View Full Version : I suspect that this whole N-K thing was theater all along

13th June 2018, 10:02 AM
North Korea is the only country to ever threaten the US with a nuclear fire . Let that sink in for a minute.
Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia and countless others got bombed to hell for doing nothing, and North Korea get the red carpet treatment?
Was this whole escalation last year just theater?
Like pro wrestling?
Were Kim and Trump in collusion so that Trump would get a shiny Nobel peace prize?

Has the US suddenly become weak and fearful or is there a strategy behind all this?

After Donny get labeled as a great peacemaker, will he offer some "wonderful" deal to Iran only to be rejected because the deal will in fact suck?
Then the media will blame bad Iran for the failure and war will begin?

13th June 2018, 10:20 AM
izzy broadly threatened the West with nukes, specifically EU capitals... see Sampson Option.

The NK thing was a scripted movie being played out; the "agreement" was all pre-agreed months ago & the big Singapore show was all PR theater.

Plus Trump was eager to give Kim a look at the Beast (POTUS' Cadillac SUV/rolling-vault).

Still trying to piece together the apparent (((deep state))) inner conflict over the agreement... as reflected by the "response" from their MSM organs, minus FOX I assume.

M.Dice 7m:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aIBmF6pf9ss/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAheh-IOLQURgC1gb6gaAaZOIBOGA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIBmF6pf9ss) 7:00
They're Not Happy About It! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIBmF6pf9ss)

5 hours ago

If you go with some recent Q drops interpretations (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?97238-quot-Shit-is-going-down-quot&p=931297&viewfull=1#post931297), (((they))) took a shot at AF1 as (they believed) it was en route from Canada to Singapore early Sun morning ET.

13th June 2018, 12:17 PM
Trumps got jumper cables from the rollin vault to NK.

Gotta show sumthin for allda emergin market dollar destruxtiun goin down.

13th June 2018, 04:01 PM
they've run this theater more than once. nk talks smack...nyc.dc gives them money to be quiet

13th June 2018, 06:52 PM
North Korea is the only country to ever threaten the US with a nuclear fire .

That I know of. All I've ever seen was from the MSM. Until I see it coming from KJU's mouth -- I don't believe it. Even then, I'm not sure....


13th June 2018, 06:54 PM
What I do know, is that it's one of the few counties left w/o a Rothschild controlled central bank....

13th June 2018, 07:02 PM
What I do know, is that it's one of the few counties left w/o a Rothschild controlled central bank....

Exactly, either it is implemented or it will look like Libya and many other countries in a couple months. What goes on behind closed doors is the kicker. Trump actually got Kim to visit, I am hoping some real great shit is in the works now.

13th June 2018, 07:55 PM
Exactly, either it is implemented or it will look like Libya and many other countries in a couple months. What goes on behind closed doors is the kicker. Trump actually got Kim to visit, I am hoping some real great shit is in the works now.

Yeah, but even w/o nukes, the US will have a tough, tough time against DPRNK. Very mountainous terrain and a huge conventional army. Unlike Libya and Iraq, NK is homogeneous. No inner conflict to exploit.

13th June 2018, 08:31 PM
What I do know, is that it's one of the few counties left w/o a Rothschild controlled central bank....

they must be providing other vital services. blood, organs, kids?

13th June 2018, 08:32 PM
Yeah, but even w/o nukes, the US will have a tough, tough time against DPRNK. Very mountainous terrain and a huge conventional army. Unlike Libya and Iraq, NK is homogeneous. No inner conflict to exploit.

Yes like Vietnam. A very scary place if not nuked first. Kim although very young seems to be pretty smart. I give him that. He don't want to turn into the other countries that gave in and the whole place turns into sandstone rubble. We need NK to check Israehell which China and all the rest are afraid to do.
Like I said there is a lot behind closed doors.

14th June 2018, 08:04 AM
they must be providing other vital services. blood, organs, kids?

And a global sense that Iron fist up the ass dictatorship can work with others, to not count it out of liberal ideologies.

14th June 2018, 09:11 AM
I think the idea is to prevent Kim slipping nukes to Iran, while they go to war for Greater Israel Project. They are a paranoid bunch in Tel Aviv. Kim is neutralized for the time being.

14th June 2018, 09:33 AM
I think the idea is to prevent Kim slipping nukes to Iran, while they go to war for Greater Israel Project. They are a paranoid bunch in Tel Aviv. Kim is neutralized for the time being.

But Trump is the "great negotiator" now. Certainly expecting such a "terrible Iran agreement" to prevent war then summarily acting though war after its suspension makes no logical sense.

Well unless weapons of mass destruction are found Again...

Isn't Iran already a Rothschild CB? You could upset the proper Caliphating mixture of Sunni vs Shiite with that proposal.

14th June 2018, 11:22 AM
What I do know, is that it's one of the few counties left w/o a Rothschild controlled central bank....

But one of the tenets of communism is to have a central bank. Maybe theirs isn't controlled by the Rothschild even though the Soviets created the N-K regime... Well you must be right since it's all over the Internet and the Internet never lies

14th June 2018, 11:23 AM
If you are a person then you are an actor on a stage.

14th June 2018, 11:25 AM
If you are a person then you are an actor on a stage. Yep !

The stage of living & life !

The show must go on !
