View Full Version : The Hegelian Dialiectic - Tried and True - Create the Thesis or Problem if needed

8th March 2018, 10:08 AM
I see little subsidiary false controlled oppositions scenarios set up within the aftermath of the Florida Parkland event.

I also see absence of opposition or questioning scenarios set up where the "thesis" or "problem" is understood or just accepted as matter of fact. For example, I can see where the mayor Israel visiting that very brave student who took 5 bullets for his classmates and is looking very injured in the hospital as being one of these false set-up controlled scenes, this one not ostensibly appearing to be based on opposing forces but rather a set up scene that makes that hero student very rich and makes the official story and the goodness of the sheriff look oh so believable, so this is an example of a set up situation where there should be opposition and asking questions but where heroism and goodness of law enforcement overrides truth and reality.



By Michael Collins Piper
The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within
American Free Press (2006)
Excerpts: pages 64-66

The early 20th century so-called “Trust” model utilized by the Soviet Union to infiltrate and destroy its enemies is the foundation for the very techniques often used both by American intelligence agencies—along with Israel’s clandestine service, Mossad and its conduits such as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith—to infiltrate and destroy (or otherwise control the activities of) domestic dissident movements deemed hostile to the interests of Zionism and Globalism.

Those who fail to understand this age-old tactic will never be able to fathom the extent to which the American political system has been manipulated by these alien forces.

Although—even today—there are persons and organizations active within the so-called “nationalist” and “revisionist” and “patriotic” movements in America, who seem to “say the right things,” the truth is that many of those in question are actually witting—sometimes unwitting— agents of discord, being used for the purposes of intelligence gathering, propaganda and disinformation, all designed to establish further influence upon the American system for the purpose of consolidating the power of The Enemy Within.

Let us examine the Soviet “Trust” and how it operated.This little- known counterintelligence operation known as “the Trust” was established by the Cheka, the predecessor to the Soviet KGB, as a means through which to set up and control a “phony opposition” in order to flush out genuine opponents of the Bolshevik regime which, as historians know, was under the control of non-Russians—mostly Jews.

When reading the following materials relating to the workings of the “Trust,” simply substitute the word “Israeli” for the word “Soviet” and the word “Mossad” for the names “Cheka” and “KGB” and you will under- stand how the “Trust” technique has been applied by the Mossad, in manipulating groups that “seem” to be opposing Israeli interests. (Likewise, a similar formula can be used substituting the terms “CIA” or “FBI” as it may be appropriate.)

A brief description of the operation of “The Trust” appears in Chekisty: A History of the KGB by John J. Dziak:

“Where no genuine internal opposition organization exists [a security service might] invent one—both to infiltrate the more dangerous . . . organizations abroad in order to blunt or channel their actions, and to surface real or potential internal dissidents. If an internal opposition already exists, it will be infiltrated in an attempt to control it, to provoke opponents into exposing themselves, and to cause the movement to serve state interests. ”

A more comprehensive account of “The Trust” appears in Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards: U.S. Covert Action and Counterintelligence, by Georgetown University Professor Roy Godson who is known for his close ties to the Israeli lobby in Washington:

“Sometimes, if circumstances allow and the practitioners are skillful, counterintelligence can target its deception not only at the internal and emigre opposition but also at the intelligence services and governments of foreign adversaries.The Soviet Trust was such an operation.

The Trust was created in the early 1920s and completely controlled by the Soviet secret service, the Cheka. Believing they were operating in league with an active and effective anti-Bolshevik movement, opponents of the regime within the USSR and in exile were lured by the Trust into exposing themselves and became targets of Soviet state security.

Using that information and controlling communications between Western intelligence agencies, the Russian emigre community, and Russian dissidents inside the country, the Cheka expertly neutralized anti-Communist opposition at home and abroad.

The Trust was also able to use its contacts with Western intelligence services to pass along misleading and false information on the internal state of the Soviet regime to those same services’ foreign ministries and governments. Essentially, the West was being told by its intelligence “assets” within the Soviet Union that support for the Bolshevik regime was weakening, and that the Soviet leaders were at heart nationalists who, if left in peace by the West, would gradually turn a state dedicated to revolution at home and abroad into one that would behave in a more traditional and predictable fashion . . .

The organization’s actual name was the Moscow Municipal Credit Association—thus, the Trust. It posed as a financial institution operating within the liberal economic environment of Lenin’s New Economic Policy. The bogus group’s clandestine name was the Monarchist Association of Central Russia. One ironic aspect of the Trust operation was that British and French intelligence services were paying the Russian emigres for the disinformation being supplied them by the Cheka through the Trust.Allegedly, at one point, money paid to these sources by the West was used to cover the expenses of the deception operation itself. In short, the West was paying to be deceived . . .

Given the fact that several generations of young KGB officers were shown that Trust operations were successful, it is not surprising that such operations were continued from the 1920s to the 1980s.”

The “Trust” model for infiltration has been applied by the Mossad and its allies in the CIA and the FBI in this country to other dissident movements targeted for infiltration and take-over. Intelligence units such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are often part of the operation.

Careful study of recent ADL and SPLC bulletins will frequently (but not always) reveal precisely which “dissident” groups and leaders are being utilized (and promoted) to collect names and assemble dossiers on perceived or potential threats. The ADL and SPLC give a big “build- up” to their own controlled agents so as to give them “credibility.” In other words, the average person will assume that because the ADL and SPLC happen to be attacking an individual or organization, that is some- how “proof” that the individual or organization is legitimate, as evidenced by the ADL or SPLC attacks.Those who affiliate themselves with such “trust” operations do so at their own risk.

In the pages of The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within we will learn much more about the actions of Soviet-style “Trust” intrigues on American soil.We will name those who lead phony opposition groups. We will demonstrate that there has been a concerted effort to control— or destroy—genuine grass-roots American political opposition that threatens the power of Zionism and its (often-uneasy) allies in the glob- al corporate elite.We will meet some of the more infamous media shills who use their influence to defame those who stand in the way of the internationalist agenda. We will survey the way in which traditional American political movements have been infiltrated and taken over, subverted in their otherwise pro-American agenda.

None of this is going to be a pleasant story as it unfolds, but it is a story that must be told if Americans are going to reclaim their nation and their heritage….