View Full Version : Jordan B Peterson; A Man's, Man, who would probably complain about being put in Alt-R

7th May 2018, 06:53 PM

https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanPetersonVideos/videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/JordanPetersonVideos/videos)

The essence of 12 rules 1.5 minutes


Intro to 12 rules 23 minutes


"The interview"


7th May 2018, 06:54 PM
an interview about “the interview" popped up.


6th June 2018, 06:27 AM
Peterson is such a brilliant guy. I love the youtube videos of his lectures. He's not alt-right by any means though. He's just a guy whose set of skills and knowledge are almost unparalleled and he's not afraid to use them to decimate the current mainstream culture myths and mantras.

6th June 2018, 08:53 AM
I listened to this one yesterday while working away, and while long, it's really good.



6th June 2018, 01:54 PM
My reason for putting him in this category is he is someone who should be listened to by those who consider themselves as alt-right.
I'm not saying that alt-right is bad, but Peterson broadens the scope of "the problem".

11th June 2018, 10:56 AM
College Conservatism 2018: Charlie Kirk & Turning Point USA


Jordan B Peterson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_f53ZEJxp8TtlOkHwMV9Q)
Published on May 13, 2018
A number of people in recent months suggested that I speak with Charlie Kirk, a young man who heads Turning Point USA (https://www.tpusa.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tpusa.com%2F)), an organization whose mission is, in its own words, to " educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government." Turning Point has a presence on more than 1000 campus, and appears to be growing quickly. It seems to me to be a reaction to the overwhelming dominance of radical left ideology in such arenas. We discussed his views, recent activity, and future plans.

Additional relevant links:
My new book: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2F12-rules-for-life%2F)
My first book: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-m... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2Fmaps-of-meaning%2F)

Dr Jordan B Peterson Website: http://jordanbpeterson.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=http%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2F)
Self Authoring Suite: http://selfauthoring.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=http%3A%2F%2Fselfauthoring.com%2F)
Understand Myself personality test: http://understandmyself.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=http%3A%2F%2Funderstandmyself.com%2F)
Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2Fblog%2F)
Podcast: https://jordanbpeterson.com/jordan-b-... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2Fjordan-b-peterson-podcast%2F)
Reading List: https://jordanbpeterson.com/2017/10/g... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2F2017%2F10%2F great-books%2F)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fjordanbpeterson)

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=CqU7D_ONJQs&redir_token=8Sk8MdcmgqHYrb_9_CpxXLbJi3J8MTUyODcxMj k2OUAxNTI4NjI2NTY5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fjordanbpeterson)

7th November 2019, 07:29 AM
12 Rules for Life:

an Antidote to Jordan Peterson

by Miles Mathis

1. Don't trust anyone being heavily promoted out of the psychology departments of Harvard and McGill.
The odds they are CIA/MI6/CSIS: 1 in 1.

2. Don't trust anyone whose first book in 19 years is picked up by Penguin Random House. It is extremely abnormal and suspicious for a 56-year-old academic psychologist to write a book for a popular audience and have it become a bestseller. It is hard to say why he was chosen for this, since he isn't even a good speaker. He never smiles, has no sense of humor, and constantly looks down or away—never a good sign.

3. Don't trust anyone promoted by the BBC, ABC, Fox News, or HBO. All are Intel fronts. Don't trust anyone promoted by USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, TIME, Newsweek, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post or any other major outlets.

4. Don't trust a self-help lecturer who apparently comes out of nowhere in a matter of months and is able to immediately book and allegedly sell out the Orpheum, Beacon, Apollo and Emmanuel theaters. Those theaters are each and all huge red flags, pointing to Jewish and Intel backing.

5. Don't trust anyone who writes a self-help book.

6. Never read a book with the title 12 Rules for Life. Never read a book with the subtitle an antidote to Chaos. That is a marker it is creating Chaos and is part of the CIA's Operation Chaos.

7. Never read a bestseller. Never believe the bestseller lists. They are composed by the CIA.They just make up the numbers. They also pack the auditoriums and fake the Youtube numbers, so don't believe that either.

8. Don't trust anyone in the field of psychopharmacology. That has been the CIA's baby for many decades.

9. Don't trust anyone who has debated Sam Harris, while being moderated by Bret Weinstein or Douglas Murray. The only way Douglas Murray's name could be a bigger red flag is if it were.. . no, wait, it couldn't be a bigger red flag. These people are all obvious spooks, and only lack flashing lights and sirens. Never trust anyone who interviews or promotes Stephen Hicks, who has written an incredibly foul book on Nietzsche and the Nazis. Never trust any promoted intellectual who claims to have been influenced by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, or Ayn Rand. He is guaranteed to be a spook quoting previous spooks.

10. Never trust anyone that the mainstream is calling the foremost intellectual of his time, especially when that is due to one crappy self-help book.

11. Don't trust anyone who sells the Cold War, Marxism, the JFK assassination, school shootings,or the other major events of the 20th century as real. Especially if they mention those things only in passing, while telling you other things you want to hear. Don't trust anyone who promotes Harry Potter while talking about the Bible.

12. Don't get any of your cues from the mainstream, pro or con. Everyone they sell you on both sides of every fake argument is a charlatan and cloaked agent, whose job is to keep you off the whole truth at all costs.

They will lead with a few truths, as Peterson does, before diverting you back out into the bushes.
Learn to notice how they do this: while talking sensibly about one subject close to your heart, they will subtly insert an unrelated subject, confirming its validity simply by mentioning it.

Peterson does this with school shootings and a hundred other things. Since I don't have a TV and don't follow the mainstream, I am just hearing about Peterson, about a year late I guess, but some of my readers are saying he is a weapon aimed directly at me. They see his promotion as a way to redirect my audience, by borrowing my most conservative points (pro-male, pro marriage, pro-family) while ignoring all my most liberal/revolutionary aspects.

In other words, they would love to push the argument back into its old corral, where the most revolutionary ideas you might see were from a Marshall McLuhan or a Noam Chomsky. They want your eyes back on Congress or the Mass Media or Foreign Policy, instead of on the subjects of my papers.

Chomsky and Robinson have called Peterson a charlatan, which is true enough, except that they are also charlatans. None of these fake historians, social critics, scientists, political commentators, or media talking heads have discovered any of the main facts of history, and since those facts were buried only under a frosting of soil, we must imagine they didn't look too hard.
It isn't that the media has manufactured consent, as Chomsky has put it, it is that the ruling families have manufactured all of recent history, including all the canned debates on all the created topics you see in the media. Absolutely everything you come into contact with is and always has been a project of diversion and deception.

The real world is not a hologram, but the world of information that is fed to you is mostly fiction. It is shoveled down your gullet to confuse and disempower you. I have shown that you can sort through it with some effort, but only if you also refuse their confusing pharmaceuticals, fluorides, and other purposeful toxins. But to sort through it requires not just that you learn some generalities and pabulums, such as that you should question authority or trust your instincts or love the truth.

To sort through it requires that you actually unwind thousands of big lies in detail.Your head isn't full of generalities, since the brain doesn't work like that. You head is full of things you have memorized, and most of those things are events and “facts” and relationships. So if you want any sort of new clarity, you have to go back through those events and relationships, reweighing them and reordering them. You have to jettison all the lies, for a start, and then reclassify everything that is left.

Obviously you can't do that in twelve steps, or by reading a bestseller. It won't happen via petting a cat or standing up straight or smiling at kids on skateboards (although those things are fine). It took many years to clog up your brain, so expect it to take several years to unclog it.

You have lived your whole life upside down, hanging by your heels, so do not expect to get used to living rightside-up overnight.
Your entire circulatory system has to adjust to the new direction of gravity. Your earth was uncentered and now it is centered, but that new pull will feel strange for a long while.