View Full Version : Porn star sues Trump; tells TV they did sex

8th March 2018, 07:27 AM

Stormy Daniels’ attorney told NBC’s Today show on Wednesday that the porn star had a sexual relationship with President Donald Trump in 2006 and she intends to reveal the truth about the alleged affair.

“Let’s not bother to be delicate,” Today co-host Savannah Guthrie told lawyer Michael Avenatti. “Did she have a sexual relationship with the president?”

“Yes,” Avenatti replied.

...In court documents filed in Los Angeles on Tuesday and publicly shared by Avenatti on Twitter, Daniels states she and Trump had multiple sexual encounters, including at a July 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe and “well into the year 2007.”

Clifford accused Trump of not signing the NDA thus “rendering it legally null and void and of no consequence.”

“Mr. Trump did not sign,” Avenatti said Wednesday. “We believe that that was so that he could later claim deniability, and therefore, from a legal perspective, we believe she’s free to talk.”

8th March 2018, 08:29 AM
Tried to push that tariff thing too hard, I guess?

8th March 2018, 08:42 AM
Funny , with the trumpeter in office , never a dull day. I have never seen sumone shoot themselves in the foot on a dam near daily basis and does not even blink...

High entertainment, with low expectations.

Need to order more popcorn...

The show must go on..

Epic !


Suspect when things come to a head , many of his political supporters , may have a hard time selling pencils on a street corner, better retire if they can, because politically they cut their own dam throats (fade left, fade right from the stage)

Trump has a stink, which is growing and I suspect for sum, hard or will be imposable to wash off, but will need to wear off in time.

Ordered my popcorn...


8th March 2018, 09:27 AM
more proof chump is raysis. why no gay sex with blacks/mexicans/arabs?

8th March 2018, 09:48 AM
The sad part is this news will extend CNN's world and international contract.

I thought they were on the verge of slipping off the map.

8th March 2018, 09:57 AM
more proof chump is raysis. why no gay sex with blacks/mexicans/arabs?Yeah, what kind of bigot discriminates against brown skinned men by refusing to have sex with them, in preference of white chicks with big bobs?

8th March 2018, 10:14 AM
The sad part is this news will extend CNN's world and international contract.

I thought they were on the verge of slipping off the map.Rotflmfao...


8th March 2018, 10:22 AM
What I find really sad is how many miserable broke ass fucks out there want to see Trump taken out. They are itching to see an epic stock market crash and the great depression that will follow. I guess the thought of mass killing in the streets excites them.

Whatever happened between Stormy and Trump happened over 12 years ago. She is a washed-up worn-out old cunt looking for her last payday. I'm sure the democraps have offered her a tidy sum if she can pull this off.

Trump is the 1st since JFK that has stood up for our country. The globalist are coming at him with everything they have.
We need a special counsel to investigate the democrat crime cartel right now! It would be a game changer.

8th March 2018, 10:32 AM
fleas are everywhere.. I just wish we had another choice than the bitch or the comb over dude.. methinks u read too much and speak your own frustration trying to support this idiot in chief.

But on your side you want this nation to self district, and you are getting what you wish for.

Sad.. Our political system does/need to change, and it is, but in the process now the repubs will end up on the minority side, because of the support they are giving to the idiot in chief.

mundo sad.

The independent types need to get their shit together, I suspect there are more of us than the dems or repubs.

P.s EE I love u also..


8th March 2018, 10:42 AM
fleas are everywhere.. I just wish we had another choice than the bitch or the comb over dude.. methinks u read too much and speak your own frustration trying to support this idiot in chief.

But on your side you want this nation to self district, and you are getting what you wish for.

Sad.. Our political system does/need to change, and it is, but in the process now the repubs will end up on the minority side, because of the support they are giving to the idiot in chief.

mundo sad.

The independent types need to get their shit together, I suspect there are more of us than the dems or repubs.

P.s EE I love u also..


Where do you get that Repubs are giving Trump support? Except for a small hand full, most of the Repubs want Trump out as bad as you do.
Your dream of an independent winning against the globalist machine is just that, a dream.
Trump is the only outsider that could have won. He will be the last too.

8th March 2018, 10:45 AM
Dogman says:

"Trump has a stink,... "

Hell yes, dogman, and it came BELCHING OUT on the night of his victory when he sheepishly FORGAVE the bitch. Since then he upped the stench by faking an oh-so-sad demeanor at that stupid wayhailing wall (total bullshit - that really STINKS, with that silly half-bra on the crown of his stupid head), followed by a magnanimous pardoning of a brutal, decietful jew scumbag cow-killer and meat packer (isn't Trump oh so forgiving - when it is a damnable jew), all the while bombing the shit out of Syria et al, at the snap of the finger from his master, netenyadahoo scumbag. Yea, dogman, I'd say he has a stink - holding your nose even isn't enough to withstand it - you will gag unless your smell sensors have been deadened by too much jewtertainment suffocation.

8th March 2018, 11:04 AM
Dogman says:

"Trump has a stink,... "

Hell yes, dogman, and it came BELCHING OUT on the night of his victory when he sheepishly FORGAVE the bitch. Since then he upped the stench by faking an oh-so-sad demeanor at that stupid wayhailing wall (total bullshit - that really STINKS, with that silly half-bra on the crown of his stupid head), followed by a magnanimous pardoning of a brutal, decietful jew scumbag cow-killer and meat packer (isn't Trump oh so forgiving - when it is a damnable jew), all the while bombing the shit out of Syria et al, at the snap of the finger from his master, netenyadahoo scumbag. Yea, dogman, I'd say he has a stink - holding your nose even isn't enough to withstand it - you will gag unless your smell sensors have been deadened by too much jewtertainment suffocation.

Let me ask you how you think it would have played out for Trump if he turned on the Jew elite, the same time he is taking on the whole globalist machine? You must not believe the Jew elite have that much power?
You should try living without the Jew influence in your daily life just for one day. You can't do it!

midnight rambler
8th March 2018, 11:14 AM

8th March 2018, 11:15 AM
Dogman says:

"Trump has a stink,... "

Hell yes, dogman, and it came BELCHING OUT on the night of his victory when he sheepishly FORGAVE the bitch. Since then he upped the stench by faking an oh-so-sad demeanor at that stupid wayhailing wall (total bullshit - that really STINKS, with that silly half-bra on the crown of his stupid head), followed by a magnanimous pardoning of a brutal, decietful jew scumbag cow-killer and meat packer (isn't Trump oh so forgiving - when it is a damnable jew), all the while bombing the shit out of Syria et al, at the snap of the finger from his master, netenyadahoo scumbag. Yea, dogman, I'd say he has a stink - holding your nose even isn't enough to withstand it - you will gag unless your smell sensors have been deadened by too much jewtertainment suffocation. LMFAO, older man than me , we are in compleat agreement. As I read and understand your post.

Peace neighbor within 50 miles as the buzzard fly's from me !

Tis whot tizz in life , whot tizz (tizz rhymes with tit's) it is , just hanging on for the show for the good plus the bad.

Not a dam thing over all we can do abt things as individuals.


Live well and long. And have a supply of popcorn, as lifes movie plays out...!

Edit: I would like to see the gal with both sides of that half bra and tits, must be epic. probably the kind you can dive into and if not careful will smother yourself enjoying them.



What a way for a man to go, smothered by huge tits, or in the saddle, and or a combo of both, the woman will probably freak, but shit by then you are gone. (She will have bragging rights , she screwed him to death)


Next ! Rotflmfao..!

Then you really dont give a crap..Beats dying in bed alone....HOOT!

Thank you neighbor for helping to give me that mental picture...


Again thanks for my major hoot for this day..

Edit: The trumspter does suck, bet ths wife will book, she must be pissed to the max now, Crap shoot over all.

8th March 2018, 01:04 PM
What I find really sad is how many miserable broke ass fucks out there want to see Trump taken out. They are itching to see an epic stock market crash and the great depression that will follow. I guess the thought of mass killing in the streets excites them.

Whatever happened between Stormy and Trump happened over 12 years ago. She is a washed-up worn-out old cunt looking for her last payday. I'm sure the democraps have offered her a tidy sum if she can pull this off.

Trump is the 1st since JFK that has stood up for our country. The globalist are coming at him with everything they have.

Wouldn't he have signed the non-comp gag me order with her then?

Forgive me if my 3D chess strategy is not updated to 2.0

It looks like Trump wants all his knights free from the board.

8th March 2018, 01:15 PM
EE_ says:

"Let me ask you how you think it would have played out for Trump if he turned on the Jew elite, the same time he is taking on the whole globalist machine?..."

I can predict, with a wholehearted certainty, that Trump would have prevailed. He could have started out by prosecuting the bitch, right off the bat! (as he said he would and upped his numbers immediately!) He could have told Netenshithead that he would NOT be going to Israhell, as he did during the campaing and GOT MY SUPPORT immediately (finally, I thought, a man with enough GUTS to tell those jew scumbags to GO TO HELL!). He could have looked for framed, abused, innocent whites to pardon, and NOT pardon jew scumbags that were guilty of far more than they were prosecuted for. And he could have BROUGHT THE TROOPS HOME, instead of bombing, on the flimsiest of excuses, innocent people in Syria.

The ONLY response by "jews, globalists, whatever you want to call them..." would be to get congress to impeach him and see if the Senate would remove him from office. THAT IS IT! (except for an attempt at assassination, for which Trump already had superior personal security).

And if congress even *thought* about impeaching Trump for taking steps clearly designed to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, the hordes who voted for him would have taken to the streets and stormed congress for daring to try such a move. Trump could have pulled off what Caeser did to the Roman senate - shown off his clout with his popularity so that his opponents would have to either shut up or flee for their very lives (the public would have stood behind the Trump we saw during the campaign to a man). And if the supreme court were to rule against him, he could pull and Andy Jackson and tell them to just go ahead and try to enforce their phony rulings.

The president of the USA is THE MOST POWERFUL OFFICE in the world - he needs only to realize that and STICK TO HIS GUNS! He can actually rule by Executive Order if Congress gets stuck with a corncob up their ass.

That right there is my answer EE_, and I privately think, deep down inside, you agree, at least in part, with the feelings I am exploding with here. Nobody, especially the nordic man, likes to be decieved and betrayed. Growl!

8th March 2018, 01:52 PM
Correct, jerry

The best strategy any globalist jew could have thought of to thwart those events from occuring, is to place a guy in office would looked like he could/would do something like that. Then have him reduced to rubble for paying for porn star sex or some such.

Now it'll be a snowballs day in the hot place before the slight chance shows up again.

If it were me, I wouldn't think I could run for presidency after bonein a Stormy pornstar.

I aint so "gifted" though.

The Cohn exit, then him (Cohn) also writing the check to Stormy prior to election also leads to many preclusions... jew and insurance.

Could be that Trump thought he had tariff checkmate there and got out maneuvered.

8th March 2018, 02:53 PM
One of the things to remember about Trump is that he is a Showman, while we are watching this hand, he is slapping us silly with the other. Palestine and occupied territories have completely disappeared from the radar, massive money going to Israel and everybody is watching him and some bimbo...he was made for Pro wrasslin...http
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/28951247_801146173409823_2718837485287087021_n.jpg ?oh=a032d5fdae9e8e15a768c3918249d711&oe=5B0C00F7

8th March 2018, 03:00 PM
EE_ says:

"Let me ask you how you think it would have played out for Trump if he turned on the Jew elite, the same time he is taking on the whole globalist machine?..."

I can predict, with a wholehearted certainty, that Trump would have prevailed. He could have started out by prosecuting the bitch, right off the bat! (as he said he would and upped his numbers immediately!) He could have told Netenshithead that he would NOT be going to Israhell, as he did during the campaing and GOT MY SUPPORT immediately (finally, I thought, a man with enough GUTS to tell those jew scumbags to GO TO HELL!). He could have looked for framed, abused, innocent whites to pardon, and NOT pardon jew scumbags that were guilty of far more than they were prosecuted for. And he could have BROUGHT THE TROOPS HOME, instead of bombing, on the flimsiest of excuses, innocent people in Syria.

The ONLY response by "jews, globalists, whatever you want to call them..." would be to get congress to impeach him and see if the Senate would remove him from office. THAT IS IT! (except for an attempt at assassination, for which Trump already had superior personal security).

And if congress even *thought* about impeaching Trump for taking steps clearly designed to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, the hordes who voted for him would have taken to the streets and stormed congress for daring to try such a move. Trump could have pulled off what Caeser did to the Roman senate - shown off his clout with his popularity so that his opponents would have to either shut up or flee for their very lives (the public would have stood behind the Trump we saw during the campaign to a man). And if the supreme court were to rule against him, he could pull and Andy Jackson and tell them to just go ahead and try to enforce their phony rulings.

The president of the USA is THE MOST POWERFUL OFFICE in the world - he needs only to realize that and STICK TO HIS GUNS! He can actually rule by Executive Order if Congress gets stuck with a corncob up their ass.

That right there is my answer EE_, and I privately think, deep down inside, you agree, at least in part, with the feelings I am exploding with here. Nobody, especially the nordic man, likes to be decieved and betrayed. Growl!


8th March 2018, 03:12 PM

Birds and a Feather.

8th March 2018, 03:15 PM

Birds and a Feather.

The most important question is who got sloppy seconds?

8th March 2018, 03:54 PM
the porn star had a sexual relationship with President Donald Trump in 2006

So her attorney is classifying his client as a harlot?

harlot (n.)

c. 1200 (late 12c. in surnames), "vagabond, man of no fixed occupation, idle rogue," from Old French herlot, arlot "vagabond, tramp, vagrant; rascal, scoundrel," with cognates in Old Provençal (arlot), Old Spanish (arlote), and Italian (arlotto), but of unknown origin. Usually male in Middle English and Old French. Used in positive as well as pejorative senses by Chaucer; applied in Middle English to jesters, buffoons, jugglers, later to actors. Secondary sense of "prostitute, unchaste woman" probably had developed by 14c., certainly by early 15c., but this was reinforced by its use euphemistically for "strumpet, whore" in 16c. English translations of the Bible. The word may be Germanic, with an original sense of "camp follower," if the first element is hari "army," as some suspect.

Sort of makes you wonder which side he is working for.

8th March 2018, 04:09 PM
So her attorney is classifying his client as a harlot?

Sort of makes you wonder which side he is working for.

She may have only become a harlot after Cohn payed her for it in 2016.

Before that she were only working in the sex industry.

old steel
8th March 2018, 05:15 PM
Stupid cum dumpster, how much did they pay her to lie?

Deep state is getting very desperate, scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.

She has seen more bucks than Montana's best hunting season.

8th March 2018, 07:10 PM
Stupid cum dumpster, how much did they pay her to lie?

Deep state is getting very desperate, scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.

She has seen more bucks than Montana's best hunting season.

You might be right, I'm reading a few stories that claim this whole thing is made up.

8th March 2018, 07:55 PM
You might be right, I'm reading a few stories that claim this whole thing is made up.

I'd still do her if I wasn't second.

9th March 2018, 06:57 AM
Here is the issue in a nutshell

A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, fire. Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these Great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires."

The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion

The lawyer sued.. and WON! Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be an unacceptable fire and was obligated to pay the claim.

Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars lost in the "fires".

After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

This gal is willing to testify that she has low morals.

Low morals includes lying (speech ... not on her back ... although that would follow).

Who is going to trust anyone whose morals include lying?

Her own testimony destroys her credibility.

9th March 2018, 08:10 AM
Who is going to trust anyone whose morals include lying?

50% of women and CNN

9th March 2018, 08:11 AM
I'd still do her if I wasn't second.At this point you'd be 294,517th (give or take).

9th March 2018, 08:31 AM
50% of women and CNN
Which is why democracy sucks. The misinformed vote cancels logic. I would suggest that if war is to be fought by the voters there would less voting and more logic.

9th March 2018, 10:00 AM
Which is why democracy sucks. The misinformed vote cancels logic. I would suggest that if war is to be fought by the voters there would less voting and more logic.

Don't get political with me, ziero0

The day that government becomes logical is a cold day in hell.

The intent of Democracy is to keep logic from becoming law and away from a vote and that cold day from tomorrow.

17th March 2018, 02:20 AM
Washington (CNN)The lawyer representing the adult film star Stormy Daniels alleges that some of the accusations she's making against President Donald Trump occurred while Trump was in office.

"Is there anything in the litany of accusations -- you would call them facts -- that surround this case that happened while Donald Trump was President?" CNN's Jake Tapper asked Michael Avenatti, Daniels' lawyer, during an interview Friday.
"Yes," Avenatti replied.

When asked by Tapper if he could elaborate, Avenatti gave a simple "no."
Avenatti had claimed earlier Friday in an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo that Daniels was "physically threatened to stay silent (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/16/politics/stormy-daniels-physical-threats-cnntv/index.html) about what she knew about Donald Trump."

https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180314193332-michael-avenatti-stormy-daniels-lawyer-medium-plus-169.jpg (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/16/politics/stormy-daniels-lawyer-women-cnntv/index.html)
Stormy Daniels' lawyer: 6 more women claim sexual relationships with Trump (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/16/politics/stormy-daniels-lawyer-women-cnntv/index.html)

He declined to provide further details about who made the threat during that interview, including whether or not it was Trump or someone associated with him.
CNN had reached out to Larry Rosen, a lawyer representing Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, and Jill Martin, a Trump Organization lawyer who has been involved in legal matters related to the Daniels allegations. Press secretary Sarah Sanders said during Friday's White House press briefing that she has "no knowledge of that situation" and referred reporters to Trump's personal attorneys.

Avenatti reiterated to Tapper Friday that the public will have more details from Daniels' upcoming interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," which is slated to air later this month (http://money.cnn.com/2018/03/16/media/stormy-daniels-60-minutes-cbs/index.html).

"I think that when the American people hear from my client who will provide details -- very specific details related to this threat -- they will conclude, as I have, that this was not a random threat by some wing nut ... out of the blue," he told Tapper.

Daniels' lawsuit that she filed last week (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/06/politics/stormy-daniels-donald-trump-lawsuit/index.html)claims Cohen signed a hush agreement just before the 2016 election that is now void, related to her alleged affair with Trump in 2006. Cohen and the White House have denied there was an affair between Trump and Daniels.

The lawsuit also accuses Cohen of recently attempting to continue his efforts to silence Daniels, including initiating an arbitration proceeding against her in February.

17th March 2018, 03:29 AM
Daniels' lawsuit that she filed last week claims Cohen signed a hush agreement just before the 2016 election that is now void, related to her alleged affair with Trump in 2006.
Wasn’t it this agreement she signed with her porn star name ‘Stormy Daniels’, which I wondered if it could be legally binding? So she wants to be payed 3 times for the sex?

17th March 2018, 05:46 AM
Wasn’t it this agreement she signed with her porn star name ‘Stormy Daniels’, which I wondered if it could be legally binding? So she wants to be payed 3 times for the sex?

The best always do, think of this as alimony. In a way this is fitting, Donald Trump has a long history of screwing contractors who work for him...

17th March 2018, 06:41 AM
Donald Trump has a long history of screwing contractors who work for him...

Reported on the morning news he is now suing her in federal court for breach of contract. Damages? $20,000,000 or title to her breast implants. [I added that last condition since it is unlikely to squeeze blood from a turnip]

17th March 2018, 11:47 AM
Read the words:

Stormy Daniels alleges that some of the accusations she's making against President Donald Trump occurred while Trump was in office.

Not even close to how the media is playing it. They make it sound like Trump was banging her in the oval office lol.

18th March 2018, 08:50 AM
The Dims rolling out whore after whore trying to discredit Trump is becoming so tiresome
Read the words:

Not even close to how the media is playing it. They make it sound like Trump was banging her in the oval office lol.

18th March 2018, 09:00 AM
The thing is, President Clinton was a three star horn dog and Trump is a four star horn dog, but people don't give a crap unless its a live boy or a dead woman they get caught with. I suspect that Trump is popping Viagra like chicklets but who cares?

18th March 2018, 10:42 PM
The thing is, President Clinton was a three star horn dog and Trump is a four star horn dog, but people don't give a crap unless its a live boy or a dead woman they get caught with. I suspect that Trump is popping Viagra like chicklets but who cares?

No one really cares that the president or anyone else lacks moral principles, and that is the real problem. You get what you deserve. A person who lacks moral character when it comes to base desires and hurting the people that are closest to him, would not hesitate to screw contractors, or the people who put their trust in him, by voting for him.

18th March 2018, 11:42 PM
I want a ruthless. careless bastard cleaning up the mess in DC! beats the hell out of a choir boy trying to please everyone!
No one really cares that the president or anyone else lacks moral principles, and that is the real problem. You get what you deserve. A person who lacks moral character when it comes to base desires and hurting the people that are closest to him, would not hesitate to screw contractors, or the people who put their trust in him, by voting for him.

19th March 2018, 12:19 AM
I want a ruthless. careless bastard cleaning up the mess in DC! beats the hell out of a choir boy trying to please everyone!
Don’t complain when you get what you asked for... DC is made up of ruthless careless bastards it really is it’s essence, it’s power base. Sometimes they get a sock puppet “choir boy” (Obama) as gay Jewish actor president. Sometimes they get a “real man”, gay Jewish actor, like Trump, to “clean up the mess”.

Here is Miles Mathis take on genealogy of Trump:

19th March 2018, 06:17 AM
I want a ruthless. careless bastard cleaning up the mess in DC!
I don't claim the mess one way or the other. I didn't create it and whosoever made the mess can shovel it out.