View Full Version : Intuit (aka Turbo Tax) shuts down payments on all gun purchases

12th June 2018, 09:03 PM
Just an FYI, but Citibank, Bank of America, and now Intuit are all anti-gun and you should avoid doing business with them.


Credit service Intuit shuts down payments on all gun purchases

By Julia Limitone (https://www.foxbusiness.com/person/l/julia-limitone)Published June 12, 2018Small Business (https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/small-business)FOXBusiness (http://www.foxbusiness.com/index.html)

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Tuesday told FOX Business (https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/fox-business) that credit card processor Intuit (https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/technology) is within its rights to shut down payments on gun purchases.

A number of businesses were recently interrupted, without warning, after the company refused to process orders of gun-related sales, according to the New York Post (https://nypost.com/2018/06/11/gun-businesses-scrambling-after-credit-service-halts-payments/). The paper also reports that Intuit did not return several requests for comment.

Napolitano said, generally, customers can’t be refused due to race, age, gender or sexual orientation but can be rejected if they dislike their business.

“They can choose their customers, their clients unless that choice is based upon some protected aspects,” Napolitano told Stuart Varney on “Varney & Co. (https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/varney-and-co)”

Even though some of the sales didn’t involve firearms, businesses (https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/small-business) were forced to track down customers who they sold the items to because Intuit credited the money back to their accounts, the Post reported.

In Napolitano’s opinion, Intuit made a “terrible business decision.”

“They may very well have interfered with their customers’ businesses by not telling them ahead of time,” he added.

In the original article, we incorrectly noted Intuit owned Quicken products. Quicken has been an independent company since April 2016.

midnight rambler
12th June 2018, 10:17 PM
Count on this being the way things are headed. I can see that ultimately NO CC processors will be handling payments for ANYTHING gun related including ammo. I'm uncertain about the time frame, it could be within two years but certainly within the next five or so years. It's a trickle now but I predict it will be come an avalanche with all CC processors getting onboard - and that could happen over a matter of days. Whose to stop them? I bet right now they're testing reaction then they will contemplate their next move.

13th June 2018, 04:04 PM
dirty pos outfit....hq are where? California


Controversies and lobbying[edit]

Intuit has been criticized for changing some of its formats from free to licensed versions, and for lobbying the federal and state governments against providing free services that would compete with Intuit's own.

Users and reviewers criticized the company's phasing-out of support for the ubiquitous QIF format in favor of the QFX format. These formats are used for downloading information from financial institutions such as banks and brokerages. While use of QIF was free, banks are required to pay a licensing fee to Intuit if they wish to allow their customers the ability to download financial data in the QFX format.[58]

In 2007, Intuit lobbied to make sure taxpayers cannot electronically file their tax returns directly to the IRS by negotiating a deal preventing the IRS from setting up its own Web portal for e-filing.[59]

In 2009, the Los Angeles Times reported that Intuit spent nearly $2 million in political contributions to eliminate free online state tax filing for low income residents in California.[60] According to the New York Times, in 2009-2014, Intuit spent nearly $13 million lobbying, as reported by Open Secrets, as much as Apple. Intuit spent $1 million on the race for state comptroller to support Tony Strickland, a Republican who opposed ReadyReturn, against John Chang, a Democrat who supported ReadyRun (and won). Joseph Bankman, professor of tax law, Stanford Law School, and advocate of simplified filing, believes that the campaign warned politicians that if they supported free filing, Intuit would help their opponents.[61][62]

On March 26, 2013, ProPublica reported how the company lobbied against return-free filing as recently as 2011.[63] One year later, ProPublica reported that the company appeared to be linked to a number of op-eds and letters to Congress in a campaign advocating against direct tax filing backed by the Computer & Communications Industry Association, an advocacy organization of which Intuit is a member.[64]

In 2018, several businesses were suddenly — and without warning — disrupted when Intuit stopped processing credit card payments because sales were gun-related. Some of the payments stopped didn’t even involve firearms, but T-shirts, coffee mugs and gun safety classes

13th June 2018, 05:00 PM
^ Never knew that. Meddling where they shouldn't be.

Users and reviewers criticized the company's phasing-out of support for the ubiquitous QIF format in favor of the QFX format. These formats are used for downloading information from financial institutions such as banks and brokerages. While use of QIF was free, banks are required to pay a licensing fee to Intuit if they wish to allow their customers the ability to download financial data in the QFX format.[58]

This jacked me up and had to find ancient software to process bank info. Also wasn't able to upload the bank info into my Q-books correctly without manually entering each transaction. Fuck them even if it was free. Manual work and paper entry works easier once I got used to it again, thought I could save time with that program but was wrong.

14th June 2018, 06:40 AM
Dr. Edwin M. Vieira Jr. wrote a very interesting article on Bank of America and any other financial institution refusing to finance asault rifles. HOW TO BANK ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT


III. Obviously, a legislative response to Bank of America’s actions would offer a better chance of success than either a quixotic appeal to bankers’ patriotism or a problematic boycott. Bank of America has set out to dam the stream of legitimate commerce in certain firearms on a nationwide scale. Such is not its, or any bank’s, prerogative, however. In Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (the Commerce Clause) the Constitution empowers Congress, not Bank of America (or any bank), “[t]o regulate Commerce * * * among the several States”. So how might a Congress concerned with protecting “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” employ the Commerce Clause to thwart Bank of America’s obnoxious new policy?