View Full Version : The Real Reason for American Fundamentalism's Support for the State of Israel

15th May 2018, 09:44 AM
Must read, especially in the light of all the insane (and honestly maddening) support of Israel coming from American Christians:


15th May 2018, 05:01 PM
"So, fundamentalists have concluded that the vast majority of the Jews of Israel cannot, will not, and must not be converted to Christianity."

As a Bible believer, sometimes mistakingly referred to as a "funny mentalist" by ignoramuses, I would NEVER, EVER conclude this.
The Bible is clear that most of them just won't convert UNTIL they see Jesus himself save them DURING the time of Jacob's trouble. (often called the great tribulation)
This will occur when ALL the nations go against Israel DURING this time period, led by the "man of sin" himself!
After all, the Jews REQUIRE a sign, something Gentiles, generally as a whole do NOT

1 Corinthians 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

15th May 2018, 06:02 PM
Maddening indeed! Whilst the clever tribe plans the roundup and torture of "christians" the so called fundamentalists aid and abet their aims! Now, what exactly WAS the sin of judas iscariot?

15th May 2018, 07:44 PM
For over 160 years, pastors, and authors have been telling Bible-believing Christians that Jesus is coming soon to "rapture" His Church to heaven. This means that nothing a person can do to build a legacy on earth will survive the 3.5-year Great Tribulation period that will begin 3.5 years after the "secret" Rapture. This means that an investment in graduate school or any other long-term capital project is a very high-risk investment.
Here is a major reason why modern fundamentalism has not built universities, medical schools, law schools, and all the other institutions that produce wealth and leadership in the modern world. This is why fundamentalist Christians have been sitting in the back of humanism's bus for over a hundred years. They believe that the Church's time on earth has just about run out. They are willing to make sacrifices only for projects that will pay off in the short term. They have been paralyzed by Rapture fever.
Rapture Fever is a study of the paralyzing effects of a doctrine that was invented in 1830. It shows why millions of Christians who have accepted this doctrine have walked away from great opportunities because they regarded these opportunities as heavy responsibilities. Evangelical Christians have voluntarily handed power over to their enemies. Their enemies have a concept of the future that spans many generations. It is time to reclaim the future for the Church of Jesus Christ, and in doing so, reclaim the present.


16th May 2018, 07:47 AM
The fools will cheer on the jewish false prophet, who introduces the jewish antichrist from the city of 7 hills- jerusalem.

i wonder how thats going to work out for them?

16th May 2018, 11:02 AM
As a child I ALWAYS questioned the line of "Jews are gods chosen people". I asked my mom at the time this question. "So if Jews are Gods chosen people, what does that make us?" She didn't have an answer. I also asked, since I was the oldest of 4 (I think I was in high school at the time debating absurdities of religions), I asked do you have a favorite child out of the 4 of us? She said no of course not you are all equal to me. I said then how can God proclaim Jews his chosen people if we are all his children? Doesn't it make more sense that Jews themselves gave themselves that label through the centuries of spreading their own teachings? She didn't have much of an answer and that either.

If anything, I hope for my own kids to ask those kinds of questions and think for themselves. Group think is extremely dangerous, that goes for those who worship the state, as well as the god they were raised to believe in. Yes I believe in a creator, but through my study I do not believe any organized religion has the other side 100% right.

16th May 2018, 12:02 PM
Basically my whole family is hardcore fundamentalist pre-trib rapture. When I was a kid in early 1988, my mom prepped us kids for the rapture which was supposed to happen that year (she was sold on the ideas in that book "88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988"). My sister is so hardcore on this belief today that she and her whole family don't have any investments or plans for the future, instead relying on their hope that they're just about to be taken to heaven in an imminent rapture. Almost constantly she points to current events in the world and somehow ties it into "biblical prophecy" to "prove" to us the world is about to end. My brother and I are the only ones in the family who don't believe this (we're still Christians, but just not that flavor).

16th May 2018, 12:08 PM
Basically my whole family is hardcore fundamentalist pre-trib rapture. When I was a kid in early 1988, my mom prepped us kids for the rapture which was supposed to happen that year (she was sold on the ideas in that book "88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988"). My sister is so hardcore on this belief today that she and her whole family don't have any investments or plans for the future, instead relying on their hope that they're just about to be taken to heaven in an imminent rapture. Almost constantly she points to current events in the world and somehow ties it into "biblical prophecy" to "prove" to us the world is about to end. My brother and I are the only ones in the family who don't believe this (we're still Christians, but just not that flavor).

My own mom was like that discussing biblical prophecy. I think my brother and I through the years of always asking these types of questions broke her belief with that. Also showing evidence of rapture teachings going back thousands of years kind of helped (I think anyways) in showing that its a delusional belief.

Maybe one day it will happen, but I refuse to live my life preparing for it as I don't think that is why the creator allowed us to be born into this existence.

16th May 2018, 01:39 PM
What really struck me from those articles I linked is that this explains why this generation of Christianity isn't building anything using long-term thinking. Think about the Church of the middle ages & renaissance eras, if they thought they were about to be raptured in their lifetimes, they never would have built the amazing cathedrals and institutions of higher learning that established the foundation of modern western civilization. Today, Christianity is so concerned with Jews, Israel, and this weird belief that the tribulation is about to happen and history is over, that they have no vision for the future, and as a consequence, are not establishing a presence here on Earth that will last for generations! In many ways, it's an incredibly self-centered and egotistical view to consider yourself the pinnacle of history, that there's no need to provide for 2, 3, or more generations down the line because we're it baby! While my sister watches youtube videos on the imminent apocalypse and warns us that it's coming any day, I'm raising Godly children and putting a lot of effort into building a business that I hope to bequeath to them some day, to provide for them, their kids, and hopefully even more down the line.

16th May 2018, 05:11 PM
i would venture that less than 1% of americans know that info....so the author's claim of 'why support' is ridiculous

midnight rambler
16th May 2018, 05:17 PM
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

17th May 2018, 10:43 AM
1h 54m, haven't listened:

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2018.05.17 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2018/05/our-interesting-times-with-timothy_17.html)

http://assets.podomatic.net/ts/34/cd/05/tkelly6785757/460%3E_12803594.jpg (http://assets.podomatic.net/ts/34/cd/05/tkelly6785757/460%3E_12803594.jpg)

Jesse Russell on Catholic Neoconservatives

Dr. Jesse Russell joins Our Interesting Times to discuss Catholic neoconservatism and Catholicism vis-a-vis the national security state and the Anglo-American empire. We talk about the role Catholic neoconservative luminaries such as Fr. Richard Neuhaus, George Weigel, Michael Novak played in subverting traditional Catholic teachings in the post-Counciliar era.

Dr. Russell attended Louisiana State University where he earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. He writes for The Remnant (https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/itemlist/user/651-jesserussellphd|remnantcolumnist), Catholic Family News (https://www.catholicfamilynews.org/blog/2018/1/5/gk-chesterton-and-the-common-sense-of-catholic-patriotism-a-response-to-george-soros-and-fr-james-martin-sj?rq=Russell), and a variety of other publications.

Timothy's Podcast (http://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/)

Download (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/enclosure/2018-05-17T05_16_46-07_00.mp3)

17th May 2018, 11:58 AM
As a child I ALWAYS questioned the line of "Jews are gods chosen people". I asked my mom at the time this question. "So if Jews are Gods chosen people, what does that make us?" She didn't have an answer. I also asked, since I was the oldest of 4 (I think I was in high school at the time debating absurdities of religions), I asked do you have a favorite child out of the 4 of us? She said no of course not you are all equal to me. I said then how can God proclaim Jews his chosen people if we are all his children? Doesn't it make more sense that Jews themselves gave themselves that label through the centuries of spreading their own teachings? She didn't have much of an answer and that either.

If anything, I hope for my own kids to ask those kinds of questions and think for themselves. Group think is extremely dangerous, that goes for those who worship the state, as well as the god they were raised to believe in. Yes I believe in a creator, but through my study I do not believe any organized religion has the other side 100% right.

Little Hebrew bastards ain’t never listened and never will until the man comes back and whoops their little asses.

17th May 2018, 08:23 PM
As a child I ALWAYS questioned the line of "Jews are gods chosen people". I asked my mom at the time this question. "So if Jews are Gods chosen people, what does that make us?" She didn't have an answer. I also asked, since I was the oldest of 4 (I think I was in high school at the time debating absurdities of religions), I asked do you have a favorite child out of the 4 of us? She said no of course not you are all equal to me. I said then how can God proclaim Jews his chosen people if we are all his children? Doesn't it make more sense that Jews themselves gave themselves that label through the centuries of spreading their own teachings? She didn't have much of an answer and that either.

If anything, I hope for my own kids to ask those kinds of questions and think for themselves. Group think is extremely dangerous, that goes for those who worship the state, as well as the god they were raised to believe in. Yes I believe in a creator, but through my study I do not believe any organized religion has the other side 100% right.

Chosen, yes. Not special - at least not anymore. The Hebrews were the race God chose to bring forth his Messiah. Because of this, they had to be protected from annihilation, no matter how badly they deserved it. After the Messiah came, they were no different from anyone else.

Now, if for 2000+ years, you and your people were divinely protected no matter how much you mocked and abused God, you would probably get a superiority complex too. Maybe even learn all manner of treachery and deceit because there are no consequences for you. You might continue this behavior even after the protection had been removed. Every once in a century, you might get your comeuppance when the host nation has finally had enough. Then you would go around wailing about how persecuted you are and that you are chosen and wonderful, and finally go find another host. I believe this is the cycle that the Jews find themselves in today.