View Full Version : Folks want to make $300,000-400,000 to live a middle-class lifestyle!!!

2nd May 2018, 11:27 AM
there is no way around: money was created to be a system of debt, it's a kind of dark magic for enslavement... or you have a zero-sum game economics with no losers and winners.

if you want money, just stop speculating. simple


The Middle Class Sure Isn’t What It Used to Be............... Finally, Americans don’t have much in the way of an emergency fund. A recent study found that a whopping 47% of us would be unable to cover an unexpected bill of only $400. The middle class – and often even the upper middle class – are living paycheck to paycheck, and not always through poor handling of money. Where the great jobs are, folks want to make $300,000-400,000 to live a middle-class lifestyle. Lots of young people go deeply into debt for an education that will (hopefully) land them a job in Silicon Valley, New York City, or some other metropolitan area. After all, that’s where the jobs that start you off at $80,000 a year are, right? Unfortunately, these are also the places in which the cost of living is completely out of reach for those with middle-class incomes, making it so that to be “middle class,” people feel as though they need to earn anywhere from $300,000-400,000 per year. This article pinpoints the actual amount of money you’d need to make in 25 different metropolitan areas to live a middle-class lifestyle. While there’s a big difference between these amounts and the amounts that statistics show are needed, the stats aren’t showing everything. Sam Dogen wrote an article about why you need to earn more: Let me tell you a sad story: In order to comfortably raise a family in an expensive coastal city like San Francisco or New York, you’ve got to make at least $300,000 a year. You can certainly raise a family earning less as many do, but it won’t be easy if your goal is to save for retirement, save for your child’s education, own your own home instead of rent and actually retire by a reasonable age. (source)............. FULL https://www.theorganicprepper.com/the-middle-class-sure-isnt-what-it-used-to-be/

2nd May 2018, 12:30 PM
all of that ink and failure to point out that free trade open border globalism has killed the middle class that it is writing about

2nd May 2018, 01:40 PM
all of that ink and failure to point out that free trade open border globalism has killed the middle class that it is writing about

Exactly, why do people have to earn 10-20x as much to have the same standard of living they had 30-40 years ago? Those jobs were plentiful, you usually didn’t have to sell your soul to Satan to get them, just be good in your field of expertise.

2nd May 2018, 04:21 PM
money was created to be a system of debt

Ah, if isn't Seņora de la fiat.

2nd May 2018, 05:36 PM
Exactly, why do people have to earn 10-20x as much to have the same standard of living they had 30-40 years ago?
Simple, technology! Remember how everyone said technology was going to make everyone's lives better. Many said we wouldn't have to work as much because of technology.
The majority has been sold a load of shit. Technology will be the downfall of our world, guaranteed!

2nd May 2018, 06:23 PM
Technology will be the downfall of our world, guaranteed!Would it be fair to point out that your username of EE indicates a trade of Electrical or Electronic Engineering?

2nd May 2018, 07:09 PM
No, ziero0

2nd May 2018, 11:19 PM
Simple, technology! Remember how everyone said technology was going to make everyone's lives better. Many said we wouldn't have to work as much because of technology.
The majority has been sold a load of shit. Technology will be the downfall of our world, guaranteed!

I think a bigger factor is the wholesale exporting of industries to China, together with growth of government-corporations profiteering. Government and capitalists raise the price of the services because of their cut, meanwhile jobs have disappeared.

3rd May 2018, 01:44 AM
as long as society understands that a strong AI is anti-humanity and must be put to death, we can fix the issues... that is the problem with money though. The smarter we become the more chasing money turns our lives upside down. We could have seen it come 100 years ago that at some point profit seeking would hit a brick wall. ((They)) did and knew...

what will/could cause the downfall of civilization is the failure to grasp that we all are interconnected. Staunch individualism is just another "divide and rule" plot. Look at your cells in your body, they all cooperate. And when they do not, you get sick and even may die

Simple, technology! Remember how everyone said technology was going to make everyone's lives better. Many said we wouldn't have to work as much because of technology.
The majority has been sold a load of shit. Technology will be the downfall of our world, guaranteed!

3rd May 2018, 01:55 AM
any monetary system to survive must generate debts, without debt there is no "power incentive" ... the fist global crash took place 700 years ago and decimated 50% of europe, it was under the gold standard. Debt is control. For any monetary system to be stable (no boom/bust) credit must be completely outlawed. But then you have a zero sum game economy... with no top for a few and no bottom for the many

the problem is that debt/credit prevents corporation to clean up after themselves, they cannot produce responsibly. Debt causes the destruction of the environment, inflation and inflation causes scarcity as we all know. Debt corrupts the equilibrium of Nature. Nature only gives in abundance when respecting the laws of her equilibrium. That is why man was gifted with a brain to understand this.

But ultimately, those who invented the concept of money 1000s years ago, wanted it to be debt based, because they knew that people would chase money/power at their own levels, and everything play into their hands. They are in control by inertia.

chasing money legitimizes the NWO. Just like bitcoin 10,000 dollars when 80 % of americans live paycheck to paycheck, it is obvious that most bitcoins already are in the hands of the top 10%... decentralization ??? What blockchain ??? Dream on... and ares tells me that I do not get it... laughable

Ah, if isn't Seņora de la fiat.

3rd May 2018, 04:53 AM
what will/could cause the downfall of civilization is the failure to grasp that we all are interconnected.

Not if you come to the understanding that civilization is the process of converting a common law crime to a civil crime.

3rd May 2018, 06:02 AM
what will/could cause the downfall of civilization is the failure to grasp that we all are interconnected. Staunch individualism is just another "divide and rule" plot. Look at your cells in your body, they all cooperate. And when they do not, you get sick and even may die
All civilizations to date have been based on cultural/ethnic identity, on separateness of us vs them. For it to succeed on a global scale, you need outside enemies, enter project blue beam and faux alien attack. Or was it replaced by global warming?

3rd May 2018, 07:22 AM
any monetary system to survive must generate debts

You mean taxes?

Yes, those go to "the top" and every once in a while, the bottom upchucks some "pre-cellular input" when the top borrows too much.

This is nature's law and what governs both wiseman and beasts.

A glutton's punishment, the same happens in reverse to those who try to fight it with communally suggestive, subjective or imposed altruistic/utopic virtue... singular_me

3rd May 2018, 07:41 AM

4th May 2018, 03:33 PM
do we have to assume that the 35% are folks dreaming of 300K salaries?

65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

4th May 2018, 11:48 PM
do we have to assume that the 35% are folks dreaming of 300K salaries?

Everyone will soon earn at least 300k, A DAY, even. Happy days! Especially for those that can’t count... ;D

8th May 2018, 07:30 AM
I think one thing that is happening in places like silicon valley, is the Indians have taken over. Go to India. See the shanty towns everywhere. It is just considered the normal way of moving up in the world. You start in a shanty town, and work your way out. That is becoming tolerated in the silicon valley. Companies could try and move out of silicon valley, but management is doing just fine, thank you, so let the new workers go through the process.

8th May 2018, 11:16 AM
I think one thing that is happening in places like silicon valley, is the Indians have taken over. Go to India. See the shanty towns everywhere. It is just considered the normal way of moving up in the world. You start in a shanty town, and work your way out. That is becoming tolerated in the silicon valley. Companies could try and move out of silicon valley, but management is doing just fine, thank you, so let the new workers go through the process.

There are shanty towns in Silicon Valley now? [gulp]

8th May 2018, 12:31 PM
Silicon Valley has just enough latitude so as not to become a permanent shanty town, circa New York 1880.

So many things depend on the weather. In this thread's case, it's whether or not you're using a global reserve fiat currency.

9th May 2018, 01:11 AM
Here is photo evidence of the Indian workers of Apple, dismantling the headquarter in silicon valley, to get construction materials to build shacks in their shantytown.


It used to look like this:

Now this is Apples new headquarters:

Thanks JQP for getting our attention to that the situation could be much worse for us...

9th May 2018, 08:44 AM
The shantytown is more Eco-friendly than Appletown.

Less carbon footprint... careful where u step.

9th May 2018, 09:28 AM
The shantytown is more Eco-friendly than Appletown.

Less carbon footprint... careful where u step.

Hiveminding also becomes more efficient when decreasing the distance between the Indians, instead of spreading them around in a huge circle.

9th May 2018, 01:52 PM
There's a thread on whatsupwithat that has kg of carbon for every google search.

Good sword to use on sjw.


9th May 2018, 09:31 PM
There's a thread on whatsupwithat that has kg of carbon for every google search.

Good sword to use on sjw.


Anyone remember Google had implemented them perpetual generators that don't exist to the rest of the world? (except the smart ones who keep their mouths shut). It was a few years back on some MSM news deal. Looks to be completely washed at least on yewtube.