View Full Version : jews pushing 'never again education act' on US kids

14th April 2018, 09:19 AM

Proposed legislation, if passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, would grant money raised through donations to American schools as part of the Holocaust Education Assistance Program.

A draft of the “Never Again Education Act” calls Holocaust education a national imperative to educate students in the United States so that they may explore the lessons that the Holocaust provides for all people, sensitize communities to the circumstances that gave rise to the Holocaust, and help youth be less susceptible to the falsehood of Holocaust denial and distortion, and to the destructive messages of hate that arise from Holocaust denial and distortion.”

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the lead sponsor of the legislation, promoted the bill this week at the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights in New York City, accompanied by representatives of Hadassah, B’nai B’rith International and the Association of Holocaust Organizations.

Also sponsoring the bill are Reps. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.); Ted Deutch (D-Fla.); Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.); Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.); Kay Granger (R-Texas); Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.); and Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.). Lowey and Granger both sit on the House of Appropriations Subcommittee.

14th April 2018, 09:24 AM

midnight rambler
14th April 2018, 09:30 AM
Well, SOMETHING has to be done!


14th April 2018, 09:30 AM
The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957


Now just think of that. Everyone believes the holocaust happened prior to 1945 when there was no recorded history of the holocaust until 1957. Holocaust as a word has existed in verb form for centuries but became a noun in 1957. Therefore my contention is that the conversion of a verb to a noun in language is criminal.

A crime has been committed against the English language.

14th April 2018, 09:32 AM
this is one of the main reasons for their freaking out about free flow of info on the net. they are losing their holo

14th April 2018, 10:03 AM

Now just think of that. Everyone believes the holocaust happened prior to 1945 when there was no recorded history of the holocaust until 1957. Holocaust as a word has existed in verb form for centuries but became a noun in 1957. Therefore my contention is that the conversion of a verb to a noun in language is criminal.

A crime has been committed against the English language.

Used in propaganda pieces though:


While this propaganda was going on:


14th April 2018, 10:21 AM
Well, SOMETHING has to be done!


Many could be from "I'll ask Siri..."

The greatest generation is the 30-50 crowd. The 20-40 crowd during the Ron Paul Rising, ten years ago. The ones growing up now are more attracted to Alex Jonestown and other gate keepers.

Millennials fail to blame the jew.

GIM1 was filled with 20-40 age range that were jew aware. Where are the new 20-30 crowd, voting for Hillary.

This is not your "there was no gas chambers"


This is "what is a gas chamber"... "Siri, what is a gas chamber"

14th April 2018, 10:41 AM
Recall the 2014 story about what happened when a Rialto (SoCal) teacher gave his 8th graders a Critical Thinking assignment, asking “Was The Holocaust™ a Hoax?”, LOL :D


14th April 2018, 10:50 AM
Recall the 2014 story about what happened when a Rialto (SoCal) teacher gave his 8th graders a Critical Thinking assignment, asking “Was The Holocaust™ a Hoax?”, LOL :D


But they can question if there is a God. Now who is your "god"?

Science contradicts the holocau$t. So go with science in denying the holocau$t, instead of denying the existence of God.

Do Christians think it is worse to deny Jesus than the Holohoax.

14th April 2018, 11:00 AM
this is one of the main reasons for their freaking out about free flow of info on the net. they are losing their holo

John Friend spreading Jim Rizoli's latest.

World Control Explained Through The Holocaust Narrative (http://therealistreport.com/world-control-explained-through-the-holocaust-narrative/)

April 11, 2018 (http://therealistreport.com/world-control-explained-through-the-holocaust-narrative/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 4 comments (http://therealistreport.com/world-control-explained-through-the-holocaust-narrative/#comments)

Jim Rizoli explains how the fake “Holocaust” narrative is the lynch pin of Jewish power and control throughout the world, a point I frequently emphasize in podcasts and blog posts on this website.

^ but of course YT has since 'quarantined' it; must sign in to YT, & okay that you acknowledge it's "inappropriate or offensive to (((some)))", and you can't like/comment/share... of course it won't appear in any search results; need the exact url to view. :rolleyes: 39 mins:

bitchute link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6nQwZr61w4DG/



14th April 2018, 01:03 PM
Jim Rizoli talks about Benton L. Bradberry's book "The Myth of Germany Villainy" in that video ^.

I just finished reading it and it's one of the best I've read on the deeds of the filthy, murderous jews in Europe and the USA. He exposes their ugly treachery in all the countries of Europe through the years and what they've done in the past they're doing now pushing to get WWIII started. The book he's talking about should be required reading for everyone in the US and Europe.

17th April 2018, 06:22 PM
The Israeli problem is the indoctrination is wearing off, people ask themselves, isn't 70 years of welfare enough? Boycott Israel and save your money too.

18th April 2018, 12:45 AM

Proposed legislation, if passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, would grant money raised through donations to American schools as part of the Holocaust Education Assistance Program.

A draft of the “Never Again Education Act” calls Holocaust education a national imperative to educate students in the United States so that they may explore the lessons that the Holocaust provides for all people, sensitize communities to the circumstances that gave rise to the Holocaust, and help youth be less susceptible to the falsehood of Holocaust denial and distortion, and to the destructive messages of hate that arise from Holocaust denial and distortion.”

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the lead sponsor of the legislation, promoted the bill this week at the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights in New York City, accompanied by representatives of Hadassah, B’nai B’rith International and the Association of Holocaust Organizations.

Also sponsoring the bill are Reps. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.); Ted Deutch (D-Fla.); Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.); Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.); Kay Granger (R-Texas); Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.); and Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.). Lowey and Granger both sit on the House of Appropriations Subcommittee.

Those who understand that the holocaust never happened, also realize how evil the people behind this is.

Winston Churchill wrote a lengthy book about the 2nd world war, and he never mentioned any extermination attempts of the Jews. And I believe he was a crypto himself. he was definitely very anti-German and he was behind several war crimes himself (Hamburg, Dresden), so why would he fail to mention this one? Nowadays whenever WWII is brought up, most people’s first association is the holocaust...

18th April 2018, 10:28 AM
Israel's race religious apartheid state must be jewstified thru eternity.

also Blacks must not have a reason to request Missouri for themselves.

18th April 2018, 08:38 PM
Remember the Liberty!
The Israeli problem is the indoctrination is wearing off, people ask themselves, isn't 70 years of welfare enough? Boycott Israel and save your money too.

midnight rambler
18th April 2018, 09:06 PM
Remember the Liberty!

Indeed, remember the USS Liberty.


18th April 2018, 09:25 PM
Remember the Liberty!

This June will be USS Liberty 50th Anniversary. We should start getting our social media ducks in a row for a big public red-pilling push.

18th April 2018, 10:58 PM
This June will be USS Liberty 50th Anniversary. We should start getting our social media ducks in a row for a big public red-pilling push.

A meme with Benjamin?

midnight rambler
19th April 2018, 06:57 AM
This June will be USS Liberty 50th Anniversary. We should start getting our social media ducks in a row for a big public red-pilling push.

No, 50th year was last year. And not an 'anniversary' as there's nothing to celebrate, i.e. unless you're a joo.

19th April 2018, 07:16 AM
This June will be USS Liberty 50th Anniversary. We should start getting our social media ducks in a row for a big public red-pilling push.

Jake Morphonios re USS Liberty, 46m:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfWpu5a-uDkThe True Story of the USS Liberty - Important Documentary on Israel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfWpu5a-uDk)13K views 1 day ago


Uncle Salty
19th April 2018, 05:09 PM
The Israeli problem is the indoctrination is wearing off, people ask themselves, isn't 70 years of welfare enough? Boycott Israel and save your money too.

That is why Hollywood keeps making WWII movies...to keep the narrative alive.

I suspect a new slew of Holocaust movies is ready to go very soon.

19th April 2018, 06:13 PM

Millennials coming up now falling for the Soros agenda. They support Bernie Sanders. Voted for Clinton.

These are not your deplorables that voted for Trump because they don't like jews and negros.

