View Full Version : Feel Bernie's generosity burn - $15/hr jobs for EVERYONE!

midnight rambler
24th April 2018, 08:27 AM
I can't wait to see the 'job training' he has in mind for pavement apes and sheboons!

Utopia is within our grasp!


midnight rambler
24th April 2018, 08:33 AM
Translated from ebonics: "Hey do you hear that Bernie wants us to attend job training? Isn't that a hoot?"


24th April 2018, 08:37 AM
every adult American “who wants or needs one,”

wants OR needs?

meaning that if you need one, but don't want it, he will force you to take it?

midnight rambler
24th April 2018, 08:42 AM
Translated from ebonics: "We be looking forward to Bernie's job training programs!"


midnight rambler
24th April 2018, 08:48 AM
every adult American “who wants or needs one,”

wants OR needs?

meaning that if you need one, but don't want it, he will force you to take it?

Translation from ebonics: "Did you hear the good news? We don't have resort to looting anymore since Bernie is gonna give us all we 'need'! The word is that Bernie's going to have Amazon home deliver all our 'needs' so we don't even have to leave the crib! We'll be able to relax at the crib doin' drugs all day long!"


24th April 2018, 11:11 AM
Bernie who??

24th April 2018, 02:12 PM
Bernie who??

Bernie and Urt in Sesame Street. Who else? Sheesh!

24th April 2018, 02:27 PM
I believe Bernie should try living on $15 an hour of honest labor. 'Course that is why they have welfare. 'Cause people can't. But it sure sounds good.

24th April 2018, 08:53 PM
I believe Bernie should try living on $15 an hour of honest labor. 'Course that is why they have welfare. 'Cause people can't. But it sure sounds good.

Now that would be a cruel and unusual punishment. Bernie has no clue what honest labor is. Never did. I think he got a new car when he agreed to be silently thrown under Hilary’s bus, but that doesn’t really count as honest labor.