View Full Version : EPA Wants China to Sell Bee-Killing Pesticide for 165 Mil Acres of US Farmland

10th March 2018, 03:21 AM
Meanwhile some cryptogeniuses are promoting 200 trillion of phantom wealth waiting to be seized out there... what is wrong with this picture? Yes, follow the money and believe that the market will fix itself? Why can't so many see that "following the money" is a distraction... ???

EPA Wants China to Sell Bee-Killing Pesticide for 165 Mil Acres of US Farmland

Posted on March 7, 2018 | Thiamethoxam is a pollinator killing pesticide that is known to be a bad decision if people who insist on using pesticides (because the agrichemical industry tries to cultivate a situation where average farmers have little option but to use some kind of pesticide).... The EPA is considering using the pesticide on major American food crops, covering about 165 million acres of farmland in the US. If this goes through, the crops that will be poisoned with thiamethoxam include corn, wheat, potato, rice, barley, sorghum, and alfalfa. ....

According to the director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s environmental health program, Ann Burd: “If the EPA grants Syngenta’s wish, it will spur catastrophic declines of aquatic invertebrates and pollinator populations that are already in serious trouble.” “You know the pesticide-approval process is broken when the EPA announces it will consider expanding the use of this dangerous pesticide on the same day its own scientists reveal that the chemical kills birds and aquatic invertebrates.”

According to EcoWatch: “Neonicotinoids have long been known to pose serious harm to bee populations. But the new EPA assessments found the commonly used pesticides can kill and harm birds of all sizes and pose significant dangers to aquatic invertebrates. Thiamethoxam is currently widely used as a seed coating for these crops. This application would allow it to be sprayed directly on the crops, greatly increasing the amount of pesticide that could be used. The just-released aquatic and non-pollinator risk assessment found that the majority of uses of the neonicotinoid on currently registered crops resulted in risks to freshwater invertebrates that exceeded levels of concern—the threshold at which harm is known to occur..... MORE: https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/03/epa-china-bee-killing-pesticide-165-mil-acres-us-farmland.html