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28th March 2018, 03:53 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU5taO5vRDo&feature=youtu.be He won't be back.

28th March 2018, 04:37 PM
In the UK, they are close to getting Corbyn as PM, and this is an example of their diplomats/ambassadors.

Rothschild hates the UK, likes Jewmerica.

Jews in the Labor Party tried to chase out Corbyn for supporting the Free Palestine movement.

The UK is so far ahead of Jewmerica in choices and real democracy. The problem is the idiots voted for Jew Nazi Theresa May who is for criminalizing anyone who opposes jewish agenda. So the far right can link up with the traditional left (not Tony Blair's neo left akin to jews at CNN) to defeat the jew and NATO, but choose to link up with Jew Nazis in the Conservative Party because they don't like Indian Cab drivers.

Let see the Negro population of the UK will increase by 0.7% in the next five years under Corbyn and you get rid of zionism in the government and make it by the people for the people. Or with May you get the negro population increasing by 0.7% and you get worse than Patriot Act. The Far Right chose worse than the Patriot Act. Both are the same on sodomites and abortion. Status quo.

Corbyn's Labor Party is so anti-jewish world dis-order, they have slogans for the far right, "if you are for the Labor Party because you hate jews, see yourself to the door." That is how bad it is for international neo-con jews with Corbyn. And the idiots on the far right fell for multiple MI-5 MI-6 false flags to scare them about Muslims to vote for May to protect them from the MI-5/MI-6.

28th March 2018, 06:27 PM
The Brits are screwed. Most of their population has gone full retard liberal and they all seem to be afraid of their own shadows. Where did all the brave British fighters go?.. The US is headed down the same path. The major difference is the people all have guns and most of those are conservatives who are reaching the end of their rope. There will be no gun confiscation or 2A repeal. That's won't happen because if it's tried blood will flow in the streets of every city in America

28th March 2018, 06:34 PM
The Brits are screwed. Most of their population has gone full retard liberal and they all seem to be afraid of their own shadows. Where did all the brave British fighters go?

Friends with more than a few. Anti gun is brainwashed into existence weather or not .gov come to 'clense' them or not. They are happy and also have jobs which here in the uS are kinda hard to come by without connections. Of course 8 bux an hour is easily available. The US is pissed due to the rutting of jobs and rights and CNN and a miriad of other shyt.

Average Joe goes to the bar to pick up bitches or fags or whatever, he has no clue at all but his friends tell him what is going down on CNN.

Without the media in the US taking a big ass hit I don't see a recovery.

29th March 2018, 11:58 AM
If India went full blown zionist with starting wars and false flags, had booming economy, and every idiot Indian zioinst had a gun to protect them from the dreaded communism, would not India still be an evil in the world supporting the criminal devils in Israhell, and leading the world into slavery.

The jew will try to take away guns, but so long as your typical NRA member supports Israhell and more wars for zionism, the jew won't go full Lenin on jewmerica.

29th March 2018, 04:42 PM
U.K. is preffered base of banking operations for security reasons.

All world finance houses are routed to the island an why no guns are permitted. This changed just in recent history. The U.S. were a competitor in the finance field throughout 80s and 90s. No longer, so all goes to U.K.

Syria to me appears to be a toss up as to which regime gets to control their new Rothchild central bank subsector caliphate.

Gambling ground, house wins.

29th March 2018, 07:02 PM
Where did all the brave British fighters go?.. The US is headed down the same path. The major difference is the people all have guns and most of those are conservatives who are reaching the end of their rope.

Great Britain once ruled the waves, now "Great" Britain is ruled by waves of immigrants.

31st March 2018, 08:56 AM
Less guns in any nation, lends security to those affluent import banker types. All central banking cities will kneel to London's leadership in most any matter.

Marching orders come from London and why war even gets a debate there.

D.C. or New York never more debate war marching orders, they just march or discuss any amount of false reports while marching.

Sorry New York, But London Is The World's Real Capital City

In 1998, 32.6% of the world's forex trading was done in the UK (almost all of which takes place in London), against 18.3% in the US. By 2013, the UK had grown to make up 40.9% of the global market, seeing a daily average of $2.73 trillion in turnover. Every day.


2nd April 2018, 11:34 AM
You're spot on! Britain is not great anymore! It's been reduced to this little island of faggots, girly men, niggers and globalists! The US is moving in that direction too!
Great Britain once ruled the waves, now "Great" Britain is ruled by waves of immigrants.