View Full Version : The mask slips: Jewish organisation forced to shut down after its contempt for the ..

13th June 2018, 02:29 PM
As proud English patriots get ready to support their national team in the soon-to-start World Cup, Jews were unable to contain the contempt they clearly feel for English indigenes.

The Jewish Voice published the cover of a pseudo-magazine titled “Fat Cunt” bearing the the subtitle “The magazine for English fans”. Its cover highlighted fictitious articles such as “How much of a bigoted cock are you? Take our quiz” and “Tear gas reviewed – which type causes most pain?”

As their cover model – and apparently someone the Jews consider emblematic of the English people as a whole – the Jews chose Paul Gregory, a well-known Sheffield Wednesday fan.

Unfortunately, Gregory’s permission was not obtained and he has now hired a Jew of his own to explore the possibility of taking legal action against the first set of Jews. Faced with this threat, the Jews have now shut down shop and will re-badge themselves, playing the same game under a different name, a speciality Jews have perfected through the millennia, whenever Goyim Knowing has become too intense.