View Full Version : Microwave MIND CONTROL weapons

10th April 2018, 05:39 PM
Looks like many of these shooters are MIND CONTROLLED by microwaves weaponry


midnight rambler
10th April 2018, 05:58 PM
Richard Alan Miller has been saying for several years that ‘they’ have had the microwave tech since the late ‘70s to make targets hear ‘voices’.

10th April 2018, 06:42 PM
Blah blah blah they aren't actually showing the convicted faces or eyes. That tells 80% of the story. No one can be MKultra without the psychotropic drugs/or the drug of their choice.

11th April 2018, 08:31 AM
With the level of mind control in Mainstream media (ie: Syria) then many mass shooters resembling blowup doll mannequins, anyone not drawing a parallel is ignorant beyond comprehension.

The main towline of all recent stories is: The state was there and aware, though not empowered enough to execute judgement prior to crime.

Truly an operation mind crime.

Jew bankers justify their own existence in same fashion, christians/muslims passing over the fiat money reigns with religious usury laws.