View Full Version : A poll about the syrian strkes

14th April 2018, 07:19 AM
I'm just wanting to know how many of you believe you actually know what Trump knows. Obviously this forum doesn't have security clearance to sit in the white house and hear what is actually going down in Syria. But none the less its entertaining to know what the peeps on this forum think they know.
Pick the letter correlating the percent you know what Trump knows.

A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 80%
E. 100%

14th April 2018, 08:21 AM
E 100%, He is a tool of the Jews.

You only have to look at who he picked as his cabinet to know that.

14th April 2018, 08:51 AM
I have no idea what Trump knows, but he was told to attack Syria by his Zionist backers, and I am sure he knows what happens if he doesn’t do as he has been told. He is a team player, he was made president as second choice. First choice was Hillary, but there was just too much dirt coming out from her camp, a last minute decision was made to make him president.

I haven’t heard much about the specifics of the strike, was anything of importance at all hit? Doesn’t seem to be... They certainly stayed clear of anything Russian... And Russia doesn’t show any desire to strike back. Perhaps it was just fake strikes to punish Syria for the fake chemical weapons attack?

14th April 2018, 09:08 AM
I have no idea what Trump knows. As Big John says he is a tool of the Jews. And his most recent appointment of war monger John Bolton only reinforces that. He, himself said he is “Israel’s best friend”. As Neuo says he follows the orders of his Zionist backers because he knows the consequences of not doing so. Like Neuro, I think he must have avoided striking anything Russian or important.

14th April 2018, 09:13 AM
At the tail end of this report, Jim smells a possible rat. This all may be another ploy to kill Americans and that awful US Constitution.

From Jim Stone: (

My initial conclusion last night, based on social media, was (mostly) correct
The only mistake is I thought S-400 missiles were used. Instead, S-200 and less expensive missiles were used. There is a false claim that only 12 cruise missiles were hit. In fact, 12 cruise missiles were shot down defending ONE base, which equaled 100 percent of what was fired at it. Sub sonic cruise missiles are obviously useless against Russia's missiles.

I am going to stick with my assessment that something big was going to happen that caused the U.S. to stop the attack. All the cruise missiles could report their status to the launch site, and the U.S. was sitting there watching them vanish before they reached their targets. "reporting back" was early 90's tech, that the cruise missiles had even then. So it would have been ominous to watch them vanish, And then suddenly, Russian planes were in the air, preparing to attack. That did happen, regardless of whatever any claims are. And within 20 minutes (before they reached their targets) it was suddenly announced that the attack which was supposed to last for days was suddenly over, after only about an hour. Something big happened, and no one is saying what. My guess is that Russia made the right threat. Here is the next day report from RT:
"The majority of rockets fired in Syria by the UK, US, and France were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Russian air defense units were not involved in repelling the attack. The warplanes and vessels of the US and its allies launched over 100 cruise missiles and air-surface missiles on Syrian civil and military facilities, the ministry stated.
The strikes were conducted by two US ships stationed in the Red Sea, with tactical air support from the Mediterranean and Rockwell B-1 Lancer bombers from Al-Tanf coalition airbase in Syria's Homs province, according to the statement.
Syrian Al-Dumayr Military Airport, located 40 km north-east from Damascus, was attacked by 12 cruise missiles, the Russian MoD confirmed, adding that all missiles were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems.
To repel the attack, Damascus deployed Soviet-made surface-to-air missile systems, including S-125 (NATO reporting name: SA-3 Goa), S-200 (SA-5 Gammon), 2K12 Kub (SA-6 Gainful) and Buk.
Russia did not deploy its air defense systems located in Syria to intercept the American, British, and French missiles.
Earlier, the ministry issued a statement saying that none of the missiles launched by the US and its allies reached the Russian air defense zones that shield facilities in the port city of Tartus and Khmeimim Air Base.
MY SALIENT COMMENT THAT I HAVE MADE BEFORE: Gee, if all those trillions did not go missing from the Pentagon on 911, trillions of dollars, which were hit by that "plane" that impacted right where the records were kept maybe old Russian tech would not have had such a high kill rate against American missiles, which would have been a LOT BETTER if those trillions stayed in the budget!
The U.S. military can talk all it wants about blowing destroyed or totally weak nations away, and talk all about how great it is and how invincible it is, but if Russian tech even hit half the incoming missiles the U.S. military had better start thinking twice, and all the war hawks had better figure out where all that money went!
Syria hit 70 plus percent of America's "nice, new, "smart" missiles with 15+ years outdated Russian crap! Syria did not even use anything "good, " and it was Syria, not Russia, that repelled the attack. That dear folks equals DOOM. You can't win if a relatively small economy nation who bought old Russian toys was able to repel you with no help from Russia, and partied the next day!
The bottom line is that unlike the gulf war, where America had real superiority, this time around America went against technology that happened to be "enough". All it takes is "enough", it really does not matter if your missiles have 128 bit tech when 16 bit is "enough". The game has changed.

It appears Russia was going to attack, and the U.S. was threatened into stopping the attack
This is probably the case. When this started, it was "going to be sustained, lasting days". Then a large number of Russian planes took off, and suddenly America stopped attacking after only about an hour. Here's what that adds up to:

A threat was made that a 7000 MPH hypersonic missile was going to go into the center of the U.S. fleet with a megaton warhead. This is pure speculation, but think about it -
How do you go from "we are going to attack in waves, for days" to "an hour into the battle let's call it quits"? And it is now confirmed that the Russian missile systems knocked out virtually ALL American cruise missiles, resulting in a totally failed missile attack. A few planes dropped bombs and then went home, with nothing returning. I think America quit because:

1. Russian defenses worked perfect, and America was watching it's missiles go POOF on computer screens before they reached their targets, and
2. Russian war planes took off after the air defenses were very well proven, with confirmed destruction of practically all cruise missiles. That alone would not stop an American attack, but if any planes were carrying nukes it sure would, if it was proven Russian air defenses would escort those planes to their targets unscathed.
The big proof: the "days long attack" lasted about an hour. SOMETHING HAPPENED.

The reporting is in it's early stages, but I do know the lights were supposed to go out, and they did not. It is now completely confirmed that Syrians are now partying, in celebration of the attack being a failure. UPDATE: It is getting early confirmation. Now the claims are that the air defense systems were so effective that no major targets were hit by missiles and that the missile attack was for practical purposes fully neutralized. No generating stations, Assad's palace is fine, no significant targets hit. Over 100 U.S. missiles launched, and no significant targets were hit. Russia is gloating over how well their missiles worked.

The reports on this are too early for details, other than they are definitely partying.

Evidently what we were getting through the American media was a lie. Maybe Russia did EXCELLENT. FACT: Syrians are already having mass gatherings rejoicing at how the attack was repelled. Evidently the Russian missile systems did excellent and prevented a majority of American missiles from hitting their targets, as well as flustering war planes well enough to prevent them from having fully successful bombing runs. Time will tell, but for now Syrians are partying. That's really not what I expected to hear after the sun came up there. Only a full assessment will confirm whether or not the partying was justified.

They were so hell bent on not allowing "messages" through that they got confused by the 3 combat mode window configuration here, and censored an update into this window, thinking it was a message. They then went OOPS, and dropped the one they censored in, resulting in a double post. I fully confirmed it went in, and never showed up until they allowed it to.

Complete transparency in all things for them, complete obscurity for us. I really don't know if I can beat this, or if they are simply going to succeed in destroying because no one can outsmart a game this rigged.

Remember the Deagel report (http://www.deagel.com/country/United-States-of-America_c0001.aspx)
Here is another link (https://thedailycoin.org/2017/10/18/deagel-report-eerily-accurate-view-america-will-look-like-2025/) that makes a clear statement

Consider this possibility: Obama wrote into official policy that was never overturned that America would absorb a first nuclear strike without launching. We have the Brits staging a chemical attack, getting busted, and maintaining their belligerence in the affair, all the while America talks about missiles that are "really smart". How about this:

What if Russia is in on the game, and is playing the shocked role of the "battered woman" and staging enormous theater, so when they do launch a nuclear attack (which America will absorb) all American citizens will "Know American deserved it" and in turn, be very sympathetic to Russia when they finalize "Red Dawn"?
What if this is all just a scripted puppet show to give Russia plausible deniability so no one hates them when the nukes go off? I am not entirely convinced this is the case, but it is enough to make me go hmmmmmm . . . .

All of this would weave into that Deagel report like a "weaving spider coming out at night". That report might well be true. If it is, someone knows something, and the world is just a stage. America would now be getting perfectly set up to make that report happen.

14th April 2018, 09:27 AM
Wow ^^ that is also a possibility

14th April 2018, 09:33 AM
Wow ^^^ that is also a possibility

Sounds very plausible to me. This is how the Jews operate, by way of deception thou shalt do war.

And Putin has a Jewish mother.

14th April 2018, 09:35 AM
chump announces pulling out

rogue element of fbi raids his lawyer's office

chump changes mind and bombs the thing

they got him

14th April 2018, 09:39 AM
chump announces pulling out

rogue element of fbi raids his lawyer's office

chump changes mind and bombs the thing

they got him

Or 3d chess and we are the suckers.

14th April 2018, 09:50 AM
I dont think Trump knows or cares about any Syrian details, he were just dupe/selected to create a deeper rift between U.S.i. and the rest of the planet (sheep/cattle pen)

Bankers luv the changeup pitch.

14th April 2018, 10:00 AM
The Russians and Americans both want to build competing Gas/oil pipelines thru Syria as Turkey already said no, Syria is not about to let the USA build its pipeline because of the Golan Heights and Israel, also Israel is stealing oil/gas from Syria and possibly Lebanon (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-lebanon-israel-natgas/lebanon-to-begin-offshore-energy-search-in-block-disputed-by-israel-idUSKBN1FT218).

14th April 2018, 10:00 AM
If Trump believes he is representing me then he doesn't know much.

14th April 2018, 10:44 AM
chump announces pulling out

rogue element of fbi raids his lawyer's office

chump changes mind and bombs the thing

they got him

Don't forget the fire in Trump tower just before they raided his lawyer.

14th April 2018, 11:21 AM
I usually can hardly stand to listen to Alex Jones but this video is really good ;D

Edit to add you have to go to the 6:00 minute mark for the good stuff.


14th April 2018, 11:27 AM
I usually can hardly stand to listen to Alex Jones but this video is really good ;D

I thought Jonestein was about to make Trumpstein a saint.

14th April 2018, 11:31 AM
I usually can hardly stand to listen to Alex Jones but this video is really good ;D


Something happened to that video before I got it posted. It was loaded with foul language and Alex saying fuck Trump and all his god damn family and a long list of other stuff. It all seemed to just vanish. :confused:

edit: you need to advance to the 6:00 minute mark.

old steel
14th April 2018, 12:10 PM
It's possible it was a limited strike on deep state CLOWN assets like ISIS, al Nursa etc

14th April 2018, 12:47 PM


from SGT Report.com (http://sgtreport.com/):

Investigative Journalist James Corbett of The Corbett Report (https://www.corbettreport.com/) joins me with some very bad news about the New World Order. James says that despite the formation of the BRICS Banks, the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the International Banker’s plans to usher in their New World Order remain firmly in place and on track. How could that be when the evidence suggest that the world is moving away from the Dollar as wealth moves from West to East? Because, as James explains, “At the very top of this Bankster pyramid, the Chinese elite is connected directly in with the U.S. Western elite.”
James has carefully documented the history of “8 Immortal Families” in his report ‘China and the New World Order (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-297-china-and-the-new-world-order/)‘ which shows how the 8 Immortals are totally connected to Henry Kissinger and the Rockefeller-Rothschild banking elite. “This is the way they will lead us into a New WORLD Order,” James says.
“The West is being engineered into a world system of governance and government that can only come about through the rise of the East. It’s been puppeteered from the very start. There is no doubt that China’s rise right now is something that has been long planned for and carefully engineered.”

14th April 2018, 12:56 PM
It's possible it was a limited strike on deep state CLOWN assets like ISIS, al Nursa etc

That's been what 27yo vlogger Jordan Sather has been suggesting. While I allow for that possibility; first impulse is that's Trump/5D-chess/MAGAholism run amock. Trump's just too sycophantic towards da dinjoo-nuffins.


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NObMClb6nMY)Was The Attack On Syria Actually Against Deep State Proxies, Not Assad? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NObMClb6nMY)

15 hours ago

midnight rambler
14th April 2018, 01:38 PM
I usually can hardly stand to listen to Alex Jones but this video is really good ;D

Edit to add you have to go to the 6:00 minute mark for the good stuff.


Double plus good.

14th April 2018, 03:06 PM
It's possible it was a limited strike on deep state CLOWN assets like ISIS, al Nursa etc

Syrian government would not have issued the tweet "Good souls will not be humiliated"

I think Syria is basically a testing ground for new and dumping ground for old MIC equip.

To wit Chump is a tool for.

14th April 2018, 07:57 PM
I usually can hardly stand to listen to Alex Jones but this video is really good ;D

Edit to add you have to go to the 6:00 minute mark for the good stuff.



(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdSa2p_Kw8Q)Bombshell: Top US General Says Syria Attack Was Staged, Exposes Secret Plan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdSa2p_Kw8Q)

4 hours ago

14th April 2018, 10:57 PM

Good stuff, leads into Trump as choice for the great U.S. segregator.

President Andrew Jackson is needed for Frakensteinization to re-enslave the FRN from the FED, if you could call it an FRN afterwards?

I question if they would bring it $ down or just shed the yuan and accept FRNs on China's streets afterwards. Seems an easier pass in time of economic crisis. The world-O out of our lifetime, the world as China or Russia is just too gruesome to bear and would end itself no doubt..

16th April 2018, 09:45 PM
The Big Jon's post source video for the origin's of Mao, specifics at about 18 minutes in.

A Reference is made to only the Carter admin. not providing a skull and bones ambassador to China, not sure where that list of skull and bones members gets generated anymore or if ambassadors even do much these days?

The current ambassador is 1/2 jew of course.


17th April 2018, 08:39 AM
couple recent pods which incl in part, the (((attack on Syria)))

http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Kevin-MacDonald-420x240.jpg (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-macdonald-reply-to-cofnas/)The Realist Report – Dr. Kevin MacDonald (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-macdonald-reply-to-cofnas/)

April 15, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-macdonald-reply-to-cofnas/) 4 comments (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-dr-kevin-macdonald-reply-to-cofnas/#comments)
Dr. MacDonald is back to discuss the recent criticisms of his work and his response, the strike on Syria, and much more!

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2018.04.16 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-graham-hart-show-with-brizer_16.html)

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bzvWVv-zx1Q/V17tsxtpe-I/AAAAAAAAAL0/z9pGfnS5YaU9HMJ2mx5_rYtwj36KmRTXQCLcB/s320/hart.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bzvWVv-zx1Q/V17tsxtpe-I/AAAAAAAAAL0/z9pGfnS5YaU9HMJ2mx5_rYtwj36KmRTXQCLcB/s1600/hart.jpg)
Guest: John Kaminski (https://www.johnkaminski.org/)

17th April 2018, 08:45 AM
http://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Bolton-120x120.jpg (http://therealistreport.com/john-bolton-trumps-israel-first-neocon-adviser-coordinated-u-s-strike-on-syria-with-israel/)John Bolton, Trump’s Israel First NeoCon Adviser, “Coordinated” U.S. Strike On Syria With Israel (http://therealistreport.com/john-bolton-trumps-israel-first-neocon-adviser-coordinated-u-s-strike-on-syria-with-israel/)April 14, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/john-bolton-trumps-israel-first-neocon-adviser-coordinated-u-s-strike-on-syria-with-israel/) 19 comments (http://therealistreport.com/john-bolton-trumps-israel-first-neocon-adviser-coordinated-u-s-strike-on-syria-with-israel/#comments)



17th April 2018, 08:49 AM
vlogger @ReallyGraceful (177 K YT subs) published this 4/11, 2 days before the UK/FR/USraeli attack on Syria.

< 15 mins; jump to 9:20 for the real/ultimate reason for the string of zio-Western FF-attrocity-propaganda pretexted attacks on Syria. All sources linked in the top/pinned comment:


SGT Report, last 1 min is heartbreaking:


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy0bF-PFpFI)THE WORLD MUST KNOW. #PureEvil #HellOnEarth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy0bF-PFpFI)

11 hours ago

17th April 2018, 08:52 AM
6 min clip: the first words out of Tucker's guest, Sen. Roger Wicker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Wicker) (R: MS) admit who/what the war(s) in Syria are really for:

"Tucker: How does Syrian regime change help the U.S.?"
(Apr 10, 2018): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDf-OuK2gKw


17th April 2018, 08:54 AM
retweet if you agree:
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/...09403376144384 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/375609403376144384)

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


6:20 AM - 5 Sep 2013



17th April 2018, 10:05 AM
6 min clip: the first words out of Tucker's guest, Sen. Roger Wicker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Wicker) (R: MS) admit who/what the war(s) in Syria are really for:

"Tucker: How does Syrian regime change help the U.S.?"
(Apr 10, 2018): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDf-OuK2gKw


He is an Israel firster and he does and think what Israel tells him to do and think, no matter the evidence. Fucking Zionist puppet.

26th April 2018, 06:54 AM
John Friend, AFP:

Poison Gas Attack Is Fake News False Flag (http://therealistreport.com/poison-gas-attack-is-fake-news-false-flag/) April 25, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/poison-gas-attack-is-fake-news-false-flag/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (http://therealistreport.com/poison-gas-attack-is-fake-news-false-flag/#respond)


In the front page story of AFP’s Issue 17 & 18, just mailed, John Friend looks into the continuing fake news surrounding Syria. He reports doctors and eyewitnesses say the alleged “poison gas attack” in Douma—in response to which the U.S. fired 105 Tomahawk missiles on three Syrian targets—never happened. The real question: Who benefits from drawing the U.S. into yet another no-win war?

Testimony from Syrian civilians and one doctor, along with other reports on the ground, have cast doubt on claims by the West that the Syrian military used chemical weapons on its own people in early April. Despite this uncertainty, Western warmongers still used the allegation to justify launching missiles at alleged key military sites in the Middle Eastern country.

On April 8, major international media outlets reported that the Syrian government, led by the much maligned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, had launched a ruthless chemical attack the previous night on the city of Douma, a suburb just east of Damascus, the Syrian capital. The city largely had been controlled by radical Islamic rebels engaged in a brutal conflict with the Syrian government. Rebel groups affiliated with radical Islamic terrorist organizations, many of them funded and supported by Western intelligence agencies and governments, have been waging war against Assad for years in an attempt to overthrow the stable Syrian government, a key goal of the neocon warmongers holding sway in Washington and other major Western capitals.

Rebel groups hostile to the Assad regime had controlled Douma and other towns east of Damascus, known collectively as Eastern Ghouta, using it as a base of operations since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war. The Syrian government, backed by Russia and Iran, was engaged in a months-long campaign to retake the territory and expel the rebels, establishing sovereignty and the rule of law in the area once again. The towns, under the control of rebel forces close to radical Islamic terrorist organizations, had been subjected to heavy bombardment by Syrian military forces, who were on the verge of recapturing the territory.

Then news broke of the alleged chemical attack, prompting a harsh response from President Donald Trump and other Western leaders, who were quick to demonize not only Assad, but also his government’s primary allies, Russia and Iran.

“Many dead, including women and children, in mindless chemical attack in Syria,” Trump tweeted in the early morning hours following the alleged chemical attack. “Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia, and Iran are responsible for backing animal Assad.”

The Syrian government immediately insisted that the alleged chemical attack was a fabrication perpetrated by the Western media working in conjunction with local forces on the ground in Syria hostile to the Assad regime. Assad was interviewed by Sky News, a mainstream British news channel, and described the alleged chemical attack as a “100% fabrication.”

Syria’s representative at the UN, Bashar Jaafari, described the situation in Douma as a “Hollywood scene,” before accusing Western governments and their allies in the Mideast of supporting terrorist groups operating in Syria attempting to overthrow al-Assad.

“Today we directly accuse Washington, Paris, London, Riyadh, Doha, Ankara of providing ISIS, al-Nusra Front, Jaish al-Islam, Faylaq al-Rahman and dozens of affiliated terrorist groups with toxic chemical substances to be used against Syrian civilians,” Jaafari told the UN Security Council shortly after the alleged attack was reported by Western media outlets. “We accuse them of starting those massacres, of fabricating evidence to falsely blame the Syrian government of toxic chemical substances to prepare the ground for an aggression against my country, just as the United States and the United Kingdom did in Iraq in 2003.”

The Russian government also questioned the alleged chemical weapons attack, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stating the attack was staged by foreign agents working in collaboration with terrorist groups in Syria supported by the West. During a press briefing shortly after the purported attack, Lavrov told reporters his government had “irrefutable evidence” the attack was a fabrication perpetrated by forces hostile to both the Syrian regime and the Russian government and was part of a broader “Russophobic campaign” led by one country in particular that he did not name. Russian Gen. Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian defense ministry, specifically criticized the United Kingdom, stating, “We have . . . evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organizing this provocation,” the BBC reported.

The Western press and virtually the entire Western political establishment insisted the alleged attack was carried out by the Syrian military, citing two extremely questionable organizations operating on the ground in Syria: the Syria Civil Defense, known more commonly as the “White Helmets,” and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS). The White Helmets and SAMS have been operating on the ground in Syria for years and are openly hostile to the Syrian government.

In a joint press release on April 8, the White Helmets and SAMS alleged that there were more than 500 cases of local residents—almost all women and young children—experiencing “symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent,” the press release stated. “Patients have shown signs of respiratory distress, central cyanosis, excessive oral foaming, corneal burns, and the emission of chlorine-like odor.”

Despite the allegations, little hard evidence was presented to demonstrate the Assad government in fact carried out a chemical weapons attack. Traumatic photographs and videos, which originated with the White Helmets and SAMS, were presented in the Western press as proof of a chemical weapons attack, but international investigators were prevented from verifying the details or investigating the scene.
Interviews with local residents cast doubt on the official narrative being disseminated by the Western press and major political figures. Dr. Assim Rahaibani, a doctor operating in Douma, and others explained that the picture painted by the Western media was a deliberate deception fabricated by the White Helmets and SAMS yet was parroted by the Western press in an effort to demonize Assad and justify a military strike.

“There was a lot of shelling [by government forces] and aircraft were always over Douma at night—but on this night, there was wind and huge dust clouds began to come into the basements and cellars where people lived,” Rahaibani explained, describing the night of the alleged attack. “People began to arrive here suffering from hypoxia, oxygen loss. Then someone at the door, a ‘White Helmet,’ shouted ‘Gas!’ and a panic began. People started throwing water over each other. Yes, the video was filmed here, it is genuine, but what you see are people suffering from hypoxia—not gas poisoning.”

Marwan Jaber, a Syrian medical student who was in Douma on the night of the alleged chemical weapons attack, told a similar story.
“Some of [the victims] suffered from asthma and pulmonary inflammation,” Jaber told reporters. “They received routine treatment, and some were even sent home. They showed no symptoms of a chemical attack. But some foreigners entered while we were in a state of chaos and sprinkled people with water, and some of them were even filming it.”

It has become more and more obvious that the purported chemical attack allegedly carried out by Assad’s regime was a deliberate deception perpetrated by the White Helmets, SAMS, and others operating in Syria with ties to Western intelligence, working in collaboration with the mainstream news media.


26th April 2018, 07:03 AM
also with John Friend; haven't listened yet but desc says it's mix of (((Assad CW attacked his own people http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/shocked.gif FF/hoax))), and the (((Parkland School shooting hoax))).
1 hr: Download (https://ia801508.us.archive.org/12/items/RussWinterSyria/Russ%20Winter%20-%20Syria.mp3)

The Realist Report – Russ Winter (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-russ-winter-syria/)

April 21, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-russ-winter-syria/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 4 comments (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-russ-winter-syria/#comments) (http://addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=300)
On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Russ Winter (@New_Nationalist (https://twitter.com/New_Nationalist)) of The New Nationalist (http://newnationalist.net/). Russ and I begin by discussing the situation in Syria and the broader Middle East, media deception, and psychological warfare. We move on to discuss a number of recent news items, including some new developments with the alleged Parkland school shooting and articles featured on The New Nationalist.
Below are relevant links for this program:

Broward County Sheriff Releases 27-Minute Parkland Video of Absolutely Nothing – The New Nationalist (http://www.newnationalist.net/2018/03/18/broward-county-sheriff-releases-peak-insult-to-intelligence-surveillance-video/)
Florida cop reassigned after suggesting Parkland shooting was a hoax – New York Post (https://nypost.com/2018/04/09/florida-cop-reassigned-after-suggesting-parkland-shooting-was-a-hoax/)
Broward County Sheriff Who Exposed Parkland Shooting Found Dead – Media Blackout – YourNewsWire.com (http://yournewswire.com/broward-county-sheriff-parkland-shooting-found-dead/)
The Uncanny Resemblance of Barbara Bush to Aleister Crowley – The New Nationalist (http://www.newnationalist.net/2018/04/18/the-uncanny-resemblance-of-barbara-bush-to-aleister-crowley/)

1 hr: Download (https://ia801508.us.archive.org/12/items/RussWinterSyria/Russ%20Winter%20-%20Syria.mp3)

26th April 2018, 12:46 PM
I still think the key takeaway from all this is the statement from Trump after sending missles, is that "Russia was responsible for eliminating the chemical weapons in Syria"

As if there were some ongoing and binding agreement between the 2 nations, even when one was under trade sanctions by the other?

Russia a "rogue, racist, democracy undermining, slave trading. U.N. prime speaker and follower" were a working partner with U.S. the entire time.

2+2 does not get put together anywhere with regards to it.

26th April 2018, 06:11 PM
I still think the key takeaway from all this is the statement from Trump after sending missles, is that "Russia was responsible for eliminating the chemical weapons in Syria"

As if there were some ongoing and binding agreement between the 2 nations, even when one was under trade sanctions by the other?

Russia a "rogue, racist, democracy undermining, slave trading. U.N. prime speaker and follower" were a working partner with U.S. the entire time.

2+2 does not get put together anywhere with regards to it.

Perhaps the Syria attacks were just gesture to show the world he is a jew. The missiles (afaik) didn't kill anyone. Otherwise that would be broadcast 24/7. Also thinking the Russian sanctions are just to fool the fools that think they are controlling him. No one controls Trump, he has too much an ego to let that happen. Would he play a game to make them think he is controlled?

All I know is this is still the greatest show on earth since JFK.

26th April 2018, 10:51 PM
No one controls Trump, he has too much an ego to let that happen. Would he play a game to make them think he is controlled?

No, he would play the game to get a loan for a border wall built with a Big goldtrim painted T on it. Large egos are the easiest to control from Omega banks.

Regardless the faux animosity towards China and Russia beats on.

When its all snug for show to continue a worn path to slaughterhouse CBs.

Trump is just another MC Hammer singin "can't touch this" Don't trade this... deposit in my nighttime mail slot

26th April 2018, 11:13 PM
I’m looking forward to the faux WWIII!

27th April 2018, 05:05 AM
IMHO, Trump wants/needs Trump Towers in Moscow and Jerusalem. He will run over your mother with a truck to get them.