View Full Version : Baby Bust: Fertility Declining Most Among Minority Women

Stop Making Cents
16th May 2018, 04:57 PM
Good news for once? Or will the baby bust just be another excuse for the globalists to import millions and millions more of these savages? Of course, the baby bust is "racist". Charts at the link. Enjoy.

Baby Bust: Fertility is Declining the Most Among Minority Women


Thus, in racial or ethnic terms, America’s “Baby Bust” is kinda, sorta, a little bit racist: it’s hammered Native Americans and Hispanics particularly hard, and hit even African Americans harder than whites generally, and certainly harder than non-Hispanic whites. The call to boost fertility is far from being a call for whites to keep up with minority fertility; rather, it’s an exhortation that we need to be listening to the fertility desires of women of racial and ethnic minorities, who are experiencing precipitous declines in fertility, largely unnoticed by the white-dominated world of mommy-blogs and late-in-life fertility treatments.