View Full Version : On The Verge Of Collapse And Still Voting For The "Link Tax" ???

14th June 2018, 12:59 PM
12 vs 13, gotta love that... EU collapse according to plan but now they have a culprit: nationalism. Dont worry they knew all along and people are walking right into the trap

call all the US/NATO/UK troops home and 50-70% will go back to their countries ....
With two weeks to go until the crucial vote in the European Parliament, more and more people are becoming aware of the looming plans for “censorship machines” and a “link tax” in the EU. (Catch up on these plans here.) People are realising:

Article 13 of the Copyright Directive will force internet platforms (social networks, video sites, image hosts, etc.) to install upload filters to monitor all user uploads for copyrighted content, including in images – and thus block most memes, which are usually based on copyrighted images.

Every vote counts

It currently looks like there is a razor-thin majority in favor of Article 13. The negotiators for the EPP (conservatives), ALDE (liberals), ECR (eurosceptic conservatives) and ENF (anti-EU far right) in the Legal Affairs Committee recently expressed their support for the latest version of Article 13.

Together, these groups have 13 votes on the Legal Affairs Committee – one more than the opposition:



'EU is on the verge of COLLAPSE' – and it’s OUR FAULT because of migration, says EC boss (14th june)
THE EU is on the brink of DISINTEGRATION and it is all down to European politicians getting migration so badly wrong, Jean-Claude Juncker’s deputy admitted today.....................

The EU has been threatening to tear itself apart over migration, with Italy, Spain, France and Brussels all at loggerheads over potential answers to a fresh crisis.

Nations are starting to rebel against Jean-Claude Juncker’s plans to include more funding for refugees in the EU’s next budget, mainly from Italy’s new coalition government of Lega and the Five Star Movement.

Tensions reached fever pitch when Matteo Salvini, Rome’s new interior minister and deputy prime minister, blocked a ship carrying 630 migrants, including seven pregnant women, stranded in the Mediterranean.

With Malta also refusing to accept the Aquarius vessel operated by the charities Medecins Sans Frontieres and Sos Mediterranee, Spain’s new prime minister Pedro Sanchez instructed port officials to welcome the ship into Valencia.

Hungary’s praise for Italy’s rejection of the stranded migrants comes as another sign of the EU’s growing division over how to handle a future immigration crisis like that of 2015.
