, for your post and your message.

6th March 2018, 12:23 AM
We are being genocided, but I don't think all white people will completely die out. Maybe only 5% will genetically survive, but invariably there will be a global catastrophe that wipes out a good chunk of humanity. So it may just be a purification process.

6th March 2018, 12:39 AM
all races can only survive when each race is raising the awareness that all races are being genocided equally

one is all .. and all is one..... immutable natural laws... which is why ((they)) work so much on "divide and conquer" and hatred/violence now dismantling the fabric of society, we have had 5000 years of much of the same, though now it is reaching a paramount

it had nothing to do with genetics but understanding the metaphysics of the One, grasping the One's intent and save humanity

6th March 2018, 01:20 PM
all races can only survive when each race is raising the awareness that all races are being genocided equally

one is all .. and all is one..... immutable natural laws... which is why ((they)) work so much on "divide and conquer" and hatred/violence now dismantling the fabric of society, we have had 5000 years of much of the same, though now it is reaching a paramount

it had nothing to do with genetics but understanding the metaphysics of the One, grasping the One's intent and save humanity

Racism is a cohesive force, not divisive. Racism is the only thing that can save Civilization. It is also the only thing that can make civilization something worth saving.

6th March 2018, 01:38 PM
I'm actually looking forward to the first holocaust, this time for real!

Whitey certainly won't be dying off in the US any time soon. Out of ~330 million firearms owned by Americans the vast majority are owned by whitey. At some point he's going to decide to use them.