View Full Version : Q psyop exposed

midnight rambler
26th March 2018, 01:52 PM

26th March 2018, 03:12 PM
^ that vid was discussed in the livestream which Corsi just got off of-- it's live 24/7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChqFB2810iE

Corsi's segment was around an hour; I was back & forth from the comp & only one ear when I was there but I gather Corsi's short take is, it's nonsense; though he's respected AIM's past work... I haven't got around to listening to the above vid anyways, but when I see the Corsi segment posted I'll pass it along. U can stay stay tuned to https://www.youtube.com/user/jrlcorsi/videos for it.

That vid's title & thumbnail are awfully clickbaitey!
5 hours ago

^ looks like it worked :rolleyes:

26th March 2018, 03:21 PM
Comments cover it pretty well.

26th March 2018, 03:44 PM
^ 2K comments already... I haven't followed AIM personally. Sean/SGT's comment sits on top,
^ can check the ~150 replies it's already drawn

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-YhoSD_FT8dQ/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/qqAF1ePfcto/s76-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/user/SGTbull07)
SGTreport (https://www.youtube.com/user/SGTbull07)
4 hours ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbSWZV3muVg&lc=Ugxia8lRzxnIN7Wr4dl4AaABAg)

Thomas & Betsy, I post many of your videos at my site ThePhaser.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fthephaser.com%2F&redir_token=02H5KRKn9ZYm5BtkWKPkLi_kNGp8MTUyMjE4OT g1NUAxNTIyMTAzNDU1&event=comments) and have respect for your work and research. However the insinuation that folks in the alt-media who are reporting about Q might be paid by the opposition is a startling claim. I don't understand what "the fake Q people" means, please clarify. Please, NAME NAMES. I think Jerome Corsi does very good work in this area, and have him scheduled for an interview in April. Are you suggesting that he is paid to spread disinfo/Q propaganda? I would be happy to ask him about it. https://twitter.com/SGTreport/status/978335485738278913 (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FSGTreport%2 Fstatus%2F978335485738278913&redir_token=02H5KRKn9ZYm5BtkWKPkLi_kNGp8MTUyMjE4OT g1NUAxNTIyMTAzNDU1&event=comments)

26th March 2018, 04:32 PM
just tweeted,

Jerome Corsi‏ @jerome_corsi (https://twitter.com/jerome_corsi)
I affirm that #Qanon8chan (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Qanon8chan?src=hash) is the ORIGINAL and AUTHENTIC Q intel source. "Code Monkey" the operator of 8chan who also affirms TRIPCODE and IP devices AFFIRM Q -- I REJECT American Intelligence Media (AIM) disinformation that Q is a "psyop" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbSWZV3muVg&t=1s … (https://t.co/4HkgAVjnzq) @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
4:27 PM - 26 Mar 2018


26th March 2018, 04:36 PM
This is the most remarkable period of history I have ever experienced.

There is more disinformation being jammed down our throats than can be imagined. Alex Jones is certainly right about one thing: there is a war on for you mind.

If I was a poorer global power, the most cost-effective way for me to disrupt my richer enemies would be to carry out a dezinformatsia campaign just exactly like what we are experericing right now. No one knows what to believe, there is a story out there to suit everyone, they're all different, and we are completely divided amongst ourselves. Few people can imagine what can be accomplished with hundreds of $Billions of dollars, or even $Trillions. You are witnessing it, and it is far from over. The American left, at the urging of the globalists, has gone "all-in". Nothing is off limits, emotion emotion emotion, don't stop to think or reason, just feel and go along with it! National primal scream therapy.

As a result, the government is in disarray. We are promised, on the one hand, Trump's impending impeachment, and on the other hand a "Blockbuster" set of revelations about the deep state, Justice Department, Child Trafficking, secret Q posts, my source is deeper than your source...it is Internet-as-catharsis, and that is ALL it is. Don't do anything, citizen, we will take care of it all. Just sit an watch.

Uncle Salty
26th March 2018, 04:50 PM
At least we can be sure of one thing...the Earth is flat!

26th March 2018, 05:05 PM
At least we can be sure of one thing...the Earth is flat!

No! It's a cube.

old steel
26th March 2018, 06:32 PM
Nah, no information on the sauce. Sorry MR the deepstate will do anything to keep the status quo.

The patriot movement is growing and they are scared.

I'm locked and loaded, waiting for everyone else to catch up.

26th March 2018, 06:53 PM
That's me ahead of you OS! :rolleyes:
Nah, no information on the sauce. Sorry MR the deepstate will do anything to keep the status quo.

The patriot movement is growing and they are scared.

I'm locked and loaded, waiting for everyone else to catch up.

26th March 2018, 07:30 PM
Not sure what all the fuss is on the Q train, when there seems enough luv in jewtube dollar views/likes to spread around for everyone's fish hooks. (minus those little fish someone shookoff earlier)

As for .gov departmental layoffs (indictments) directly before retirement, its just their way of flippin off the weak fish.

They call it swamp drainin, what you endup with is a more efficient, well oiled, lean mean, zionist .gov machine. All globalists investor types love those.



old steel
26th March 2018, 07:51 PM
How do you tell someone is a Zionist Globalist so you can pull the trigger and move on?

Is there a trick question?

26th March 2018, 08:05 PM
How do you tell someone is a Zionist Globalist so you can pull the trigger and move on?

I normally assume everyone is first at some capacity, then keep my weak eye open for anyone who is begging for mercy.

The willfully ignorant are a great place to find beggars.

27th March 2018, 08:43 AM
As I recall Corsi was on 24/7 stream 2x yesterday, interrupted by another engagement. Find both parts at: https://www.youtube.com/user/jrlcorsi/videos

He'll be on C2C tonight 1a-3a ET https://twitter.com/jerome_corsi/status/978624510583861248

27th March 2018, 01:28 PM
these guys appear to be talking about congressional hearings, they obviously think something will happen there.

yeah extended Psyop, for sure.

midnight rambler
27th March 2018, 09:23 PM
I think this is an excellent assessment, succinctly put.

This is the most remarkable period of history I have ever experienced.

There is more disinformation being jammed down our throats than can be imagined. Alex Jones is certainly right about one thing: there is a war on for you mind.

If I was a poorer global power, the most cost-effective way for me to disrupt my richer enemies would be to carry out a dezinformatsia campaign just exactly like what we are experericing right now. No one knows what to believe, there is a story out there to suit everyone, they're all different, and we are completely divided amongst ourselves. Few people can imagine what can be accomplished with hundreds of $Billions of dollars, or even $Trillions. You are witnessing it, and it is far from over. The American left, at the urging of the globalists, has gone "all-in". Nothing is off limits, emotion emotion emotion, don't stop to think or reason, just feel and go along with it! National primal scream therapy.

As a result, the government is in disarray. We are promised, on the one hand, Trump's impending impeachment, and on the other hand a "Blockbuster" set of revelations about the deep state, Justice Department, Child Trafficking, secret Q posts, my source is deeper than your source...it is Internet-as-catharsis, and that is ALL it is. Don't do anything, citizen, we will take care of it all. Just sit an watch.

27th March 2018, 09:33 PM
Jordan S, 19m:



28th March 2018, 07:50 AM
Ah I see, Q is a "group" now and there is also some sort of "white hat" attack of a cabal.

The white hats are apparently all invisible and only discussed as real over youtube. Even when any involvement by the "white hats" were beckoned for by a DNC leaking themselves and launching a Russian spy investigation.

28th March 2018, 06:56 PM
It's all a show for the goy....all of it! IMHO of course!

28th March 2018, 07:04 PM
It's all a show for the goy....all of it! IMHO of course!

Called 'distraction'.

12th April 2020, 11:12 AM
This is the most remarkable period of history I have ever experienced.

You said that two years ago SWRichmond. Welcome back!
