View Full Version : The two "conspiracy theorists" arrested for harrassing Sutherland Springs survivors

8th March 2018, 12:58 PM
These two people are now released from jail. There was nothing to charge them with.


Austin Texas is the channel name on 152news.net where this video was posted

Stephen D. Kelley Ole Dammegard Update is the video title on this platform, this video in full was on YouTube

If I understood Ole correctly in this video,

the two people arrested were

Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny

Ole Knows their real names and they are based in Texas.

One of the individuals, I think Side Thorn, goes around to false flag survivor events and offers one hundred thousand dollars to anyone who gave bring him one hundred percent proof that someone actually died at that false flag event.

Ole opines that those two people were arrested as a distraction and to shut them up while the Dallas or Houston false flag to come in the next few weeks gets to be carried out as planned.

I have often asked myself what exactly would constitute sure proof that someone has died.

I do not think that is possible to the point of "beyond the shadow of a doubt"


we cannot get accurate Social Security Death records

because those only give a name and no number associated with the name, as I understand it. When you compare the names on the official story death list and do find a name match that looks pretty good, which is extremely rare, you find that the date of death and other data contained on a SS Death record do not coincide with the facts of the event.


we cannot get coroners reports or certificates of death as prepared by the corroner in the area where the event took place. And we cannot get autopsy reports of actual autopsies performed by the corroner and his or her staff M.D.s.


we cannot get solid looking information from newspaper obituaries and funeral information.

I found all of these impossible barriers to the kind of information that would establish death of the same person that was on that official story list of the dead. Most often we find that the photos of the people presumed to be victims are actually vicsims simulated victims with obviously photoshopped photos.

One other factor we cannot get proof of actual death is that

hospital administrators and attending physicians M.Ds. are owned by the federal government and they cannot and will not tell the truth. In fact, these people show every sign of being forced into becoming "crisis actors" themselves.