View Full Version : Florida lawmakers vote to keep Daylight Saving Time all year

9th March 2018, 11:43 AM
In the interest of logical Democracy.

Enough with the “fall back, spring ahead.”

So said Florida lawmakers this week when they approved a bill to keep Daylight Saving Time all year instead of ending it in November.

The State Senate took “less than a minute” to pass the Sunshine Protection Act (http://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2018/1013/BillText/er/PDF)— with just two nay votes. The bill passed in the House 103-11 on Feb. 14.
Next step for the proposed legislation: Gov. Rick Scott. But even if he approves, the change “will literally take an act of Congress,” notes CN (https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/07/us/florida-year-round-daylight-saving-time-trnd/index.html)N.


9th March 2018, 12:11 PM
Never understood it, go to work in the light and come home in the dark. Winter sucks just fine without any help.

9th March 2018, 12:30 PM
Walkers are three times as likely to be hit and killed by cars right after the switch than in the month before DST ends. ... The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project."


Ben came up with it in his basement, after he chopped those dudes up who Really discovered electricity...

prolly an alibi ting.

9th March 2018, 03:40 PM
Won't work as the east coast won't change also, fun to watch though...

9th March 2018, 04:06 PM
China has no time zones. Found that kinda bizarre but whatever works right?

9th March 2018, 07:52 PM
I wish they'd do that here. I hate DST.

9th March 2018, 07:57 PM
I wish they'd do that here. I hate DST..

DST is the standard, the summer thing was invoked from elsewhere. Not sure how they classify DST and the other 3 letter system

9th March 2018, 08:52 PM

DST is the standard, the summer thing was invoked from elsewhere. Not sure how they classify DST and the other 3 letter system

what does the d stand for?

so will all florida time be called edt?

10th March 2018, 07:36 AM
what does the d stand for?

so will all florida time be called edt?

No. They also want to shift the eastern part to Atlantic time (same as PR) and the western part (where I live) from central to eastern.....go f****n figure.


10th March 2018, 07:53 AM
No. They also want to shift the eastern part to Atlantic time (same as PR) and the western part (where I live) from central to eastern.....go f****n figure.


when daylight is used it's the middle letter, no? est - eastern standard time, edt - eastern daylight time

he had dst -- (something) standard time?

10th March 2018, 08:36 AM
Time changes suck , big ones. Unless you are an after work like to do shit type, or still in high school or sumthing back in the days of drive in movie theaters, looking fur sum nookie. (bunch of kids conceived at the local drive in,(you may be one of them) or parking sumwhere) and get her back before curfew.(Winter time, early dark, well, let nature take its course plus snuggling because of the cold...;D Day lite time in summer cuts getting dark time by an hour, when the good action can began for sum, for others dark or light nookie is nookie get it while you can....

+++++ (Good thing)

Another bitch, is driving to work, if you drive east, twice a year because of the switch , you drive into the early sun, total bitch plus a safety thing, because you can not see, being blinded by the sun in your eyes.

Big frigging thing is the disruption of sleep and readjusting to the shift.

The shift did make sense back when a huge chunk of the population worked the land one way or the other. But today, is is a real

Pain in the ass.

Set the time one way or the other, and leave it the hell alone, forever + one day...


10th March 2018, 10:19 AM
when daylight is used it's the middle letter, no? est - eastern standard time, edt - eastern daylight time

he had dst -- (something) standard time?

According to my atomic clock, from the left coast to the east. PST (pacific), MST (mountain), CST (central) and EST (eastern). These are all "standard time" DST is "daylight savings time" which is during the warm months or March - October. During "standard time" the sun rises an hour earlier and sets an hour earlier than "daylight savings time".

10th March 2018, 11:03 AM
According to my atomic clock, from the left coast to the east. PST (pacific), MST (mountain), CST (central) and EST (eastern). These are all "standard time" DST is "daylight savings time" which is during the warm months or March - October. During "standard time" the sun rises an hour earlier and sets an hour earlier than "daylight savings time".

the d goes in the middle - replaces the s when using daylight time - pdt, mdt, cdt, edt

10th March 2018, 12:11 PM
the d goes in the middle - replaces the s when using daylight time - pdt, mdt, cdt, edt

Yes, I didn't want to add that to my little deal. Makes it too much for smaller minds to digest.

10th March 2018, 12:20 PM
Outdoor jobs, building and such, count on sunlight to happen, but all you need to do is change work hours..

11th March 2018, 12:25 AM
... another "following the money" case benefiting the gas/energy industry mainly. When profit seeking dictates the mind, one can be sure that everything is a SCAM as it exposes the subjectivity of value... materialism is an illusion, Maya in Sanskrit.

on YT, look for Samadhi Movie, 2017 - Part 1 - "Maya, the Illusion of the Self", more than 2 million views so far
It is ludicrous to think that DST makes an extra hour of natural light available to anyone. Depending on the season and distance from the equator, the sun shines the same number of hours per day no matter where your clock’s hands point or what its digits display. That simple observation undermines the old saw crediting DST to farmers. Livestock do not wear watches and do not awake to alarms.

22 Reasons Why Daylight Saving Time Needs To Be Abolished
DST was designed to give people more time in sunlight, and ostensibly to conserve energy—but many prominent studies have proven we get little if any benefits from the practice. A U.S. Department of Transportation study in the 1970s concluded that total electricity savings associated with daylight saving time amounted to about 1 percent in the spring and fall months—and that was offset by the increase in air-conditioner use.

A more recent study in 2006 found similar results, which was noted by two academics wrote a NYT Op-Ed piece in 2008. They argued that not only is there little scientific proof that this reduces energy consumption—it's actually more wasteful than not. And super annoying, which we already knew.

Downing, a hero who wrote a whole book about how stupid DST is, believes we waste much more energy than we save. Gas consumption always goes up, something the gas industry has known since the 1930s, and scuttled to the side. "Every time the government studies [DST], it turns out that we are really saving nothing when all is said and done," Downing says........ more

Daylight Saving Time does not save energy
March 5, 2014 by Gail Bambrick, Tufts University
Gas consumption goes up during daylight saving time—"something the gas industry has known since the 1930s," Downing says. That's why it lobbied hard to reintroduce DST after two short-term experiments with it to conserve electricity and other energy resources during World Wars I and II.