View Full Version : Gun Control Laws For "Mentally Ill" Could Disarm Those Who Question Authority

Twisted Titan
9th April 2018, 03:00 AM
How Gun Control Laws For "Mentally Ill" Could Disarm Those Who Question Authority
https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/picture-5.jpg?itok=LY4e264- (https://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
by Tyler Durden (https://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Mon, 04/09/2018 - 00:05


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Authored by John Vibes via The Free Thought Project, (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/discriminating-against-the-mentally-ill-with-gun-control-laws-is-a-bad-idea/)

In the growing debate surrounding the natural right to self-defense, one of the most popular proposed methods of gun control has been restrictions on gun-ownership for those who are deemed to be mentally ill.

This is a measure that is often suggested by liberals and conservatives alike, but it is important to stop and consider what something like this might entail.

When any collective group is banned from owning a gun, they are effectively turned into second-class citizens. In the case of mental illness, that classification is so vague and open to interpretation that it could possibly be applied to over half of the population, depending on which criteria you use.

Mental illness can be very hard to identify since there is no kind of official test for most conditions, most people are diagnosed according to the subjective opinions of the doctors that observe them. Even the most severe conditions, like schizophrenia, can be very difficult to identify and is often misdiagnosed.

Psychiatric drugs are another possible factor that could get someone marked by the government as mentally unstable, but a classification like this would allow for large portions of the US population to be disarmed.

According to a 2016 study (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/psychiatric-drugs-study-reveals-widespread-use-women-men/) by JAMA Internal Medicine, more than 1 in 6 Americans are on some type of psychiatric drug. This is not to mention the large number of people who report symptoms of depression or anxiety and don’t take medication.

A policy like this could also allow the government to disarm dissidents and political enemies. As psychiatry became more influential towards the middle of the 20th century, rulers around the world began using “mental illness” as an excuse to lock away anyone who might disagree with them. The Soviet regime became notorious for this practice by labeling all political dissidents as “mentally ill” so they could be locked away in institutions where they were no threat to the establishment.

The United States government also has a long history of slapping unruly citizens with the mark of mental illness. President Franklin Roosevelt famously called his detractors “the lunatic fringe,” and this type of attitude towards activists has carried on in the halls of government to this day.

In the dictionary of mental illnesses, known as DSM-5, published by the American Psychiatric Association, there is actually a condition listed for people who have a problem with authority. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (https://www.healthline.com/health/oppositional-defiant-disorder) is a name that psychiatrists made up to identify children who won’t do what they are told, and now even adults (https://www.reference.com/health/oppositional-defiant-disorder-adults-27e31d1384536c38) are being diagnosed with this condition as well.

Meanwhile, politicians and mainstream media are quick to label anyone who questions the official narrative as a “conspiracy theorist,” a term that has been falsely associated with mental illness in pop culture.

A study in 2017 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ejsp.2331) set out to determine whether or not believing in conspiracy theories was a form of mental illness. As expected they found the exact answer that they were looking for, people who don’t trust the government and mainstream media are crazy, and suffering from something called illusory pattern perception.

There is another dilemma that arises in the discussion of disarming people who are accused of having a mental illness, and that is the fact mentally ill people are 10 times more likely (http://www.bbc.com/news/health-17182626) to be victims of violence than the rest of society because they are often seen as easy targets.

Complicating matters further is the fact that these people can’t depend on the police to help them in these situations, as studies have shown that the mentally ill are 16 times more likely (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/shock-report-mentally-ill-1600-higher-chance-killed-police/) to be killed by a police officer than the average person.

According to the Virginia-based Treatment Advocacy Center, a minimum of 1 in 4 fatal police encounters ends the life of an individual with severe mental illness.

To prevent mentally ill people from owning firearms is a severe form of “ableist” discrimination, and also opens the door for nearly anyone to be classified as mentally ill.

There are sometimes extreme cases where a person’s mental instability is creating a dangerous situation for the community, like the recent Parkland shooting, for example. In this case, the shooter had a known history of violence, regularly made threats and was visited by police on numerous occasions because of his threatening behavior. In cases like this, it is reasonable to keep an eye on someone, restrict their access to firearms, or possibly quarantine them from society in the most extreme situations.

There are many laws on the books currently would have allowed the FBI or local police to intervene in their initial encounters with the shooter, but they decided that a student known for violent outbursts and talking about carrying out school shootings was not worth looking into.

As TFTP reported earlier this month (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/seattle-cops-begin-nazi-style-gun-confiscations-no-laws-broken-no-warrant-no-charges/), there is a law on the books known as the Extreme Risk Protection Order or ERPO, which went into effect in June of 2017. This law is used when a person is considered an “extreme” threat as reported by police and family members. An ERPO must be approved by a judge and only after this person is proven to be a danger to themselves or others can police move in to confiscate their weapons.

These types of targeted approaches specifically aimed at individuals who are a known source of violence in the community would do far more to prevent tragedies from happening, than a wide-reaching law that could threaten the rights and safety of millions of innocent gun owners.

11th April 2018, 07:56 PM
In the U.S. one woman could go about effectively disarming thousands of men in one lifetime simply by dialing 911 on them.

12th April 2018, 09:31 AM
If only conservatards would care 10% about their race than their useless guns...

12th April 2018, 09:39 AM
"Caring about their race" is not enough in Europe. Those that care about their race vote for jew worshiping zionists Le Pen, May and Orban. Woodrow Wilson, as I pointed out, "cared about his race" in hating negros, and gave the jews the Federal Reserve and WWI, and gave Americans the income tax.

So being a (((white nationalist))) does no cut it. David Duke would be an ok president, because he is informed about the jews.

(((White Nationalist))) is a jew playing card. It is in full use in Europe now to hate White Muslim and White Christian Palestinians.

Jew to the White Nationalists: "You can't boycott Israhell. You can't criticize Israhell. You can't criticize jew when they commit crimes. You must worship the jew and always obey the jew".
White Nationalists to Jew: "Do I get to hate me some Mexicans and Muslims."
Jew to White Nationalists: "Of course"
White Nationalists to Jew: "Golly! Sign me up"

^That is the path the (((White Nationalists))) in Europe are leading the (((White Race))). I am not one of those (((whites))), slaves of the jew.

midnight rambler
12th April 2018, 10:09 AM
If only conservatards would care 10% about their race than their useless guns...

What’s your fucking problem with guns?

Only a moronic jackass would consider guns 'useless'.

12th April 2018, 10:38 AM
What’s your fucking problem with guns?

Only a moronic jackass would consider guns 'useless'.

Because gun nuts only care about their guns and nothing else. They don't care about the multicultural invasion because they feel safe with their guns.
Guns just reinforce the "cowboy mentality" that has been reinforced through countless Hollywood movies. "They" want you to be a rugged individualist with your individual rights guaranteed by the masonic con_stitution. What they don't want you is to care about group rights like preserving your race.
Plus they want you to care about gun politics, to vote for a gun friendly politician who will sell you out to the Israel lobby on everything else. Conservatards are major supporter of the system, of the military of the police. They don't know the true nature of the system because they only care about an object.

12th April 2018, 10:50 AM
They don't know the true nature of the system because they only care about an object.

True, Any race fanatic should only care for application and maintenance of the gun between his legs.

Too often it falls prey to self indulgence defense care only use (limpotence) plucking big strings and bass playing.

12th April 2018, 02:37 PM
Because gun nuts only care about their guns and nothing else. They don't care about the multicultural invasion because they feel safe with their guns.
Guns just reinforce the "cowboy mentality" that has been reinforced through countless Hollywood movies. "They" want you to be a rugged individualist with your individual rights guaranteed by the masonic con_stitution. What they don't want you is to care about group rights like preserving your race.
Plus they want you to care about gun politics, to vote for a gun friendly politician who will sell you out to the Israel lobby on everything else. Conservatards are major supporter of the system, of the military of the police. They don't know the true nature of the system because they only care about an object.

Wow, nice response. I wouldn't say "gun nuts" only care about guns at the expense of everything else, but you may be right that many of them are more forgiving of the brown invasion because they have future hope they can solve the problem with their guns, once the timing is right. It allows them to defer action to the future, instead of acting now.

13th April 2018, 06:22 AM
Because gun nuts only care about their guns and nothing else. They don't care about the multicultural invasion because they feel safe with their guns. Guns just reinforce the "cowboy mentality" that has been reinforced through countless Hollywood movies. "They" want you to be a rugged individualist with your individual rights guaranteed by the masonic con_stitution. What they don't want you is to care about group rights like preserving your race. Plus they want you to care about gun politics, to vote for a gun friendly politician who will sell you out to the Israel lobby on everything else. Conservatards are major supporter of the system, of the military of the police. They don't know the true nature of the system because they only care about an object. I reserve the right to retain my guns in order to be able to protect myself from bad people who want to do me and my family harm and/or impose their will upon us. Screw you and your name calling bullshit! You want my guns? Come and get'em!

13th April 2018, 06:54 AM
PTSD is one reason ex-military are denied access to firearms. There is probably a good reason for this. After all they have gone through some pretty specific training that shocks the civilian mentality.

People who concentrate on the wrongs they have experienced by society are suspect. I think many blacks and coloreds feel this way. Many non-coloreds as well. Hillay's 'despicables' (who she refused to represent) are one way of bundling disgruntled classes into one category.

despicable (adj.)

1550s, from Late Latin despicabilis, from Latin despicari "despise, disdain, look down on," from de- "down" (see de-) + spicare, variant of specere "to look at" (from PIE root *spek- "to observe").


In England access to firearms was by income. If you made 100 lbs annually you were permitted to carry. And at the time 100 lbs was quite a lot of silver. Even today that is still a bunch.

13th April 2018, 07:01 AM
In England access to firearms was by income. If you made 100 lbs annually you were permitted to carry. And at the time 100 lbs was quite a lot of silver. Even today that is still a bunch.

England's also the place that the practice of pickpocketing were perfected.

Honestly, even when I so much as hear an English accent I almost automatically assume there is some sort of hidden mindcrime taking place.

midnight rambler
13th April 2018, 07:17 AM
I believe Killery referred to 'em as "a basket of deplorables."

PTSD is one reason ex-military are denied access to firearms. There is probably a good reason for this. After all they have gone through some pretty specific training that shocks the civilian mentality.

People who concentrate on the wrongs they have experienced by society are suspect. I think many blacks and coloreds feel this way. Many non-coloreds as well. Hillay's 'despicables' (who she refused to represent) are one way of bundling disgruntled classes into one category.


In England access to firearms was by income. If you made 100 lbs annually you were permitted to carry. And at the time 100 lbs was quite a lot of silver. Even today that is still a bunch.

13th April 2018, 07:41 AM
I believe Killery referred to 'em as "a basket of deplorables."
Close enough

deplorable (adj.)

"that must be deplored, lamentable, grievous, miserable," also "pitiable, contemptible," 1610s, from -able + deplore (v.) "lament, bewail, give up as hopeless," from French déplorer (13c.), from Latin deplorare "bewail, lament, give up for lost," from de- "entirely" (see de-) + plorare "weep, cry out," which is of unknown origin. Perhaps from or inspired by French déplorable or directly from Late Latin deplorabilis. Johnson (mid-18c.) noted the weakened colloquial use of the word for "very bad." Related: Deplorably; deplorability.