View Full Version : The video Trump showed Kim Jong Un last night

12th June 2018, 10:44 AM

12th June 2018, 11:40 AM
@ precisely 60.66 seconds into the video "the light is brought" to it.

The common tie after that is deciders dressed in black.

12th June 2018, 02:29 PM
Low end propaganda. Kim probably ate it up.

12th June 2018, 03:31 PM
Low end propaganda. Kim probably ate it up.

Had most anyone had the chance to steal judgement day away from God himself they'd likely jump at the opportunity.

Even if that includes signing trust compacts with Lucifer.

Or Just when humanity could've used a few good nukes they're vanished from it.

06/12/2018 = 20 - 1 day/nuke = 6x11 and 8 - 2 = 666


12th June 2018, 07:07 PM
If it was played to Kim it would have been in Korean, not English.

midnight rambler
12th June 2018, 07:12 PM
If it was played to Kim it would have been in Korean, not English.

That was the English version for the American rubes.

12th June 2018, 07:26 PM
If it was played to Kim it would have been in Korean, not English.

I believe they made two versions

13th June 2018, 03:55 AM
Korean version had a lot of unicorns.

13th June 2018, 06:07 AM
I believe they made two versions

The ministry of truth doesn’t allow us to see the Korean version? Perhaps it is the other way around. We are the ones kept in chains in darkness, while North Korea is the beacon of freedom of the world and Kim made this video to show Trump, we get to see the censored version...


13th June 2018, 07:39 AM
The ministry of truth doesn’t allow us to see the Korean version? Perhaps it is the other way around. We are the ones kept in chains in darkness, while North Korea is the beacon of freedom of the world and Kim made this video to show Trump, we get to see the censored version...


The tell is that its offshore imported U.K. propaganda, the Whitehouse purchased without tariff, the reproduction copyrights to.

The domestic side american first media propaganda manufacturing has not been brought online, yet.

Though I guess this is a case, where only an imported propaganda would work and nobody can compete with it.

Luckily it were the Guardian and not RT