View Full Version : What's not to like?

8th March 2018, 01:57 PM
Start at 8:40


8th March 2018, 02:58 PM
Who is the guy that refused to shake Trumps hand 31:18?

8th March 2018, 03:13 PM
I predict 25% less U.S. steel and aluminum sales.

8th March 2018, 03:24 PM
I predict 25% less U.S. steel and aluminum sales.

Putting people back to work so they can pay those higher prices...

old steel
8th March 2018, 04:17 PM
Clinton could have done it, Bush could have done it, Barry could have done it, but no, too busy selling out and filling their pockets.

They all need to hang!!!

8th March 2018, 04:23 PM
The days of cheap steel are over, deal with it! Cheap steel was destroying the US steel industry.

8th March 2018, 04:31 PM
Putting people back to work so they can pay those higher prices...

Work for the government to collect tariff, possibly.

Idk? If i were Mexico and Canada i would just buy a bunch a chinese steel.

I cant imagine U.S. aluminum needing 10% to compete, but whatever.

We pay they play golf.

8th March 2018, 04:33 PM
Of course we'll all be paying higher prices! Quality costs more. It always has!
Work for the government to collect tariff, the end price of the material made U.S. is most likely equal to or higher with the tariff.

Idk? If i were Mexico and Canada i would just buy a bunch a chinese steel.

8th March 2018, 04:45 PM
Of course we'll all be paying higher prices! Quality costs more. It always has!

I dont even see that happening with Canada and Mexico exempt.

Sounds to me as just another road to North American union.

Or is just an initial punt to see if they suck tax money out of u from your tits and your ass. All other nations luv full control over those levers. Screwin u in mouth and ass.

8th March 2018, 04:50 PM
What should scrap aluminum prices do? Scrap metal as a whole?

8th March 2018, 04:52 PM

The scrap business just got a healthy $ kick in the keester!

8th March 2018, 05:13 PM
Does anyone understand the exemption upon renegotiation with NAFTA?

Is it just an end around going through congress?

8th March 2018, 06:12 PM
I'm in the building and construction industry, and we're all bracing ourselves for hiked steel and aluminum prices incoming. Higher prices means more people can't afford the final product. It's good for some, but not for all.

8th March 2018, 06:52 PM
Not related but just an observation. In the 1970's a pair of Levis 501 were 45-55 bux. Now you can find them for less than 25 bux. With inflation they should cost over 175-200 bux but they don't. In the '70s we made money and prioritized things, now we make money and are only able to pay bills. (not including you lucky fuks). There is almost no difference in pay between the generations except the percentage income to expenditure, some costs went up while others went down or stayed the same. With basically the same income as back then bills for heat and electricity now there is nothing left for the Levis at either price.

8th March 2018, 07:39 PM
I'm in the building and construction industry, and we're all bracing ourselves for hiked steel and aluminum prices incoming. Higher prices means more people can't afford the final product. It's good for some, but not for all.

I don't know how you figure this? There's a ridiculous amount of money sloshing around this country. We are heading into the biggest boom in our history. Yours and other companies biggest worry will be where to find the people to do the work.

