View Full Version : McCabe Comes Clean: Blames His "Inaccuracies" On "Confusion & Distraction"

Twisted Titan
25th March 2018, 11:51 PM
McCabe Comes Clean: Blames His "Inaccuracies" On "Confusion & Distraction"

After 21 years at The FBI, Andrew McCabe was unceremoniously fired a day before retirement (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-14/andrew-mccabe-be-fired-days-ahead-retirement-nyt) for what AG Sessions called "lack of candor," which to us mere mortals is akin to something between a white lie and a big black lie.

The Deep State came out swinging to defend him and attack his 'attackers' with former CI Director John Brennan the most vocal, lambasting President Trump's actions...

"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."

All of which leads us to today and Andrew McCabe's op-ed in The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/andrew-mccabe-not-in-my-worst-nightmares-did-i-dream-my-fbi-career-would-end-this-way/2018/03/23/5ff8fd8c-2eb9-11e8-8688-e053ba58f1e4_story.html?__twitter_impression=true) which appears to be something between a mea culpa admission that he may not have told "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," a pathetic excuse-fest, and a jab at the current administration.

"Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way," McCabe begins...

Despite all the preparation for the worst-case scenario, I still felt disoriented and sick to my stomach. Around 10 p.m., a friend called to tell me that CNN was reporting that I had been fired. She read me the attorney general’s statement.
So, after two decades of public service, I found out that I had been fired in the most disembodied, impersonal way — third-hand, based on a news account.
Shortly after getting word, I noticed an email from a Justice Department official in my work account, telling me that I had been “removed from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the civil service.”

Are we expected to feel sorry for him? We are not sure what he was expecting? A big hug? If Justice believed you committed a wrongdoing - which the IG report did - then asta la vista?
But then McCabe shifts into full Orwellian doublespeak:

I have been accused of “lack of candor.” That is not true. I did not knowingly mislead or lie to investigators.

Ok, go on...

When asked about contacts with a reporter that were fully within my power to authorize as deputy director, and amid the chaos that surrounded me, I answered questions as completely and accurately as I could. And when I realized that some of my answers were not fully accurate or may have been misunderstood, I took the initiative to correct them.

So to clarify - you did not tell the truth? ... because of all the "chaos surrounding you"... ok go on...

At worst, I was not clear in my responses, and because of what was going on around me may well have been confused and distracted - and for that I take full responsibility. But that is not a lack of candor.

Well, "inaccurate" responses are "untruthful" responses and for a "21-year veteran" of The FBI, we are surprised that you would find it hard to stick to the "facts" because of being "confused and distracted"...

And under no circumstances could it ever serve as the basis for the very public and extended humiliation of my family and me that the administration, and the president personally, have engaged in over the past year.

Again with the sob story... you just took responsibility for inaccuracies? So did you expect no consequences? Slink off to your safe space and be forgiven for this once in a career mistake?

The president’s comments about me were equally hurtful and false, which shows that he has no idea how FBI people feel about their leaders.

More hurt feelings?

I was drawn to the FBI by nothing more complicated than a desire to do good.

Like Google believes in "do no evil"?

McCabe finishes with a flourish, equating himself to the hard-working men and women of The FBI...

They continued to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution despite the political winds - and the unprecedented attacks on us by the president and other partisans - that buffeted us.

Except that parallel doesn't really work does it Mr.McCabe? Since most FBI employees are indeed hard-working and are not implicated in lies, coup conspiracies, scandals over wife's political funding, and undermining the democratically-elected president?

The nation continues to need them. And not just the current employees of the FBI, but all smart, talented, dedicated people considering careers in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. These are hard jobs that demand sacrifice, often involve danger, and take a toll on families and personal lives. But they also offer the rare opportunity to enter into a sacred trust with the American people: to protect and defend them, honestly, justly and fairly. There is no greater responsibility, but there is no greater reward.

Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. So don't screw all that up by becoming emotionally mired so deep in the deep state that you forget why you started at The FBI in the first place.

26th March 2018, 03:54 PM
I love these happy endings...

Despite all the preparation for the worst-case scenario, I still felt disoriented and sick to my stomach. Around 10 p.m., a friend called to tell me that CNN was reporting that I had been fired. She read me the attorney general’s statement.
So, after two decades of public service, I found out that I had been fired in the most disembodied, impersonal way — third-hand, based on a news account.
Shortly after getting word, I noticed an email from a Justice Department official in my work account, telling me that I had been “removed from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the civil service.”