View Full Version : Official: AJ is off the Trump train

midnight rambler
24th March 2018, 09:51 AM

midnight rambler
24th March 2018, 09:57 AM
As usual, AJ is full of shit.

24th March 2018, 10:25 AM
Probably too many listeners disillusioned by Trump. Controlled op will do this to keep as many on the reservation.

24th March 2018, 11:02 AM
I have a question for some of you, choose A or B

Q. If you believe corruption in government is so vast and widespread (as I do) and the globalist/elite are 100% intent on taking our country down (as I do), would you want:
A. A stronger military right now at all cost.
B. A weaker military with a smaller military budget.

The globalist have spent probably the last 100 years planning/waiting for this period in history to take our country down. They have weakened everything we hold dear in society and weakened our military to the point we can barely defend ourselves. Could it be Trump sees the need to have this strong military in this most critical time in our history, when so much power is acting to take us down. Since Trump was elected, the globalists/NWO have pulled out all the stops to destroy our country NOW! They are making their move to take control of it all. They control the internet and soon they will control the digital currency.

And you all stood in line for it

24th March 2018, 11:13 AM

All Western (ZOGs) militaries serve the jew. If all Western "Governments" fall with non-controlled opposition freeing the Western Christian Civilization, that is the hope for humanity. The (((police))) are the problem. The (((military))) is the problem, unless you believe the 9/11 commission report.

The country has been controlled on and off since Wilson. LBJ and Reagan served zionists. Since Reagan, it has been hell.

Globalism, Communism, Nazism, Capitalism are all used by the jew. With jews, you lose. Free yourself from zionism and Satanism, free the World. The "leaders" are all either jews/zionists and/or Satanists.


24th March 2018, 11:32 AM
The real military are the patriots that do the fighting. These men and women are mostly conservatives, America 1st Trump supporters. We need more of them!
The Jewish elite, globalists are going at full bore to take our country now. You don't have to look far to see it.

24th March 2018, 11:35 AM
I listened to the first few minutes of this latest AJ video come-on.

Decided it was another one of his click baity exageration rhetoric.

He has always preferred the facetious, exaggerated form of joking and kidding and people always had to ask him was he kidding or not. That is what has always sold for him.

So will someone please, someone who has the intestinal fortitude to watch this video all the way through, explain am I right or does he really seem to be dissing Trump all of a sudden.

adjective: facetious

treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

24th March 2018, 11:39 AM
C. A populace armed with silver.

Military only follow orders, they make none

24th March 2018, 11:41 AM

24th March 2018, 12:12 PM
The real military are the patriots that do the fighting. These men and women are mostly conservatives, America 1st Trump supporters. We need more of them!
The Jewish elite, globalists are going at full bore to take our country now. You don't have to look far to see it.
What so we need a military for? The only thing our military does is fight wars for Israel. An occasional corporate hijack also.

24th March 2018, 12:19 PM
What so we need a military for? The only thing our military does is fight wars for Israel. An occasional corporate hijack also.

The build up Trump is talking about is for our own country. Trump is taking on the whole world right now, do you want him to take down Israel at the same time?
You must think he is Superman?


24th March 2018, 12:25 PM
What so we need a military for? The only thing our military does is fight wars for Israel. An occasional corporate hijack also.

India serves zion.
Chabad Putin is on team jew.
Europe is jew occupied in lack of freedom of thought and their militaries attack Libya and are used in zionist wars.
Australia serves zionists.

Japan is US occupied.
"Communist" China won't defend North Korea and is playing the banksters game.
Latin America is not a threat.

What is left of freedom is some East Asian Countries, Middle Eastern Countries and Latin American Countries. And some other countries scattered here and there. The rest are a risk board with one player playing them all - zionist jews playing 5 different teams. "Oh be afraid of Russia, they are Christian." "Be afraid of those Serbs, more Christians" Fight goyim.