View Full Version : Business Secrets from the Bible as per Pat Robertson and Rabbi Daniel Lapin 2014

17th March 2018, 06:26 AM
Hopefully this provides a good laugh. But you may experience nausea and have to run for the Tums.

The reason the U S A has a deeply corrupt Deep State and the USA is about to fall to the Marxists is because the people of the false bible interpretation have gradually taken over the USA.


17th March 2018, 07:13 AM
I watched the whole video and as far as I can see this rabbi has his head on pretty straight. Strangely enough, his views are pretty close to my own and probably most of us here. Debt is a bad thing. One should strive to be prosperous, i.e. there is nothing wrong with having wealth. Big government is the road to slavery. Marxism is a terrible idea. All this coming from a rabbi. Who would guess?

17th March 2018, 07:31 AM
Will try to restrain my preacher personality, but suffice it to say that rabbis hate Jesus Who is the Light of the World. The followers of Jesus become the children of the Light.

Christians look toward eternal life and the eternal resting place of their souls. That is not even a hope or a possibiliy without Christ's sacrifice on the cross and without the grace of God, our God who has a Son. But also God gave us free will and power to choose to obey the One True God. We have to cooperate with God's grace that He especially bestows on each one of us.

Yes, we each have our own special talents, and yes, there is Divine Providence and grace, and yes, we must work and pray and worship in Christ's way, the only way to the Father. God will give us all we need and deserve and he will not reward those who will not work. He says he who will not work will not eat. The Jew's false sense of serving their neighbors is what we have now. False welfare state and no middle class, Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich ideology. Christ's form of charity is borne of Christian love for one's neighbor, regardless of what they can do for this world system. We help and save the widows and orphans and those who cannot work because those poor people have souls and are made in the image and likeness of God and deserve Chist's love and hope of salvation. The only help to the helpless by the Jews is for other Jews.

In Jewish thinking, their Father has no Son. Their messiah is of this world, the City of Man, as Saint Augustine describes it.

I found it disgusting how this rabbi used the phrase, the city on the hill, which is taken from the gospel of Saint Mathew, Chapter 5 verse 17, from the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount is about the New Covenant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Jews don't have the slightest understanding of Jesus and their main state of soul is the deepest Hatred in their hearts and souls for Jesus the Messiah and the people who live by the law of Christ. Followers of Christ are the Israel of God.

That particular verse is about people being salt and light because they belong to the One Who is Light. The city on the hill is a city visible to all because of the light in the Children of Light's soul. When the salt has lost its savor it should be trampled underfoot.


17th March 2018, 08:12 AM
What I did find slightly disturbing was that he said he speaks at 30 to 40 churches a year. I don't imagine synagogues have many preachers speaking any wisdom in their sacred space.

21st March 2018, 12:26 AM
I watched the whole video and as far as I can see this rabbi has his head on pretty straight. Strangely enough, his views are pretty close to my own and probably most of us here. Debt is a bad thing. One should strive to be prosperous, i.e. there is nothing wrong with having wealth. Big government is the road to slavery. Marxism is a terrible idea. All this coming from a rabbi. Who would guess?

They have an -ism ideology for everyone, controlling the debate puts them in power. We have only an illusion of choice.

21st March 2018, 07:22 AM
Debt is a bad thing.

Yep and an environment NOT to raise a family in!

Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

If you are serving mammon (money) you CAN'T serve the Lord!!!