View Full Version : If you had to chose between a White version of North Korea

31st March 2018, 01:20 PM
Vs the present US constitutional republic, which system would you chose?
Individual liberties vs group guarantees (Juche system)?

31st March 2018, 01:42 PM
If you had to chose would you be one of the 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae or one of the 300,000 Persians who slaughtered them?

31st March 2018, 03:39 PM
Scandanavia is my choice, but damn its cold up there, so Florida for me...

31st March 2018, 04:42 PM
To clarify: the standard of living would be much higher in the US under a Juche system because there is a lot more arable land and resources (oil) than in North Korea.
So would you stay in a multicultural America with your individual rights or would you rather live in a dictatorship that would preserve your racial heritage?
Note this is a trick question.

31st March 2018, 07:09 PM
To clarify: the standard of living would be much higher in the US under a Juche system because there is a lot more arable land and resources (oil) than in North Korea.
So would you stay in a multicultural America with your individual rights or would you rather live in a dictatorship that would preserve your racial heritage?
Note this is a trick question.

Throw the dog an invisible bone.

31st March 2018, 07:15 PM
Why not just wait several more weeks to see how well it works out for N Korea?

31st March 2018, 07:47 PM
Why not just wait several more weeks to see how well it works out for N Korea?

Trick question or is it an option?

31st March 2018, 08:22 PM
Trick question or is it an option?

Sometimes the best action is to do nothing. Just wait and observe.

31st March 2018, 08:22 PM
why beat around the bush -- give us your take on juche and move on

31st March 2018, 08:44 PM
The devil is in the details.

31st March 2018, 10:00 PM
why beat around the bush -- give us your take on juche and move on

I think that the US Constitution is flawed and this was done intentionally. I think it's like the cheese in the trap. It's got all those wonderful individual freedoms but then you must accept the parliamentary trap that is bundled with it and this is where the proverbial "They" can get anything they want.
First mistake is "all men are created equal". This is a major tenet of Freemasonry, that all races are equals. Then "We the people" is never defined. Who is that "we" exactly?. Also the explicit forbidding of a State religion is a flaw. So nothing at all to preserve a race, quite the opposite in fact. Everything is done to isolate the individual with his "rights".

I think that a dictatorship with a nationalist leader is the best system. Monarchies can last for thousands of years as history has proven but how long will democracy last?

1st April 2018, 01:35 AM
Why not just wait several more weeks to see how well it works out for N Korea?

I think if Trump meets Kim Jong Un, he will punch him down before he shakes his hand. It will be the video of the century. The optimal propaganda triumph and a guarantee for re-election.

1st April 2018, 04:53 AM
I think that the US Constitution is flawed and this was done intentionally. I have wondered about this. Allowing our enemies "Freedom of the press" sure turned out badly.
Concerning your question about a "White version of North Korea"....it does not really address the Jewish question because they would infiltrate the inner workings of any authoritarian government. Even if they didn't, everything would hinge on the character and intellect of the leader.

1st April 2018, 06:17 AM
Wouldn't a "White" version of NK, be a similar to a Nazi Germany without the tech? Meaning Jews running the show and sending the goy to slaughter.

1st April 2018, 09:19 PM
Wouldn't a "White" version of NK, be a similar to a Nazi Germany without the tech? Meaning Jews running the show and sending the goy to slaughter.

But even Nazi Germany was full of traitors from generals who constantly plotted against Hitler, spies who leaked secrets to the Red Orchestra network, admiral Canaris who fed Hitler false intelligence, right down to mechanics who sabotaged planes.

2nd April 2018, 01:46 AM
I think that the US Constitution is flawed and this was done intentionally. I think it's like the cheese in the trap. It's got all those wonderful individual freedoms but then you must accept the parliamentary trap that is bundled with it and this is where the proverbial "They" can get anything they want.
First mistake is "all men are created equal". This is a major tenet of Freemasonry, that all races are equals. Then "We the people" is never defined. Who is that "we" exactly?. Also the explicit forbidding of a State religion is a flaw. So nothing at all to preserve a race, quite the opposite in fact. Everything is done to isolate the individual with his "rights".

I think that a dictatorship with a nationalist leader is the best system. Monarchies can last for thousands of years as history has proven but how long will democracy last?
Yes at least with a hereditary monarchy you’ll have a chance that you’ll get an able and honest leader, the other option tends to be stupid and dishonest in a monarchy, which I believe is also preferable to what democracy tends to produce.... The able and dishonest psychopath, or the compromise solution the unable and honest, who is just a puppet. Able and honest almost never happens in a democracy.

2nd April 2018, 02:26 AM
But even Nazi Germany was full of traitors from generals who constantly plotted against Hitler, spies who leaked secrets to the Red Orchestra network, admiral Canaris who fed Hitler false intelligence, right down to mechanics who sabotaged planes.
The Reptilian Overlords created both sides, communism and national socialism. The herd must be managed. Many of you must come to grips with the fact that your heros have been chosen for you and thus you have been led like sheep to the slaughter. Did you think they wouldn't? Why wouldn't they? It is what they do. Actors are hired and they play a part. They are well rewarded and society is steered like a herd of cattle. The whole thing is a play and you have been played.

Edit to add: When I say Reptilian Overlords it is somewhat tongue-in-cheek but also in defference to David Icke who uses it to refer to the elite controllers. I have a lot of respect for Icke.

2nd April 2018, 04:52 AM
The Reptilian Overlords created both sides, communism and national socialism.

Communism was created by Karl Marx in 1846. It didn't exist before that year. Capitalism was created in 1850. It did not exist before that year.

These are concepts that were created to separate and divide. They have performed precisely as intended and with spectacular results.

2nd April 2018, 05:02 AM
Communism was created by Karl Marx in 1846. It didn't exist before that year. Capitalism was created in 1850. It did not exist before that year.

These are concepts that were created to separate and divide. They have performed precisely as intended and with spectacular results.
Capitalism financed the Bolshevik communist coup in Russia 1917.

2nd April 2018, 05:08 AM
Capitalism financed the Bolshevik communist coup in Russia 1917.

Britain financed the U.S. Revolutionary War. The U.S. thought they were getting war supplies from France but at the end of the Revolutionary War when they couldn't (or wouldn't) pay the debt to the French monarchy that king sold the U.S. debt to England. (basis for the 1812 war?)

The concept of debt is easy to defeat.
1) by definition nothing is the absence of anything
2) less than nothing is the concept of the greater being subtracted from the lesser
3) think about it. How can anything be less than nothing? Isn't that just imagination at work?

2nd April 2018, 06:01 AM
But even Nazi Germany was full of traitors from generals who constantly plotted against Hitler, spies who leaked secrets to the Red Orchestra network, admiral Canaris who fed Hitler false intelligence, right down to mechanics who sabotaged planes.They plotted against the German people, same as Hitler.

The Reptilian Overlords created both sides, communism and national socialism. The herd must be managed. Many of you must come to grips with the fact that your heros have been chosen for you and thus you have been led like sheep to the slaughter. Did you think they wouldn't? Why wouldn't they? It is what they do. Actors are hired and they play a part. They are well rewarded and society is steered like a herd of cattle. The whole thing is a play and you have been played.

Edit to add: When I say Reptilian Overlords it is somewhat tongue-in-cheek but also in defference to David Icke who uses it to refer to the elite controllers. I have a lot of respect for Icke.Icke was chosen for us too. He's a disinformation artist.

2nd April 2018, 06:30 AM
They plotted against the German people, same as Hitler.

Icke was chosen for us too. He's a disinformation artist.
This is a high probability. He did stretch himself into an area where he was ridiculed through his seemingly crazy stance on the reptilians. This too could be an attempt to appear legitimate in the eyes of truth seekers.

2nd April 2018, 08:53 AM
Communism was created by Karl Marx in 1846. It didn't exist before that year. Capitalism was created in 1850. It did not exist before that year.

These are concepts that were created to separate and divide. They have performed precisely as intended and with spectacular results.


Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

The Capitalist's example, a Monopoly is not evident by simply playing the game. Any entity (shoe/racecar) has to win it firstly to be labeled as such for targeted destruction and game over.

In Communism's example everyone is hurt equally so that the pain is unmeasured in regards to your neighbor. This creates a Null and Void case non-applicable as a game. Communism thus is not a game and should not be considered at all fun.

In either case there should be No individual's Trust permitted on the board.

2nd April 2018, 09:34 AM

Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

capitalism (n.)

1854, "condition of having capital;" from capital (n.1) + -ism. Meaning "political/economic system which encourages capitalists" is recorded from 1872, originally used disparagingly by socialists. Meaning "concentration of capital in the hands of a few; the power or influence of large capital" is from 1877.

"Capital" may be most briefly described as wealth producing more wealth; and "capitalism" as the system directing that process. This latter term came into general use during the second half of the 19th century as a word chiefly signifying the world-wide modern system of organizing production and trade by private enterprise free to seek profit and fortune by employing for wages the mass of human labour. There is no satisfactory definition of the term, though nothing is more evident than the thing. [J.L. Garvin, "Capitalism" in Encyclopaedia britannica, 1929]


Capitalism became a noun in 1857. One thing you will notice about the more misinformed on wikipedia is that they use (relatively) modern terms to go back in history and come up with an explanation for events. Society as a whole does this but it is nonsense to consider historical events by defining them with a concept that didn't become a noun until much later.

These type things didn't happen because the word-symbol did not exist.

2nd April 2018, 10:03 AM
Yeah, because it was only required to delineate from the created and unmeasured pain of Communism.

Before Communism, Capitalism was naturally called get'r done.

2nd April 2018, 10:12 AM
Bankruptcy is not a common law concept. Common law permitted you the status of INSOLVENT if you had not sufficient funds to pay your bills and extinguish your contracts. Being insolvent was sufficient to keep you out of prison so you could work on staying in honor. When society started going hinky about money they defined bankruptcy so you could walk away from obligations and commitments. The states are prohibited from interfering with the obligations of contracts. Not so the feds. They administer ALL bankruptcies. You might even say they define bankruptcy.

Then too there is the concept of discharge vs extinguish. Back when there was actual money you could actually extinguish a contract by performance. Poof. Gone!!! Now we can only discharge obligations which is much different from extinguishment. Those discharged contracts hang around forever and you (or your government) never get out of paying interest on them from the day they began.

If you have any background with the military you will notice your 6 years of service is marked with a discharge. The obligation to serve 6 years is what is discharged. This is not an extinguishment of any future obligations. The discharge doesn't cancel the obligation to serve in the future although many discharged vets believe it does.

2nd April 2018, 11:03 AM
The term Bankruptcy may have initially been created for and by Banks. The excorsize of which removes them from what should be their primary mission, to insure.

Though if that were their mission, they might actually get something done or do something.