View Full Version : Brilliant solution to the violent stabbings in Britain!

midnight rambler
27th May 2018, 10:17 PM
This guy is a fucking genius! WOW!!!


28th May 2018, 12:29 AM
Knives are too sharp and filing them down is solution to soaring violent crime, judge says

28th May 2018, 10:54 AM
Does this guy require ((())) around his name ?

I guess he wants to ban stones and files too since they could be used to sharpen up any dulled blade.

Goyim you don't need long sharp knives in your kitchen so give them up.

28th May 2018, 10:56 AM
The Brits have soiled their collective panties!

old steel
28th May 2018, 10:59 AM
The Brits are globalist cucks, stick a fork in them they are done.

Tommy Robinson arrested for what?

1. A reporter discovers a child sex ring
2. Reporter tells the story
3. UK arrests reporter for sharing the story
4. UK puts reporter in prison for 1 year for reporting the story
5. UK places gag order on the story & takes down story from the web

28th May 2018, 11:03 AM
The Brits are globalist cucks, stick a fork in them they are done.

Tommy Robinson arrested for what?

1. A reporter discovers a child sex ring
2. Reporter tells the story
3. UK arrests reporter for sharing the story
4. UK puts reporter in prison for 1 year for reporting the story
5. UK places gag order on the story & takes down story from the web

There are no men left in the UK. Just girly men, feminazis and wimps afraid of their own shadows. Hell, even the cops look like little fairy elves. All the real men in the UK and German died in WWII thanks to the Jews controlling and bankrolling the Allies.

28th May 2018, 11:27 AM
Stabbing is done with the point. Eliminate the point. Eliminate the stab.

'Course no 2 lead pencils have a point. When the number of no 2 lead pencil stabbings rise I suppose writing will be the next thing to be eliminated.

midnight rambler
28th May 2018, 11:38 AM
In the future (((they))) will ban screwdrivers.

When considering a quality and very effective stabbing instrument I've always viewed screwdrivers as very high quality and effective, and more readily available than kitchen knives. Cross section is less and makes for a especially nasty wound.

28th May 2018, 12:08 PM
In the future (((they))) will ban screwdrivers.

When considering a quality and very effective stabbing instrument I've always viewed screwdrivers as very high quality and effective, and more readily available than kitchen knives. Cross section is less and makes for a especially nasty wound.

Crank it like your starting a "Model T".

midnight rambler
28th May 2018, 12:18 PM
I would prefer a straight blade screwdriver over a Phillips or a Torx although in exigent circumstances any screwdriver would suffice.