View Full Version : Alexa records private conversation in a home then sends audio files to random contact

midnight rambler
24th May 2018, 04:37 PM

24th May 2018, 06:28 PM
Even without this article, I still cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want a device which listens in while IN YOUR house connected to the Internet??

People are so dumbed down

24th May 2018, 06:54 PM
was listening to a discussion of the OP article on the Q live stream today. One of the hosts attested that at least a couple times their alexa started "playing random music" when they were trying to watch HANNITY on the talmudvision.

what would you do if some well meaning peach gave you an alexa as a "gift" ??? They're the only ones who could return it for refund, right?

25th May 2018, 06:54 AM
what would you do if some well meaning peach gave you an alexa as a "gift" ??? They're the only ones who could return it for refund, right?After saying thank you, I'd explain that I value my privacy in my house more than the convenience of being able to ask a robot to play music for me.

midnight rambler
25th May 2018, 07:28 AM
After saying thank you, I'd explain that I value my privacy in my house more than the convenience of being able to ask a robot to play music for me.

Hey Alexa, play some music on your cheezy, tinny, made in China mono speaker!