View Full Version : The bitter price of tropical fruits

16th May 2018, 03:05 PM
here is what happens when people are not taught to eat consciously/scientifically... gluttony comes first and of course many bank on that for a while, as long as the hype can last, they dont care... fuck the planet and the ignorant masses.... profit seeking is ,sorry, atheistic.


As the demand for avocados rises 30% every year, the farmers (who of course want to make more money) expand their plantation at the expense of the locals, stealing their water, creating artificial droughts in the Chilean area concerned. Getting poorer by the year, people try to fight the "avocado cartel" to no avail... yet here we enjoy our avocados, which can be pricey, depending on where we buy them.... but guess what? To produce 10Kg or 22lbs of avocados requires 600 GALLONS OF WATER.... do the math.... yes avocados are yummy and full of nutrients (why they are now called superfood) but since nutrients should be what really matters, there are other foods that provide the same nutrients.


Where does your fruit come from and at what cost? | DW Documentary (26MINS)
describes the hazardous situation huge pineapple plantations have created in Costa Rica. These plantations use so much pesticides (18Kg/40lbs per hectare) that they are contaminating the aquifers and destroying the rain forest slowly but surely, and locals must rely on the government drinkable water delivered by truck to villages. Some locals are very vocal and branded as eco-terrorists... but further how can these pineapples be healthy for consumption?? Supermarkets make the biggest profits. More than the producers because they can dictate the market... On the plantation labor is for peanuts and workers eventually pay with their health getting cancer in the long run....


16th May 2018, 03:10 PM
here is what happens when people are not taught to eat consciously/scientifically... gluttony comes first and of course many bank on that for a while, as long as the hype can last, they dont care... fuck the planet and the ignorant masses.... profit seeking is ,sorry, atheistic.

I assume you operate your life under constant losses then? If profit is athiestic, than loss is divine. So, how are you still alive?

16th May 2018, 03:16 PM
Nature will only take the zero-sum game economics... no winners no losers. That is why man was given the dominion over nature, to escape animal behaviors.

Madfranks, look at the planet.... you are still alive... LOL... 75% planet are zombies, emotionally and physically. Profit seeking is what gave birth to the NWO/control. It is a philosophical fraud, it is atheism in disguise

would all the businesses on earth clean up after themselves, all the profits would be siphoned. One cannot get rich without lying... just ask mcafee who sold his bitcoin farm.

now lets get ready for the avocado and pineapple bubble-crises on top of many other ones

I assume you operate your life under constant losses then? If profit is athiestic, than loss is divine. So, how are you still alive?

16th May 2018, 04:09 PM
the overpopulation, overdevelopment memes can only be sold to urban-locked dunces

anyone that takes a flight or long drive will see that the GREAT majority of the world is pristine - and will remain so for as far as anyone can estimate

16th May 2018, 04:32 PM
Florida grows avocados, maybe we need to grow more?

16th May 2018, 07:50 PM
Pineapples have long since been recognized for their environment damage. The methods they are grown under are heavily scrutinized.

Competition is also fierce from Hawaii and stories created to short other countries export.


17th May 2018, 02:14 AM
pristine.... you must be kidding...you are correct, vaccines are NOT harmful, chemtrails are healthy... plastic is not polluting our rivers/oceans.... monsanto is not poisoning part of costa rica as shown in the video.. nor the world... etc,.. 60% of americans obese while wasting 50% of the world food production.... Talk of denial here.

can anyone tell if forcing the production of a fruit, avocado, that requires so much water a smart idea... or should humans start mastering nutrional science (what can be taught in elementary school) , so they stop falling prey from "gluttony inc" and kill mega farms by the same token??? Nature will not cooperate if try to enrich ourselves but unleash self-destructive forces.

kind of mind boggling that people, from various creeds will end up defending profit seeking at their own level, hence supporting the NWO/evil. Supporting profit seeking is condoning meritocracy... I am more worth than you, exactly how the NWO regards us all, like ants, darwin for humans is atheism in disguise

it is profit seeking that brought the blacks to america by the way, because people believed in cheap labor, the same way they still do today... but I digress, the same premise has enslaved us all... you must be kidding??? All races have enslaved, so it is not a "jew" plot per se, but zionists know that enslaving others brings about more conflicts.

I do not believe in overpopulation but no doubt we are destroying the planet and the human species for the sake of a materialistic premise, which is atheistic. I do not believe in overdevelopment when respecting Nature equilibrium, earth can support up to 14 billion of people... but coercing Nature for the sake of getting richer causes scarcity and destruction of the environment. As the video below proves it. That is the trick/twist.... do not ever try to dominate other humans nor Nature... but cooperation respecting LIFE as a whole.

it is all good to blame the zionists but when are people going to grasp that if they are winning it is because the premise of profit seeking itself is a gigantic fallacy?

overdevelopment by profit seeking has dire consequences, and caused by the ignorance of natural laws

the disasters of our mega fishing operations, trashing the oceans


the overpopulation, overdevelopment memes can only be sold to urban-locked dunces

anyone that takes a flight or long drive will see that the GREAT majority of the world is pristine - and will remain so for as far as anyone can estimate

17th May 2018, 02:26 AM
I assume you operate your life under constant losses then? If profit is athiestic, than loss is divine. So, how are you still alive?

Last we heard she was working at a butterfly farm in Florida. I imagine she was compensated for her troubles, by the owner of the farm, exploiting butterflies for profit.

No conflict of interest or hypocrisy there, move on.

Last time I brought this up she abandoned her thread, never replied.


17th May 2018, 02:37 AM
Just last year Goldie made this thread...


Well I must say that I just got hired part-time by a small but fast expanding butterfly farm ;D the pay isnt that great but it is a start. Wont fantasize too much in this economic environment but gosh, I wont be worrying too much daily about helping evil prosper.

As the world isnt ready to go money free just yet, for me it is a good deal as no insect is tortured/killed.

A single butterfly can cost anywhere from 75 cents to $7 on the wholesale market, depending on the time of year and species.

as much as I dislike the monetization of Nature, thats one of the best spots out there in this time and age.

============== TO GIVE AN IDEA

The Euchee Butterfly Farm raises about 20,000 butterflies a year, but that's still not enough to keep up with demand. So it imports another 20,000, mostly from Costa Rica, to make up the difference. http://www.nativebutterflies.org/

special events butterflies release, costs (example)
Great difference between tropical fruits and butterflies apparently?


17th May 2018, 03:05 AM
in our current system, if we do not trample others by profit seeking, we die, even charity is predatory now... and there are plenty of examples that it is what is happening worldwide... meritocracy is evil, case proven. The system is inimical to a zero sum game because everybody follows the money at his own level and the NWO harvests its power from our struggles... rules by economic inertia caused by profit seeking... best of luck getting rid of it.

what I am saying here is pretty obvious.

I assume you operate your life under constant losses then? If profit is athiestic, than loss is divine. So, how are you still alive?

17th May 2018, 03:08 AM
no butterfly farm anymore... it didnt work out because the owners became aware of the huge competition and threw in the towel.... I have said this 2 or 3 times. the butterfly farm still exists but not for profit, it is a butterfly sanctuary because butterflies are pollinators. The USDA made it impossible also, so many regulation$$$$

do blame people for believing that the system is IS WHAT IT IS.. I am talking of the PREMISE... the proof that you cannot handle the topic of profit seeking being a scourge

The more I know about the topic, the more I see that only a change in thinking can rescue the planet... meanwhile I have to pay my bills but it is not because I do that I ACCEPT the system, hence me spreading the word so that eventually it WILL change

I am working with Micheal Tellinger and his money-free blueprint and making videos to raise money for strictly advertising, the more people know about a 3rd option, the better.

But the butterfly farm was about the handling of 1000 butterflies monthly (not getting rich at all, just enough to go buy), what could have paid my salary... nothing to compare with the avocados and pineapple and overfishing disasters in the making....

Last we heard she was working at a butterfly farm in Florida. I imagine she was compensated for her troubles, by the owner of the farm, exploiting butterflies for profit.

No conflict of interest or hypocrisy there, move on.

Last time I brought this up she abandoned her thread, never replied.


17th May 2018, 04:08 AM
pristine.... you must be kidding...you are correct, vaccines are NOT harmful, chemtrails are healthy... plastic is not polluting our rivers/oceans.... monsanto is not poisoning part of costa rica as shown in the video.. nor the world... etc,.. 60% of americans obese while wasting 50% of the world food production.... Talk of denial here.

can anyone tell if forcing the production of a fruit, avocado, that requires so much water a smart idea... or it should humans start mastering nutrional science (what can be taught in elementary school) , so they stop falling prey from "gluttony inc" and kill mega farms by the same token??? Nature will not cooperate if try to enrich ourselves but unleash self-destructive forces.

kind of mind boggling that people, from various creeds will end up defending profit seeking at their own level, hence supporting the NWO/evil. Supporting profit seeking is condoning meritocracy... I am more worth than you exactly how the NWO regards us all, like ants, darwin for humans is atheism in disguise

it is profit seeking that brought the blacks to america by the way, because people believed in cheap labor, the same way they still do today... but I digress, the same premise has enslaved us all... you must be kidding??? All races have enslaved, so it is not a "jews" plot per se, but zionists know that enslaving others brings about more conflicts.

I do not believe in overpopulation but no doubt we are destroying the planet and the human species for the sake of a materialistic premise, which is atheistic. I do not believe in overdevelopment when respecting Nature equilibrium, earth can support up to 14 billion of people... but coercing Nature for the sake of getting richer causes scarcity and destruction of the environment. As the video below proves it. That is the trick/twist.... do not ever try to dominate other humans nor Nature... but cooperation respecting LIFE as a whole.

it is all good to blame the zionists but when are people going to grasp that if they are winning it is because the premise of profit seeking itself is a gigantic fallacy?

overdevelopment by profit seeking has dire consequences, and caused by the ignorance of natural laws

the disasters of our mega fishing operations, trashing the oceans


you are living in 2d world. i was speaking about 3d (real). leave your urban setting and tv/puter screens to discover that small areas of urban are not the rule. they are the exception. by the time you are 20 miles out of urban you'll be shocked at how pristine things are. you'll struggle to find anything harmed or harmful, and quickly realize your 2d is a liar.

17th May 2018, 04:23 AM
no butterfly farm anymore... it didnt work out because the owners became aware of the huge competition and threw in the towel.... I have said this 2 or 3 times. the butterfly farm still exists but not for profit, it is a butterfly sanctuary because butterflies are pollinators. The USDA made it impossible also, so many regulation$$$$

do blame people for believing that the system is IS WHAT IT IS.. I am talking of the PREMISE... the proof that you cannot handle the topic of profit seeking being a scourge

The more I know about the topic, the more I see that only a change in thinking can rescue the planet... meanwhile I have to pay my bills but it is not because I do that I ACCEPT the system, hence me spreading the word so that eventually it WILL change

I am working with Micheal Tellinger and his money-free blueprint and making videos to raise money for strictly advertising, the more people know about a 3rd option, the better.

But the butterfly farm was about the handling of 1000 butterflies monthly (not getting rich at all, just enough to go buy), what could have paid my salary... noting to compare with the avocados and pineapple and overfishing disasters in the making....
Obviously profit making isn’t a scourge... If it was you wouldn’t engage in it, involving in it to pay your bills, is nothing but a cop out. Don’t be a hypocrite. There is a huge difference between doing things because love of money (where the love of money overrides moral consideration), and where you get a fair exchange of value while not hurting anyone. There is nothing inherently wrong with either money or profits or for instance guns, it all depends on how you relate to these.

However if you look at globalist mega corporations, who buy politicians to make laws that make their corporations more powerful and profitable. Then we have definitely passed the line for what is acceptable. The idea that a corporation should have equal rights to a physical being is absurd. And then limited liabilities which comes from a corporation not feeling pain, fear or anxiety. Election campaigns costing billions of $, for a job that pays $400k/year...

There should be penalties for corporate leaders if the corporation kills someone, equal to what a physical person gets if they kills someone. Campaign contributions should only be available from physical people at a limited amount.

17th May 2018, 06:29 AM
I am working with Micheal Tellinger and his money-free blueprint and making videos to raise money

Uh hmm?

Sounds like a conflict of interest, those videos should be made Not to raise money.

17th May 2018, 06:38 AM
Uh hmm?

Sounds like a conflict of interest, those videos should be made Not to raise money.

You are old fashioned! Raising money to abolish money is quite the thing to do nowadays. Same like when you were young. People went to Woodstock to take enormous amounts of LSD.

17th May 2018, 05:12 PM
max igan is too on the money-free side by the way

cheka said that the world is pristine... remember the time when we had to clean up our car windshield every 150 miles? WHERE have all then insects gone? I drove all the way, NM to FL, and didnt clean my windshield ONCE. How important are insects in the food chain?

the fact is that if we do not reject the premise of "preying by profit seeking", the NWO will destroy humanity with us "fueling it by compliance", the choice is yours. Nature and life cannot be bought with money. 5000 years of this hoax. Follow the money. LOL. doing good with money kills all profits because it presumes that mankind starts cooperating instead of competing


good try, but banning them but it will not work, profit seeking is corrupting all industries, moreover should the ban occur, we'd have a crash overnight... only people starting to feed themselves scientifically will do it. When we seriously look into the matter, we do to ourselves what we do to these animals. The price of gluttony is dire.

There’s Finally A Campaign For A Total Ban On Factory Farms
POSTED ON MAY 15, 2018


17th May 2018, 07:05 PM

That was interesting. Cows normally don't eat grain but grass. Grain fed are acid where grass fed are normal alkali and healthier. Grain fed are the norm in supermarkets and have no taste IMO. Grass fed are a tougher muscle and need to be cooked differently.

17th May 2018, 10:51 PM
Goldie how on earth are you going to achieve this money free world? Most people reject this notion even instinctively. It will not happen. You say we are doomed IF we don’t abolish money. In that case isn’t it time that you accept that we are doomed? I mean what’s the point in continuing to beat this dead horse? So far you haven’t been able to change a single persons mind re this here. And you are working on raising money for a project to abolish money. Well perhaps that is a good niche market segment to raise money from, those who don’t believe in money? And for yourself it seems like abolishing money is nothing more than a theory, you state yourself you have to earn money to pay your bills. Evidently if you believe that money is the root of all evil, vs the love of money being the root of all evil, then we are irredeemably doomed, because you can’t even abolish money from your own life...

17th May 2018, 11:06 PM
meanwhile I have to pay my bills but
The ultimate cop out! What is more important you HAVING to pay your bills, or the doom of earth? Most people like you actually think it is more important to pay their bills! If you CAN’T lead by example, how do you expect anyone to follow what you say. Stop screaming doom, you don’t even care yourself!

18th May 2018, 07:42 AM
WHERE have all then goldbugs gone?


Silver as Money should slow that growth down to sustainable.

In fact Silver as money is the most green approach to our planet and why most environmentalists are programmed to sleepwalk around it unaware, by the NWO.

A deeper level of NWO loss sense programming is to have them shun silver as manipulative bait or environmentally dangerous and that all money should go.

Ps. I'm also sure engineering aerodynamics has much to do with your windshield.