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19th June 2018, 12:04 PM

HOROWITZ DROPS BOMBSHELL: Hillary Clinton Was Not Formally Under FBI Investigation at Any Time in 2015-2016
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila June 19, 2018

On Tuesday, Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified in a joint Congressional hearing to the House Oversight and House Judiciary panels about his review of the FBI’s (mis)handling of the Clinton email investigation.

House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) came out swinging Tuesday in a a joint hearing held by the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees.

Gowdy ripped into Comey in his opening statement, stating, “we can’t survive with a justice system we don’t trust.”

Investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported Horowitz dropped a bombshell in his testimony.

Horowitz revealed the FBI never named a target or even a subject in the Clinton email probe!

Love Life Lowdown: Rachel Weisz
Sperry tweeted: BREAKING: IG Horowitz revealed in Senate testimony FBI never named a target or even subject in Clinton probe. Not Mills, Abedin, Combetta or Clinton herself. “Nobody was listed as a subject of this investigation at any point in time,” adding this was “surprising” for a crim probe

Paul Sperry
BREAKING: IG Horowitz revealed in Senate testimony FBI never named a target or even subject in Clinton probe. Not Mills, Abedin, Combetta or Clinton herself. "Nobody was listed as a subject of this investigation at any point in time," adding this was "surprising" for a crim probe

So neither Hillary nor her top aides were formally under investigation by the FBI at any time in 2015-2016, tweeted Sperry.


“Nobody was listed as a subject of this [Clinton email] investigation at any point in time,” adding this was “surprising”

So neither Hillary nor her top aides were formally under investigation by FBI at any time in 2015-2016!


"Nobody was listed as a subject of this [Clinton email] investigation at any point in time," adding this was "surprising"

So neither Hillary nor her top aides were formally under investigation by FBI at any time in 2015-2016!

11:56 AM - Jun 19, 2018
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Paul Sperry
BREAKING: Horowitz revealed that Hillary was never really under formal investigation, never listed by FBI as a "subject" of investigation.

1:20 PM - Jun 19, 2018
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President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton reacted to this bombshell bias from the FBI.

Tom Fitton

.@RealDonaldTrump is a subject, but Hillary Clinton was never a "subject." Outrageous. Shut the Strzok-Page-Comey-McCabe-Lynch-Yates-Glenn Simpson-Steele-Brennan-Fusion GPS-Muller special counsel "stop @realDonaldTrump" investigation down.

Paul Sperry
BREAKING: IG Horowitz revealed in Senate testimony FBI never named a target or even subject in Clinton probe. Not Mills, Abedin, Combetta or Clinton herself. "Nobody was listed as a subject of this investigation at any point in time," adding this was "surprising" for a crim probe

12:18 PM - Jun 19, 2018

The entire ‘FBI investigation’ into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server was a complete sham.

No subjects were named, immunity was handed out like candy and Hillary was exonerated before witnesses were interviewed, including Hillary Clinton herself.

Hillary Clinton’s ‘interview’ with the FBI wasn’t even under oath.

Even more egregious, Hillary discussed pregnancy and babies during the majority of the 2.5 hour FBI interview because one of her lawyers was pregnant at the time.

Inspector General Horowitz also testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday.

19th June 2018, 12:09 PM
A lot of shit flying in the wind, will any of it stick to something?

19th June 2018, 12:48 PM
A lot of shit flying in the wind, will any of it stick to something?

Doubt it. I have zero confidence anyone but unknowns and underlings will be on offer, if even that.

The whole thing is one giant bag of shit. It's not worth "saving" cuz ya can't.

Quite frankly, it's just not worth saving.

It has been contaminated way too much and in too many ways. It's too big, too unorganized, too corrupt. SOOOooooooo many departments and alphabet agencies.

Rand Paul is about the only one in DC I'd trust what he says, but I don't even trust him anymore.

19th June 2018, 02:25 PM
A lot of shit flying in the wind, will any of it stick to something?

You stole my thunder!

20th June 2018, 02:30 AM
Fascinating! So Hillary was never investigated. But I remember being told that the hundreds of agents working on Hillary’s e-mail investigation were going to rebel if nothing came of the investigation. Obviously that didn’t happen. But apparently no-one was even investigated for the crime, meaning there couldn’t have been hundreds of agents working on it apart from as deflectors. Which means they would only rebel if Hillary was hanged out.

FBI was becoming like KGB in Soviet Union looking out for the interest of the Communist/Democrat Party leadership only.